Subversion Repositories wimsdev


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# -*- mode: makefile -*-

WIMS_VERSION = $(shell basename $$(pwd) | sed 's/wims-\([.0-9a-z]*\).*/\1/')

BINFILES = bin download localwims other README sessions tmp \
           lib log s2
PHTML_BINFILES = bases fdl.txt nogif.html opl.html \
                 webget.sites html interrupt.cgi msg \
INDEPFILES = gifs mathfonts scripts themes
ADDBINDIRS = backup download/modules public_html/modules/contrib \
             public_html/w/texgif public_html/modules/data/images
DATE = $(shell date '+%Y-%m-%d')

SORRY_NO_SWF=Sorry, sourceless SWF files are removed

PUBLIC_HTML = $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/wims/public_html
WIMS_DIR = $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/wims

all: all-arch all-indep

all-arch: wimsbuild

        echo "No longer building Java applets, which Wims does not use"

        find src -name "*.o" | xargs rm -f
        rm -f src/config.guess src/config.sub src/config.hin src/configure
        rm -f public_html/bases/sys/define.conf
        for d in public_html/scripts/authors/jm.evers/js; do \
           [ ! -f $$d/Makefile ] || make -C $$d clean; \
        rm -rf public_html/gifs/themes/jalon/.DS_Store
        for d in jalon wimsedu wimsedu1 wimsedu2; do \
          rm -rf public_html/gifs/themes/$$d/.DS_Store; \
          rm -rf public_html/gifs/themes/$$d/.svn; \
        rm -f public_html/gifs/WIMSchem/*.png
        rm -f bin/wims_mathml
        cd src/Mathml; [ ! -f Makefile ] || make clean
        rm -f public_html/scripts/js/edit_area/reg_syntax/flydraw.js
        # completly clean wims subdirectory
        [ ! -f src/Makefile ] || $(MAKE) -C src distclean
        # removes obsoleted gd library and links
        rm -rf src/Flydraw/gd*
        # remove file which was not uninstalled
        rm -f other/bin/canvasdraw
        # oddities
        # probably, public_html/modules/classes/*/var.proc
        # are touched during the build, but only
        # public_html/modules/classes/fr/var.proc is modified: why?
        rm -f public_html/modules/classes/fr/var.proc

        #builds executables for wims
        $(MAKE) -C src all-debianpkg

        orig_dir=$$(pwd); \
        mkdir -p $(PUBLIC_HTML); \
        cd $(WIMS_DIR); \
        cp -Rd $${orig_dir}/public_html/modules public_html
        # fix a few wrong executions flags for files begining by !exit
        chmod -x $(PUBLIC_HTML)/modules/adm/light/
        chmod -x $(PUBLIC_HTML)/modules/adm/light/
        ## unnecessary copyright files
        for f in $$(find $(WIMS_DIR) -name 'COPYING*' -o -name 'LICENSE'); do \
            && rm $$f; \

        mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/apache2/conf-available
        install -m 644 debian/wims.conf \

install: install-arch install-indep

install-arch: install-flydraw adjust-wimshome install-apache-conf
        # populate /var/lib/wims/public_html with PHTML_BINFILES
        orig_dir=$$(pwd)/public_html; \
        mkdir -p $(PUBLIC_HTML); \
        cd $(PUBLIC_HTML); \
        for f in $(PHTML_BINFILES); do \
          cp -Rd $${orig_dir}/$$f .; \
        # populate /var/lib/wims with binary files
        orig_dir=$$(pwd); \
        mkdir -p $(WIMS_DIR); \
        cd $(WIMS_DIR); \
        for d in $(ADDBINDIRS); do \
          mkdir -p $$d; \
        done; \
        for f in $(BINFILES); do \
          cp -Rd $${orig_dir}/$$f .; \
        done; \
        cp $${orig_dir}/public_html/wims public_html; \
        ln -sf wims public_html/wims.cgi; \
        cp $${orig_dir}/src/Wimslogd/wimslogd bin/
        # erase some data not relevant for the distribution, since they belong
        # only to Gang XIAO, or are a static library (already linked)
        rm -f $(WIMS_DIR)/lib/libwims.a
        for f in $$(find $(WIMS_DIR)/log/classes/.connections/); do \
          mv $$f $$f.template; \
        ## erase unnecessary copyright files
        for f in $$(find $(WIMS_DIR) -name 'COPYING' -o -name 'LICENSE'); do \
          grep -q 'GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE' $$f && rm $$f; \
        # remove the file log/unsecure which is out of topic for debian
        # installs
        rm  $(WIMS_DIR)/log/unsecure
        # replace Gang's precompiled binaries
        mkdir -p $(WIMS_DIR)/bin
        for f in false true; do \
          ln -s /bin/$$f $(WIMS_DIR)/bin/; \
        # move architecture-dependent binaries to /usr/lib/wims
        for d in other/bin; do \
          mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/wims/$$d; \
          for f in  $(WIMS_DIR)/$$d/*; do \
            if [ ! -L $$f ]; then \
              mv $$f $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/wims/$$d; \
              ln -s /usr/lib/wims/$$d/$$(basename $$f) $$f; \
            fi; \
          done; \
        # remove useless commands
        rm -f $(WIMS_DIR)/localwims
        rm -f $(WIMS_DIR)/lib/libwims.a
        # copy misc files
        mkdir -p $(WIMS_DIR)/log
        cp wims.conf $(WIMS_DIR)/log/wims.conf.distrib
        mkdir -p $(WIMS_DIR)/src
        for f in defaults.conf mathfonts mathfonts-synonyms; do \
          cp src/$$f $(WIMS_DIR)/src; \
        ## exclude wimsd if it has been built, since this webserver may be
        ## insecure.
        rm -f $(WIMS_DIR)/bin/wimsd
        # fix for using the default config with Gap
        mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
        ln -s gap $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/
        mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man1
        ln -s gap.1.gz $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man1/
        # fix embedded javascript libraries
        # create soft links to libraries

