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  1. !read adm/class/classname.phtml $wims_classname\
  2. $wims_institutionname
  4. !read adm/title.phtml 1\
  5. $classname\
  6. $cdt_title
  8. <center> <b><font size="+1">
  9.  !if $jour_begin!=$empty
  10.   $name_between <font color="green">$name_date</font>
  11.   !if $jour_begin!=$jour_end
  12.    $name_and <font color="green">$name_date2</font>
  13.   !endif
  14.  !endif
  15.  </font></b>
  16. </center>
  18. !if $cdt_description!=$empty
  19.  <br>$cdt_description
  20. !endif
  21. <p><p>
  23. !if $cdt_nbdate=0
  24.  $name_noinfo1.
  25.  !goto end
  26. !else
  27.  !if $nbligne=0
  28.   !if $jour_begin=$jour_end
  29.    $name_noinfo2.
  30.   !else
  31.    $name_noinfo3.
  32.   !endif
  33.   !goto end
  34.  !endif
  35. !endif
  37. <center>
  38.  $table_header
  39.  $table_hdtr
  40.   <th>$name_Day</th>
  41.   !if no isin $cdt_supervise
  42.    <th>$name_discipline</th>
  43.   !endif
  44.   <th>$name_inclass</th><th>$name_worktodo</th><th width="30">$name_for</th>
  45.   !if $wims_user=supervisor and yes isin $cdt_supervise
  46.    <th>$wims_name_action</th>
  47.   !endif
  48.  </tr>
  49.  !for i=1 to $nbligne
  50. !!  !let mem_tr=$table_tr
  51.   !let don=!line $i of $list
  52.   !distribute item $don into jour,file,matiere
  53.   !let m_filedir=$wims_ref_name?session=$wims_session&cmd=getfile&special_parm=cdt/$file
  54.   !let file=wimshome/log/classes/$file/cdt/def/$jour
  55.   !read $file
  56.   !let nbtodo=!itemcnt $date_todo
  57.   !let snbtodo=$[max(1,$nbtodo)]
  58.   <tr class="$(table_colors[$i%2+1])">
  59.    <td rowspan="$snbtodo">
  60.     !read adm/lang/datemenu.phtml.$moduclass_lang 5,$jour
  61.    </td>
  62.    !if no isin $cdt_supervise
  63.     <td rowspan="$snbtodo">$matiere</td>
  64.    !endif
  65.    <td rowspan="$snbtodo" valign="top">
  66.     !read $file content
  67.    </td>
  68.    !if $nbtodo>0
  69.     <td valign="top">
  70.     !read $file todo1
  71.     </td>
  72.     <td>
  73.      !read adm/lang/datemenu.phtml.$moduclass_lang 5,$date_todo
  74.     </td>
  75.    !else
  76.     <td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>
  77.    !endif
  78.    !if $wims_user=supervisor and yes isin $cdt_supervise
  79.     <td rowspan="$snbtodo">
  80.      !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
  81.      !href cmd=new&job=adddate&filename=$jour $wims_name_change
  82.      &nbsp;
  83.      !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
  84.      !href cmd=new&job=del&filename=$jour $wims_name_erase
  85.     </td>
  86.    !endif
  87.   </tr>
  88.    !if $nbtodo>1
  89.     !let bgcolor=!positionof char # in $mem_tr
  90.    !let bgcolor=!char $bgcolor to $[$bgcolor+6] of $mem_tr
  91.     !for j=2 to $nbtodo
  92.      <tr class="$(table_colors[$i%2+1])">
  93.       <td valign="top">
  94.        !read $file todo$j
  95.       </td>
  96.       <td>
  97.        !let tmp=!item $j of $date_todo
  98.        !read adm/lang/datemenu.phtml.$moduclass_lang 5,$tmp
  99.       </td>
  100.      </tr>
  101.     !next j
  102.    !endif
  103.  !next i
  104.  $table_end
  105. !if $nbligne>0
  106.  <p>
  107. !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
  108.  !href target=wims_new module=$module&cmd=new&job=work&job2=print&jday=$jday&jmonth=$jmonth&jyear=$jyear&jyear2=$jyear2&jmonth2=$jmonth2&jday2=$jday2 $wims_name_print
  109. !set wims_menu_items=!append line printable,1,module=$module&cmd=new&job=work&job2=print&jday=$jday&jmonth=$jmonth&jyear=$jyear&jyear2=$jyear2&jmonth2=$jmonth2&jday2=$jday2\
  110.   ,0,\
  111. to $wims_menu_items
  112. !endif
  113.  </center>
  116. :end
  117. <p><hr width="40%"> <p>
  118. !read form.phtml
  119. !tail