Subversion Repositories wimsdev

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Ignore whitespace Rev 10521 → Rev 10522

3,8 → 3,7
!if ambiguous iswordof $wims_warn_rawmath
You have entered an ambiguous formula, whose interpretation
by wims may differ from what you meant. Please check the formula.
Vnesli ste dvoumen izraz, ki ga morda WIMS razume drugaèe kot vi. Preverite ga ponovno.
!set wims_warn_rmremark=yes
11,38 → 10,35
!if unknown iswordof $wims_warn_rawmath
Wims has detected an unrecognized variable or function name
WIMS je zaznal neznano spremenljivko ali funkcijo
<font color="red"><b><tt>$wims_warn_rawmath_parm</tt></b></font>
in your formula. A typo?
v va¹em izrazu.
!set wims_warn_rmremark=yes
!if flatpower iswordof $wims_warn_rawmath
<p><span class="wims_warning">Hint.</span>
Want to enter <font color="green">x<sup>2</sup></font>? Type
<tt>x^2</tt> or <tt>x**2</tt>.
<p><span class="wims_warning">Namig.</span>
Ste ¾eleli vnesti <font color="green">x<sup>2</sup></font>? Vpi¹ite
<tt>x^2</tt> ali <tt>x**2</tt>.
!if badprec iswordof $wims_warn_rawmath
``<tt>x^1/2</tt>'' means <font color="green">x/2</font>! Please type
``<tt>x^(1/2)</tt>'' for <font color="green">x<sup>1/2</sup></font>.
``<tt>x^1/2</tt>'' pomeni <font color="green">x/2</font>! Vnesti morate
``<tt>x^(1/2)</tt>'' za <font color="green">x<sup>1/2</sup></font>.
!if unmatched_parentheses iswordof $wims_warn_rawmath
We have detected unmatched parentheses in your formula. Please verify it.
V va¹em izrazu smo zaznali napako pri oklepajih. <p>
!if $wims_warn_rmremark=yes
Please always use ``<tt>*</tt>'' for multiplication, and
always enclose function arguments in parentheses.
<small>For experts. If you don't want wims to interprete your expression,
start it with the string ``<tt>1-1+</tt>''.</small>
Vnesite znak ``<tt>*</tt>'' za mno¾enje in uporabite oklepaje za argumente funkcij.
<small>Za izku¹ene uporabnike: èe ne ¾elite, da WIMS samodejno interpretira izraze, zaènite izraz z ``<tt>1-1+</tt>''.</small>