        # move /var/lib/wims/bin to /usr/lib/wims/bin
        mv $(WIMS_DIR)/bin $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/wims
        ln -s ../../../usr/lib/wims/bin $(WIMS_DIR)

        # ensure executable flags for files in /bin directories
        # except for dircptest, which must be sourced.
        for d in $(PUBLIC_HTML)/bin \
                 $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/wims/bin \
                 $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/wims/other/bin; do  \
          for f in $$d/*; do \
            [ "$$(basename $$f)" = dircptest ] || chmod +x $$f; \
          done; \
        ## fix an issue with the executable flag of tex..gif
        ## which is removed by debhelper
        b=$(PUBLIC_HTML)/bin; \
          mv $$b/tex..gif $$b/texGif; \
          ln -s texGif $$b/tex..gif; \
          chmod +x $$b/texGif
        ############## end of install-arch ################

install-indep: adjust-wimshome install-modules
        # install INDEPFILES
        orig_dir=$$(pwd)/public_html; \
        mkdir -p $(PUBLIC_HTML); \
        cd $(PUBLIC_HTML); \
        for f in $(INDEPFILES); do \
          cp -Rd $${orig_dir}/$$f .; \
        # fixing some permissions for shell scripts
        for f in $$(find $(WIMS_DIR) -type f -name '*.sh' -o -type f -name 'mkindex' -o -type f -name '*update' -o -type f -name 'mkclass' -o -type f -name 'Makeindex'); do \
          if (grep -q 'bin/sh' $$f); then chmod +x $$f; else chmod -x $$f; fi; \
        ## let a small message in places where sourceless SWF files were removed
        for d in $(PUBLIC_HTML)/flash; \
        do \
          mkdir -p $$d; \
          echo $(SORRY_NO_SWF) > $$d/README; \
        # fix wrong permissions for non-executable files
        for s in js gif css txt png ggb htm md; do \
          chmod -x $$(find $(PUBLIC_HTML) -type f -name "*.$$s"); \
        # distribute some theme files as templates
        for f in themes/default/visitor.phtml \
            themes/default/supervisor.phtml \
            themes/standard/visitor.phtml \
            themes/standard/supervisor.phtml ; do \
          mv $(PUBLIC_HTML)/$$f $(PUBLIC_HTML)/$$f.tpl; \
        # embedded javascript library directories
        for d in jquery ; do \
          rm -rf $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/$$d; \
          ln -s /usr/share/javascript/$$d $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/$$d; \
        # jquery.min.js and jquery.slim.min.js in external JS area
        mkdir -p $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/external/jquery
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.min.js \
        # jquery.min.js is replacing jquery.slim.min.js: it should not harm
        ln -s jquery.min.js \
        # jquery-ui in external JS area
        JQUI_DIR=$(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/external/jquery-ui; \
        mkdir -p $${JQUI_DIR}/themes/smoothness; \
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js $${JQUI_DIR}/; \
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/jquery-ui-themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css $${JQUI_DIR}/themes/smoothness/
        # some JS libs under scripts_1
        mkdir -p $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/editor/scripts_1
        # mootools javascript library
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/mootools/mootools.js \
        # prototype javascript library
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/prototype/prototype.js \
        # asciimathml javascript library
        cd $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js; \
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/asciimathtml/ASCIIMathML.js ./ASCIIMathML.js; \
        ln -s /usr/share/asciidoc/javascripts/LaTeXMathML.js ./LaTeXMathML.js;
        # jsxgraph javascript library
        mkdir -p $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/jsxgraph/
        for f in jsxgraphcore.js jsxgraph.css; do \
          ln -s /usr/share/javascript/jsxgraph/distrib/$$f $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/jsxgraph/; \
        # geogebra-related jsxgraph library
        ## GeogebraReader
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/jsxgraph/distrib/geogebra.min.js $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/jsxgraph/GeogebraReader.js
        ## GeonextReader
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/jsxgraph/distrib/geonext.min.js $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/jsxgraph/GeonextReader.js
        ## normalize.css
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/normalize.css/normalize.min.css \
        # install third-party JS libraries with the scripts dfsg-scripts/*
        # what-input javascript library
        sh dfsg-scripts/ --install $(DESTDIR)
        # foundation javascript library
        sh dfsg-scripts/ --install $(DESTDIR)
        # for ckeditor, the debian package is sufficient, so make a symlink
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/ckeditor $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/external/
        # for mathjax, the debian package is sufficient, so make a symlink
        ln -s /usr/share/nodejs/mathjax-full/es5 $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/mathjax
        # edit_area the debian package is sufficient, so make a symlink
        ln -s /usr/share/javascript/edit-area $(PUBLIC_HTML)/scripts/js/edit_area

        mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
        cp src/Flydraw/flydraw $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/flydraw

        # adjust every existing .wimshome file
        for f in $$(find wims -name .wimshome); do \
          echo /var/lib/wims > $$f; \


.PHONY: all all-indep all-arch doc install install-indep install-arch \
        install-modules install-flydraw install-texgd compile