Subversion Repositories wimsdev

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Ignore whitespace Rev 4963 → Rev 4964

94,4 → 94,7
- added to interactive mode: mlines (multilines) ; used for drawing multiple segments in the applet
use ReadDrawing() via javascript or X.Gang's inputapplet mode to read data (x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3...xn,yn)
- added modified syntax for x/y-logscale
54,50 → 54,47
6) Script syntax [a sort of fly-script]
mouse yes
userdraw [(f)circle,(f)rect,line,multilines,point, etc]
xrange int,int
yrange int,int
linewidth int
transparent color [,alpha]
dline || line x1,y1,x2,y2,color [,alpha,linewidth]
dhline || hline x1,x1,color [,alpha,linewidth]
dvline || vline x1,x1,color [,alpha,linewidth]
darrow || arrow x1,y1,x2,y2,head_factor(0.0001 - 0.99999),color [,alpha,linewidth
dpoly || poly || fpoly x1,y1...x_n,y_n,color [,alpha,linewidth]
drect || rect || frect x1,y1,x2,y2,color [,alpha,linewidth]
dtriangle || triangle || ftrianlge x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,color [,alpha,linewidth]
points x1,y1,x2,y2...x_n,y_n,color [,alpha,linewidth]
point x,y,color [,alpha,linewidth]
pointstyle cross | dot : only for userdrawing
dcircle || circle || fcircle xc,yc,r,color [,alpha,linewidth]
dellipse || ellipse || fellipse xc,yc,r1,r2,color [,alpha,linewidth]
farc || arc xc,yc,radius,start_angle,end_angle,color [,alpha]
dgrid || grid xmajor,ymajor,xminor,yminor,color_mayor,color_minor,linewidth,linewidth [,alpha_major,alpha_minor]
example: grid 1,1,0.5,0.5,red,blue,2,1,190,120
parallel x1,y1,x2,y2,dx,dy,n,color [,alpha,linewidth]
plotsteps [int] default ysize
dcurve || curve || function in x,color [,alpha,linewidth]
image x1,y1,url // x & y are in coordinate system xrange/yrange
text x,y,fontname,fontsize,the_text_without_comma,color [,alpha] few latexstrings allowed rightarrow alpha beta Beta
textup x,y,angle,fontname,fontsize,some_the_text_without_comma,color [,alpha] : angle = clockwise rotation in degrees
tex | latex x1,x2,latexstring.bgcolor,fgcolor[,bg_alpha,fg_alpha]
scalelatex 1,1,width,height,latexstring,bgcolor,fgcolor[,bg_alpha,fg_alpha]
xscale x1,x1_name,x2,x2_name,x3,x3_name,....,fontsize,fontname,color,linewidth
yscale y1,y1_name,y2,y2_name,y3,y3_name,....,fontsize,fontname,color,linewidth
xlabel x_axis-name,fontsize,fontname,[fontcolor,alpha]
ylabel y_axis-name,fontsize,fontname,[fontcolor,alpha]
precision 100 // 2 decimals for reading coords with "mouse yes"
xlogscale xstart,xend,color[alpha,linewidth]
ylogscale ystart,yend,color[alpha,linewidth]
debug yes //some info on loading script and other trouble
- Animating curves [very hard?]
- Animated gif as background
- xlogscale / ylogscale
- standalone application with menubars ; export drawing as flyscript ?
- using frame ?
