!read adm/language lang/names.phtml
!if robot isin $session or _ isin $session
!if $error isitemof bad_password,bad_loginmail
!set wims_html_header=!append line <script src="scripts/js/chronoid.js"></script> to $wims_html_header
!set wims_html_onload= clockid(5,'badpwd');$wims_html_onload
!set wims_html_header=$wims_html_header $header_js
!read adm/css.phtml
!if $(module_title_$modu_lang)!=
!set module_title=$(module_title_$modu_lang)
!read adm/class/classname.phtml $class_description\
!if $class_description$class_institution!=$empty
!!read themes/_widgets/classtitle.phtml
!if $type=authparticipant or $type=authsupervisor
!read classlogo.phtml
!read adm/title.phtml 1\
!set wims_ariane = !append line n_$type,8 to $wims_ariane
!read adm/title.phtml 3\
!if $error!=$empty
<div class="wims_msg alert">
!read msg.phtml
!! when you have the no_cgu error you do not want to show the rest
!! of the page, do you? (it is shown e.g. when $(class_authidp[1;])=cas
!if $error=no_cgu
!!! En fait cela devrait etre $idp_method=$empty Comment arrive-t-on ici ?
!if OK iswordof $auth_test and $auth_method isitemof $auth_method_list and $exist_check notsametext yes
!! we get here e.g. in case class_authidp=cas;php
!if $type_class > 0 and $type!=authsupervisor and $authtype_!=teacher
!set tmp_=&subclass=yes
<div class="wimscenter">
!! this is probably the only place we need idp_method=php
!! (e.g. if class_authidp=cas;php)
!if $(class_authidp[2;]) iswordof php and $class_php_auth!=$empty
!if $type=authsupervisor
!set ttmp_=&authtype=teacher
<a href="$class_php_auth?enter=$class$ttmp_" class="wims_button">$name_register</a>
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href module=adm/class/reguser&class=$class$tmp_&authtype_=$authtype_ $name_register
!read $type.phtml
!if $wims_user=$empty or $wims_user=supervisor or $wims_class=$superclass
!set list_menu=example,participant
!if $wims_user=$empty or $wims_user=supervisor
!set list_menu=example,participant,supervisor
!if $wims_user=supervisor and $class_type iswordof 1 2 3 4
!if $list_menu!=$empty
!set wims_menu_items=!append line itemsep,0,$wims_name_Classes\
to $wims_menu_items
!for t in $list_menu
!if $t!=$type or $wims_superclass!=$empty
!set wims_menu_items=!append line n_$t,1,module=$module&type=$t&keyword=$keyword\
to $wims_menu_items
!! !href module=$module&type=$t&keyword=$keyword $(wims_name_n_$t)
!if $wims_user=$empty and $type iswordof supervisor example
!set wims_menu_items=!append line itemsep,0,$wims_name_Creation\
to $wims_menu_items
!if $wims_theme_version=0 or $wims_theme_version=
<div class="wimscenter">
!href target=wims_help module=help/main&chapter=3 $wims_name_whelp
!!endif ???
!reset auth_user