Subversion Repositories wimsdev

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 5226 → Rev 5227

8,7 → 8,8
syntax number_1 number2 number_3 ... number_n
Treats a number as string array : no numrical evaluation !
Treats a number as string array : no numerical evaluation !
!exec sigdigits 1.23 1.230 1.2300 1.23e5 1.23*10^5 1.2300e5 01.23*10^5
38,6 → 39,8
item 6) exponent (if not present : 0)
item 7) indication : is the number correctly written ? 1 or 0 ( 000.1 is not correct...)
scientiffic: [1-9.*] *10^exp : 1.2345*10^5 is OK ... 12.345*10^4 or 0.12345*10^6 is "NOK"
a*10^b : 1 <= a <= 9
- exponent: any other base will be tolerated : 4*7^5 base=7 exponent=5 -> 1,0,1,0,7,5,1
48,9 → 51,10
120.2000 : 4 significant digits
0120.2 : 4 significant digits
scientiffic notation:
120.2*10^5 : 4 significant digits
120.200*10^5 : 6 significant digits
1.202*10^5 : 4 significant digits
1.20200*10^5 : 6 significant digits
#include <stdio.h>
111,6 → 115,7
base_start = 0;
base_end = 0;
ok = 0;
for( i = length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--){ // walk from rightside to left through the 'number'
switch( word[i] ){
case '^' : base_start = i;found_power++;break;
176,14 → 181,40
// extra check for handling "special cases"
if(found_point == 0 && found_power == 0){ sig2 = length; } // just a number 12345
if(found_point == 0 && found_power == 0){ sig2 = length;ok = 1; } // just a number 12345
if(found_point == 0 && found_multiply == 0 && found_power == 1){ sig1 = 0; dec1 = 0; sig2 = 0 ; dec2 = 0; } // 10^5
if(found_point == 1 && found_multiply == 0 && found_power == 1){ sig1 = 0; dec1 = 0; sig2 = 0 ; dec2 = 0; } // 10^5.1
if(found_point == 0 && found_multiply == 1 && found_power == 1){ dec1 = 0; dec2 = 0; sig2 = length - zeros - pow; } // 3*10^5
if(found_point == 0 && found_multiply == 1 && found_power == 1){ dec1 = 0; dec2 = 0; sig2 = length - zeros - pow;} // 3*10^5
if( found_power == 1){
// correct writing ? 1.20000*10^5 is OK, 01.20000*10^5 is NOK
if( zeros != 0 ){ ok = 0; }else{ ok = 1; } // 01*10^5
if( found_power == 1){
// find out if scientiffic number is correctly written ; ok=0 -> ok=1
// rule [1-9].[0-9]* x10^exp
if( word[0] != '0' && word[1] == '.' ){ // 0.120*10^5 => 1.20*10^4
ok = 1;
if( (word[0] == '-' || word[0] == '+' ) && word[1] != '0' && word[2] == '.' ){
ok = 1; // -1.2*10^5
if( found_point == 0 && found_multiply == 1 ){
if( word[1] == '*' ){ //4*10^5
ok = 1;
if( (word[0] == '-' || word[0] == '+' ) && word[2] == '*'){ //-4*10^5
ok = 1;
int len = strlen(exp);// reverse appended char array ... 123+ --> +321
char exponent[len];
int w = len - 1;
217,7 → 248,7
{ // no exponent : base = '1' exponent = '0'
//several possible correct way of writing...
if( ( sig1 == sig2 + dec2 ) || ( sig1 + dec1 == sig2 + dec2 ) || ( dec1 == dec2 && sig2 == 1 ) ){ ok = 1; } else { ok = 0; }
if( ok == 0 && ( ( sig1 == sig2 + dec2 ) || ( sig1 + dec1 == sig2 + dec2 ) || ( dec1 == dec2 && sig2 == 1 ) )){ ok = 1; }