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!set lang_exists=yes

!if $wims_read_parm!=
  !goto $wims_read_parm

!distribute items subclasses,participants,exercicis,documents,professors,fulls d'exercicis\
into wims_name_zones,wims_name_participants,wims_name_exercises,wims_name_docs,wims_name_teachers,\

!distribute item missatge del dia,exercici,fulls d'exercicis,exàmens,documents,\
        participants,seqüències pedagògiques,competències bàsiques,competència(es),qüestionaris,\
        agenda,compte de professor,fòrum,missatges del fòrum,Avançat,Document public\
        into name_motd,name_exo,name_sheet,name_exam,name_doc,\

!distribute item missatges del dia,\
        exercicis,fulls d'exercicis,exàmens,documents,participants\
        into name_motds,name_exos,name_sheets,name_exams,name_docs,name_users

!if $job=grestrict
 !set name_allowedsites=IP permeses
 !set name_excepted=Excepcions
!if $job=connectlink
  !set title=Enllaços de Connexió
!if $job=arch
 !set title=Còpia de seguretat i Restauració
 !set name_title_save=Còpia de seguretat de la classe
 !set name_title_restore=Restauració dels recursos a partir d'una còpia de seguretat
 !set name_intro1=Seleccioneu el fitxer de còpia de seguretat per restaurar
 !set name_intro=Feu clic al format de còpia de seguretat seleccionat
 !set name_tosend=Seleccioneu el fitxer de còpia de seguretat per restaurar
 !set name_namefile=si us plau dóna el nom del fitxer de còpia de seguretat 
 !set name_help=A continuació, podràs seleccionar els recursos de la classe per restaurar.
 !set name_deposit=!nosubst La teva còpia de seguretat <span class="tt wims_fname">$wims_deposit</span> conté els següents\
 recursos. Si us plau indica els que vols restaurar a la teva classe.
 !set name_no_restore=No es pot restaurar perquè comparteixes els recursos d'una altra\
        classe. La restauració només es pot fer per la classe mestra de compartir.

 !distribute lines No s'ha seleccionat cap recurs per restaurar.\
   Restaurar tot, excepte la configuració de la classe i el compte de professor.\
   <span class="wims_warning">Perill!</span> <span class="small">Mira més avall.</span>\
   Configuració de la classe.\
   Compte de professor (inclosa la contrasenya)\
   comptes d'alumnes\
   Comptes existents\
   Documents existents\
   Exercicis existents\
   fulls d'exercicis\
   Implica la restauració dels exercicis\
   Fulls existents\
   fulls d'examen\
   Implica la restauració de fulls d'exercicis i dels exercicis\
   Exàmens existents\
   missatges del fòrum\
   Missatges existents\
   Registre d'activitats dels alumnes i puntuació automàtica. Implica la restauració de comptes d'usuari.\
   Notes posades pel professor\
   Notes existents\
   una agenda per a la classe\
   una agenda existent\
   Competències bàsiques\
   competències existents\
   Seqüències pedagògiques\
   Implica la restauració dels fulls d'exercicis, exercicis, exàmens i documents\
   Seqüències pedagògiques existents\
   Mètode de restauració\
   reemplaça els recursos existents pels recursos restaurats\
   fusiona els comptes dels participants; combina els exercicis de la classe substituint els exercicis del mateix nom; <span class="wims_warning"> substituir els altres recursos existents</span>\
   Restaurar els recursos seleccionats\
   Missatge del dia existent\
   Photos individuelles\
   Photos existantes\
 into name_noselect,name_all,name_danger,name_config,name_teacher,name_user,name_user1,name_doc,\

!!set name_cnil_warning=Recordem que d'acord a les declaracions fetes a la CNIL, \
   no s'han de desar dades sobre els estudiants més d'un any. S'haurà de destruir\
   totes les còpies de seguretat que contenen dades dels alumnes.\
   Fes una còpia de seguretat selectiva si vols desar els recursos que \
   has creat (fulls, exàmens, documents), o utilitzar la possibilitat de duplicació.

!distribute lines Recursos de còpia de seguretat restaurats a la classe&nbsp;\
    La restauració dels comptes dels participants (i els registres d'activitat) s'ha refusat perquè no hi ha prou espai disponible.\
    La data de caducitat de la classe s'ha canviat després de la restauració perquè la data restaurada és\
    Compte(s) d'alumne(s) sense restaurar perquè l'identificador ja està en ús en el grup/portal\
    La restauració és impossible perquè la teva classe ha autoritzat la compartició de recursos\
    La còpia de seguretat i la restauració no són útils en aquest nivell de la estructura\
 into name_restore1,name_restore2,name_restore3,name_restore4,name_forbiddenrestore,name_restore5

 !distribute items irreconeixible, massa aviat, massa tard into ebad, eearly, elate

 !distribute lines Ho sentim, no hem pogut arxivar la teva classe. Error intern.\
   Feu clic a l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat de la classe\
   per a desar-la al teu ordinador. \
   També pots fer una còpia de seguretat selectiva. Per això, trieu les dades que voleu desar\
   a continuació, feu clic al botó \
   Còpia de seguretat selectiva\
   per modificar el fitxer de còpia de seguretat i guardar-lo en el teu ordinador.\
 into name_download1,name_download2,name_download3,name_download4,\

 !set name_download5=Aquest fitxer de còpia de seguretat té una mida que pot superar el límit permès\
   per enviar al servidor. Per reduir la mida del fitxer, pots\
   seleccionar les dades a desar

 !goto commun

!if $job=clean
 !set title=Manteniment de la classe
 !set name_lines=línies dels registres d'activitat dels alumnes.
 !set name_cdtdates=Le cahier de texte.
 !set name_livretcomp=Livret de compétences
 !set name_userphoto=photos individuelles
 !set name_empty=La teva classe està buida&nbsp;!<br />\
  No hi ha recursos a la classe que es puguin esborrar.
 !set name_no_erase=No es poden netejar, ja que estan compartint els d'una altra classe.

