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Ignore whitespace Rev 34 → Rev 35

0,0 → 1,5
# This file registers changes to the module.
# Please write in reverse order: the last version first.
Version 1.00:
First publication.
0,0 → 1,16
about_phtml=Fichier apropos. Vous pouvez le laisser tel quel.
help_phtml=Aides aux utilisateurs.
main_phtml=Fichier principal d'organisation de sortie.
present_phtml=Présentation du problème.
answer_phtml=Présentation du résultat de calcul.
menu_phtml=Menu et formulaire pour la saisie des données à calculer.
intro_phtml=Introduction et configuration de l'outil.
msg_phtml=Messages d'erreur.
var_proc=Traitement de variables général (calcul des données).
var_init=Initialisation de variables.
var_def=Déclarations de variables d'utilisateurs.
filedesc=Explication de chaque fichier dans le module.
NEWS=Enregistrement des modifications du module.
0,0 → 1,2
!! Give answers in this file.
0,0 → 1,26
# Variable declaration file.
# Only those variables with possible user inputs or requiring inter-request
# savings need to be declared in this file.
#Each non-comment line defines a variable. Format of the line:
#name allow
#Or the condensed format
#allow: name name name ...
#name: name of the variable
#allow: when allow the user to override the defined value.
# it maybe any, deny, init, config, reply.
#name allow
status deny
x reply
y reply
0,0 → 1,34
# Commencez la description par minuscule!
description=Modèle de module d'outil
author=XIAO Gang
copyright=&copy; 2004- (<a href=COPYING>GNU GPL</a>)
# minimal version of wims server under which the module may run
# Possible categories: exercise, tool, dictionary, course, recreation.
# En: elementary. Hn: high school. Un: under. G: graduate. R: research.
# E1,...,E6; H1...,H6; U1,...,U4; G; R
level=H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 U1 U2 U3 U4 G R
# e.g. algebra, analysis, geometry, etc.
# read public_html/modules/home/lists/domains.allow for the list of
# allowed domains.
# Anything you like.
keywords=integer, prime
# Software packages required to run the module
# Does the module have scoring system?
0,0 → 1,22
!! Contenu du module par ici. Ce qui suit est un modele d'organisation de ce
!! fichier.
!if $compute=yes
!if $error!=$empty
!read msg.phtml
!read menu.phtml
!goto end
!read answer.phtml
!! put some explanations here.
!read menu.phtml
!endif compute=yes?
0,0 → 1,9
!! menu definition file
<p><hr width=50%> <p>
!form reply
0,0 → 1,12
!! This file contains error messages. It will be processed
!! whenever the variable `error' is not empty.
!if bad_data=$error
Je n'ai pas pu évaluer les valeurs que vous avez soumises. Erreur de frappe?
!msg $error
0,0 → 1,10
# Variable initialisation file.
# This file is read by wims for new sessions.
# content of the file: initialisation of the problem.
0,0 → 1,12
# Variable calculations should be done in this file.
# It is read and interpreted by wims for all valid calls to the module.
# how to detect the need to compute?
!if $cmd=reply