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Ignore whitespace Rev 17227 → Rev 17228

34,7 → 34,7
will be replaced by the value of the last variable. This allows nested
substitutions, as well as substitution of a variable which is followed
by an alphanumeric character.
<br/>Example: if the variable $(emph)i$emphend has value $(emph)3$emphend
<br>Example: if the variable $(emph)i$emphend has value $(emph)3$emphend
and the variable $(emph)alpha3beta$emphend has value $(emph)pi$emphend,
the string<pre>3*$$(alpha$$(i)beta)*x</pre>
will become<pre>3*pi*x</pre>
54,12 → 54,12
of the pair of brackets substituted then evaluated to a real number value whose
precision depends on the value of $emph print_precision$emphend.
This value will replace the whole thing
together with the leading $emph$$$emphend. <br/>
together with the leading $emph$$$emphend. <br>
It can be used for array subscripts.
<br/>Example: if the variable $(emph)i$emphend has value $(emph)3$emphend
and the variables <br/>
$(emph)a1$emphend has value $(emph)3$emphend and <br/>
$(emph)a2$emphend has value $(emph)pi$emphend, <br/>
<br>Example: if the variable $(emph)i$emphend has value $(emph)3$emphend
and the variables <br>
$(emph)a1$emphend has value $(emph)3$emphend and <br>
$(emph)a2$emphend has value $(emph)pi$emphend, <br>
then the string<pre>
$$(a$$[$$i-1])*x+$$(a$$[$$i-2])</pre>will become<pre>
pi*x+3</pre>after substitution.
71,7 → 71,7
<h4>Reserved variable names</h4>
The following names are reserved for their special meanings. They should not be
85,10 → 85,10
!next i
are reserved for special parameter passed by the user. A module's variable
processing file or phtml file can read but cannot set them. <br/>
processing file or phtml file can read but cannot set them. <br>
Refer to the section $emph$title_structure$emphend for the meaning of
these variables.
</li><li>The variable $emph no_name$emphend has a special use: <br/>
</li><li>The variable $emph no_name$emphend has a special use: <br>
Parameters in the user query string with no name (for example when the
coordinate of a mappable image is passed this way to the http server) will
be registered under this variable. For this reason, it should not be used
117,10 → 117,10
$table_tr<td>$emph module_maintainer_address$emphend</td><td>e-mail address of the maintainer</td></tr>
$table_tr<td>$emph module_copyright$emphend</td><td>copyright notice of the module</td></tr>
$table_tr<td>$emph module_version$emphend</td><td>current version of the module</td></tr>
$table_tr<td>$emph module_wims_version$emphend</td><td>minimal wims version required<br/>
$table_tr<td>$emph module_wims_version$emphend</td><td>minimal wims version required<br>
to run this module</td></tr>
$table_tr<td>$emph module_language$emphend</td><td>language of the module<br/>(en, fr, de, or ...)</td></tr>
$table_tr<td>$emph module_category$emphend</td><td>category of the module<br/>
$table_tr<td>$emph module_language$emphend</td><td>language of the module<br>(en, fr, de, or ...)</td></tr>
$table_tr<td>$emph module_category$emphend</td><td>category of the module<br>
(exercise, tool, course, pedia, recreation, adm, other)</td></tr>
$table_tr<td>$emph module_level$emphend</td><td>level of the module</td></tr>
$table_tr<td>$emph module_domain$emphend</td><td>algebra, analysis, geometry, ...</td></tr>
137,7 → 137,7
</li><li>Some environment variables setup by httpd are readable by wims
modules under names starting with $emph httpd_$emphend. For example, the
environment variable $emph REMOTE_HOST$emphend becomes
$emph httpd_REMOTE_HOST$emphend under wims. <br/>
$emph httpd_REMOTE_HOST$emphend under wims. <br>
Please refer to httpd protocol specifications for details of such variables.
</li><li>All variable names starting with $emph ins_$emphend, $emph
insplot_$emphend, $emph instex_$emphend will have special meanings for the