Subversion Repositories wimsdev

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Ignore whitespace Rev 9070 → Rev 9071

14,13 → 14,13
dhtml... This is because the wims extension follows a strict line
discipline (i.e. a wims command must start at the first word of a line),
while html standard is not line-oriented. <br/>
This means that you can even embed wims extensions into javascripts,
This means that you can even embed wims extensions into javascripts,
applets, dhtml...
$tit Dynamic insertions of paints, plots and TeX formatted mathematical
formulas into html pages. $titend
For example, you may insert the following line into your wims-extended html
page. At the browser side, the visitor will see a TeX formatted matrix
For example, you may insert the following line into your wims-extended html
page. At the browser side, the visitor will see a TeX formatted matrix
whose content varies with the value of the variable $emph $$matrix$emphend:
$ !instex $$$$ \left( $$matrix \right) $$$$</pre>
29,12 → 29,12
better way to render mathematical formula is available, a simple
modification at server's level will immediately let all $emph!instex
$emphend lines take benefit of the new standard.)
$tit Insplot is now animated!$titend
Exemple: the tool
!href module=tool/geometry/animtrace.$lang&cmd=intro Tracés Animés
$tit Direct interfaces to powerful external software packages.$titend
For example, you may define a variable `factor' by the following line:
46,26 → 46,26
be placed as the value of the variable `factor'. <br/>
Interfaces provided in version $wims_version of wims: PARI, Maxima, MuPAD,
Coq, Povray, gnuplot, PostgreSQL, Fly (gif drawing), CALC (by Keith Matthew).
$tit Simple and versatile language.$titend
The language used for wims modules is an extension of the existing and
popular html language. This extension is designed to be simple,
popular html language. This extension is designed to be simple,
easy to use and close to natural language. Synonymes are accepted
whenever necessary. For example, to include the content of another
file, you don't have to remember whether the command is
$emph include$emphend as in C, or $emph input$emphend as in TeX,
$emph include$emphend as in C, or $emph input$emphend as in TeX,
because both are valid.
$tit Convenient directives for string manipulations:$titend
replace with regular
expression capability, extraction of a subset from a list of items,
shuffle, evaluation of mathematical expressions, etc.
$tit Easy inline mathematical symbols:$titend
simply type <span class="tt">$$m_pi</span> for $m_pi, <span class="tt">$$m_RR</span> for
$m_RR, <span class="tt">$$m_eufM</span> for $m_eufM, <span class="tt">$$m_le</span> for
$m_RR, <span class="tt">$$m_eufM</span> for $m_eufM, <span class="tt">$$m_le</span> for
$m_le, <span class="tt">$$m_Rightarrow</span> for $m_Rightarrow, etc.
$tit Intelligent treatment of mathematical expressions:$titend
built-in translation routines to allow error-tolerant expressions
like <span class="tt">2y</span> (instead of <span class="tt">2*y</span>) or <span class="tt">(x+1)(x-1)</span>
75,11 → 75,9
!htmlmath x^3-3*x^2+1*x-5
etc.), or TeX sources, etc.
$tit Powerful random capabilities:$titend
random permutation (shuffle), random
record from a datafile, random filename, etc.