<script type="text/javascript">
834,7 → 831,8
if(cmd.equals("scalelatex") || cmd.equals("scaletex")){// scalelatex 1,1,width,height,latexstring,bgcolor,fgcolor,bg_alpha,fg_alpha
if(cmd.equals("scalelatex") || cmd.equals("scaletex")){
// scalelatex 1,1,width,height,latexstring,bgcolor,fgcolor,bg_alpha,fg_alpha
TeX = new sHotEqn();int x;int y;int w;int h;
Color bgc = bgcolor;
Color fgc = clickcolor;
1154,8 → 1152,18
if(cmd.indexOf("ylogscale") != -1){//Math.pow(10, p)
// ylogscale ystart,yend,color[alpha,linewidth]
double exp = 10.0D;
int y1=(int) ymin;int y2=(int) ymax;
int y1,y2;
boolean newsyntax=true;
}catch(Exception e){
y1=(int) ymin;
y2=(int) ymax;
int num = (int) (exp*(y2-y1));
int X1[] = new int[num];int X2[] = new int[num];
int Y1[] = new int[num];int Y2[] = new int[num];
1171,17 → 1179,36
color = GetInternalColorCode(words[1]);
try{alpha = Integer.parseInt(words[2]);color = MakeTransparent(color,alpha);
try{linewidth = Integer.parseInt(words[3]);}catch(Exception e){DeBug("no linewidth given...using previous value "+linewidth );}
}catch(Exception e){}
color = GetInternalColorCode(words[3]);
try{alpha = Integer.parseInt(words[4]);color = MakeTransparent(color,alpha);
try{linewidth = Integer.parseInt(words[5]);}catch(Exception e){DeBug("no linewidth given...using previous value "+linewidth );}
}catch(Exception e){}
color = GetInternalColorCode(words[1]);
try{alpha = Integer.parseInt(words[2]);color = MakeTransparent(color,alpha);
try{linewidth = Integer.parseInt(words[3]);}catch(Exception e){DeBug("no linewidth given...using previous value "+linewidth );}
}catch(Exception e){}
try{objects.add(new FlyParallel(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,color,linewidth,dashed));object_count++;return true;}
catch(Exception e){DeBug("could not set ylogscale ");}
catch(Exception e){DeBug("could not set ylogscale : ylogscale ymin,ymax,color [,alpha,linewidth] ");}
if(cmd.indexOf("xlogscale") != -1){//Math.pow(10, p)
// xlogscale xstart,xend,color[alpha,linewidth]
double exp = 10.0D;
int x1=(int) xmin;int x2=(int) xmax;
int x1,x2;
boolean newsyntax=true;
}catch(Exception e){
x1=(int) xmin;
x2=(int) xmax;
int num = (int) (exp*(x2-x1));
int X1[] = new int[num];int X2[] = new int[num];
int Y1[] = new int[num];int Y2[] = new int[num];
1197,10 → 1224,19
color = GetInternalColorCode(words[1]);
try{alpha = Integer.parseInt(words[2]);color = MakeTransparent(color,alpha);
try{linewidth = Integer.parseInt(words[3]);}catch(Exception e){DeBug("no linewidth given...using previous value "+linewidth );}
}catch(Exception e){}
color = GetInternalColorCode(words[2]);
try{alpha = Integer.parseInt(words[3]);color = MakeTransparent(color,alpha);
try{linewidth = Integer.parseInt(words[4]);}catch(Exception e){DeBug("no linewidth given...using previous value "+linewidth );}
}catch(Exception e){}
color = GetInternalColorCode(words[1]);
try{alpha = Integer.parseInt(words[2]);color = MakeTransparent(color,alpha);
try{linewidth = Integer.parseInt(words[3]);}catch(Exception e){DeBug("no linewidth given...using previous value "+linewidth );}
}catch(Exception e){}
try{objects.add(new FlyParallel(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,color,linewidth,dashed));object_count++;return true;}
catch(Exception e){DeBug("could not set ylogscale ");}
1254,7 → 1290,7
if(cmd.indexOf("xscale") != -1){
use_xscale = true;
//xscale x1,x1_name,x2,x2_name,x3,x3_name,....,fontsize,fontname,color,linewidth
//xscale -1,pi,0,0,1,pi,2,pi,22,Times,green
//xscale -1,pi,0,0,1,pi,2,pi,22,Times,green,2
int dl = words.length - 4;
int xscale[] = new int[(dl)/2];
String xname[] = new String[(dl)/2];
1284,7 → 1320,7
if(cmd.indexOf("yscale") != -1){
use_yscale = true;
//yscale y1,y1_name,y2,y2_name,y3,y3_name,....,fontsize,fontname,color
//yscale y1,y1_name,y2,y2_name,y3,y3_name,....,fontsize,fontname,color,linewidth
int dl = words.length - 4;
int yscale[] = new int[(dl)/2];
String yname[] = new String[(dl)/2];
1384,7 → 1420,7
y1 = (int) y2px(symbols.eval(words[2]));
x2 = (int) x2px(symbols.eval(words[3]));
y2 = (int) y2px(symbols.eval(words[4]));
dx = (int) (xsize*(symbols.eval(words[6]))/(xmax - xmin));
dx = (int) (xsize*(symbols.eval(words[5]))/(xmax - xmin));
dy = (int) (ysize*(symbols.eval(words[6]))/(ymax - ymin));
}catch( SyntaxException e ){ DeBug("Could not set x/y , error : "+e); return false; }
int num = Integer.parseInt(words[7]);