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Ignore whitespace Rev 15680 → Rev 15681

33,6 → 33,7
two lines<br/> Line 1: Entropy and Average code length, comma-separated<br/> Line 2: comma-separated list of codes.
0.16, 0.39, 0.55
Lucas Nussbaum,
jeu "le compte est bon"
49,48 → 50,51
For the moment, use only in deductio
J.M. Evers
prints a number with fixed amount of decimal places
Usage:!exec moneyprint number1,number2,number3,....number_n decimal_places<br />or !exec moneyprint number1,number2,number3;....number_n decimal_places<br />\text{A=wims(exec moneyprint number1,number2,number3....number_n decimal_places)}<br />default value "decimal_places = 2"<br />A=!exec moneyprint 123,43.5,23.45665<br />A=123.00,43.50,23.47<br/>A=!exec moneyprint 1.000,6.234;8.4567<br />A=1.00,6.23;8.46<br />or specified a last "word"<br />A=!exec moneyprint 123,43.5,23.45665 3 <br />A=123.000,43.500,23.457
Xiao Gang
Finds the shortest paths linking given points
wims_exec_parm is ... . w_shortpath_style : 0: loop to the start<br/> 1: arbitrary open path<br/> 2: open path with fixed start<br/> 3: open path with fixed end<br/> 4: open path with fixed start and end
transforms a text in a file and save it in another file (administrative module). Transforms some commands of the form \ in wims equivalence. By default, the commands are \(\) (replace by !insmath) and translation in html of $$, !, (to complete). More commands can be translated by the configuration of the variable msg2wims_primitives. Usage:!sh cd $$wims_home; bin/msg2wims file_in > file_out
name of a file
modified text of the input file
Xiao Gang
This special program selects words composed by selected characters, each selected character being used at most once in the word. Used in the shell script public_html/bin/dicfind
Selected characters are entered by the env var 'oncechar'. Words entered by stdin. Output to stdout.
J.M. Evers
Prints a number in scientific notation.
Usage: !exec scienceprint number,significant_digits,output_type<br />\text{A=wims(exec scienceprint number,significant_digits,output_type )}<br />output_type can be<ul><li>0 : calculating format : 1.234*10^-4</li><li>1 : html format :1.234&times;10<sup>-4</sup></li><li>2 : latex format : 1.234\times10^{-4}</li><li>3 : prefix format : 1.234&times;10<sup>-1</sup> m</li><li>4 : mathml format : <math xmlns="" display="inline"><mstyle id="wims_mathml" mathsize="110%"><mn>1.234</mn><mo>&times;</mo><msup><mn>10</mn><mn>-4</mn></msup></mstyle></math></li><li>5 : long prefix format : 1.234&times;10<sup>-1</sup> milli</li></ul>
Steve J. Fortune
compute Voronoi diagram or Delaunay triangulation. Voronoi reads the standard input for a set of points in the plane and writes either the Voronoi diagram or the Delaunay triangulation to the standard output.
Each input line should consist of two real numbers, separated by white space.
If option -t is present, the Delaunay triangulation is produced. Each output line is a triple i j k which are the indices of the three points in a Delaunay triangle.<br/> Points are numbered starting at 0. <br/>If this option is not present, the Voronoi diagram is produced.<br/> There are four output record types.<br/> s a b indicates that an input point at coordinates l a b c indicates a line with equation ax + by = c.<br/> v a b indicates a vertex at a b.<br/> e l v1 v2 indicates a Voronoi segment which is a subsegment of line number l; with endpoints numbered v1 and v2.<br/> If v1 or v2 is -1, the line extends to infinity.
-t 5 7\\2 8\\7 6\\3 5\\1 2\\8 1\\4 3\\6 4
Xiao Gang
Finds the shortest paths linking given points
wims_exec_parm is ... . w_shortpath_style : 0: loop to the start<br/> 1: arbitrary open path<br/> 2: open path with fixed start<br/> 3: open path with fixed end<br/> 4: open path with fixed start and end
Xiao Gang
Versatile translation according to a dictionary
for adm modules
Xiao Gang
This special program selects words composed by selected characters, each selected character being used at most once in the word. Used in the shell script public_html/bin/dicfind
Selected characters are entered by the env var 'oncechar'. Words entered by stdin. Output to stdout.
Xiao Gang
transforms a text in a file and save it in another file (administrative module). Transforms some commands of the form \ in wims equivalence. By default, the commands are \(\) (replace by !insmath) and translation in html of $$, !, (to complete). More commands can be translated by the configuration of the variable msg2wims_primitives. Usage:!sh cd $$wims_home; bin/msg2wims file_in > file_out
name of a file
modified text of the input file
Steve J. Fortune
compute Voronoi diagram or Delaunay triangulation. Voronoi reads the standard input for a set of points in the plane and writes either the Voronoi diagram or the Delaunay triangulation to the standard output.
Each input line should consist of two real numbers, separated by white space.
If option -t is present, the Delaunay triangulation is produced. Each output line is a triple i j k which are the indices of the three points in a Delaunay triangle.<br/> Points are numbered starting at 0. <br/>If this option is not present, the Voronoi diagram is produced.<br/> There are four output record types.<br/> s a b indicates that an input point at coordinates l a b c indicates a line with equation ax + by = c.<br/> v a b indicates a vertex at a b.<br/> e l v1 v2 indicates a Voronoi segment which is a subsegment of line number l; with endpoints numbered v1 and v2.<br/> If v1 or v2 is -1, the line extends to infinity.
-t 5 7\\2 8\\7 6\\3 5\\1 2\\8 1\\4 3\\6 4