 !distribute lines Netejar tot el que es pugui\
   Esborrar també els registres d'activitat\
   Esborrar també els exàmens\
   Fer còpia de seguretat de la classe\
   Els recursos actuals de la classe\
 into name_cleanall,name_erase1,name_warning_exam,name_saveclass,name_ressource
  !set name_warning_clean=Els recursos esborrats per aquesta pàgina no poden ser recuperats!

 !goto commun

!if $job=neighbor
 !set title=Classes veïnes
 !set name_noclass=No es poden definir classes veïnes perquè no hi ha cap altra classe\
 en aquest lloc.
 !set name_toomany=Hi ha massa classes virtuals en aquest lloc. Si us plau, introdueixi una paraula clau\
  per buscar la classe que vols entrar.
 !set name_toomany2= Hi ha massa classes corresponents a la teva recerca. Si us plau,\
   escriu una paraula clau més precisa.

 !distribute lines Trobar una classe\
  No s'ha trobat cap classe per a la teva cerca. Intenteu-ho de nou.\
  Mostrar les classes obertes del servidor\
  Les relacions de veïnatge entre classes virtuals permeten l'intercanvi de recursos i/o el desplaçament entre classes.\
  Feu clic al nom d'una classe per a canviar les relacions de veïnatge amb ella.\
  Classes amb la mateixa llengua que la teva\
  Classes en altres llengües\
into name_research,name_noclass,name_exampleclass,name_help,name_changeneigh,\

 !distribute lines Declaració de veïnatge\
   Intercanvi de recursos\
   per tu\
   per l'altra\
   Activar compartir mutuament.\
   Tu comparteixes els recursos.\
   Compartir els recursos.\
   Permetre compartir mutuament.\
   El dret a compartir els teus recursos.\
   Tu permets compartir els recursos.\
   Aturar Compartir\
   importar-los tots\
   Recursos d'ensenyament\
   Importar altres recursos\
   Classes poden compartir els teus recursos\
   Recursos permesos\
   Llista de totes les classes\
   Informació compartir recursos\
   Mostrar les classes obertes del servidor\
   importar trecursos\
   de la classe\
   Clica aquí per acceptar\
   photos individuelles\
 into name_declaration,name_sharing,name_byyou,name_other,name_actif,name_share1,name_share2,\

 !set name_nonewres=!nosubst No hi ha cap (nou) tipus de recurs a la classe \
  <span class="wims_emph">$nei_description</span> que estiguis autoritzat a compartir.

 !set name_newres=!nosubst La classe <span class="wims_emph">\
  $nei_description</span> t' <b>autoritza</b> a compartir el seus

 !set name_chooseres=!nosubst Tria els recursos que <b>autoritzes</b> la classe \
 <span class="wims_emph">$nei_description</span> a compartir&nbsp; (<i>selecciona i clica a <span class="wims_button disabled">$wims_name_tosave</span></i>)

 !set name_warning_authorized=!nosubst The class <span class="wims_emph">$nei_description</span>\
  allows you to share some teaching material. You should not allow it to share the same type of teaching material\
  at the risk of confusion. Decide first among the classes you want to share teaching material\
  with, which one allows to share such or such type of teaching material\
  and which accept the authorization.

 !distribute lines Neighboring relations\
   has not declared yours as its neighbor\
   accepts yours as its neighbor for\
   You are sharing the following teaching materials originating from the class\
   has no importable teaching materials for you\
   has the following importable teaching materials\
   Same title in your class\
   under preparation\
   Login name already in use in your class\
   Erased user exists in your class\
   Importation from the class\
   Successfully transfered\
   participant accounts from the neighbor\
   Verify the result\
 into name_neighbor_relation,name_text1,name_text2,name_with,name_sharealready,\

 !set name_inactif=!nosubst The imported $(name_$itype) is put to inactive status, so that you can\
  modify it if you wish.

 !set name_accept=!nosubst Do you accept the class <span class="wims_emph">\
   $nei_description</span> as your neighbor for?

 !if $job2=stopshare
  !set title=Stop sharing
  !set name_warning=Your class has active score register, and the shared\
 teaching materials are not empty. If you stop this sharing now, you \
 cannot share them back again later.\
 <p>Are you sure you want to definitely stop this sharing?

 !set name_stop=stop it.
 !if $job2=sharelist
  !set title= Resource sharing information.
  !set name_sharelist=!nosubst You are sharing $(name_$rec) originating from
  !distribute lines You are not using shared teaching materials originating of another class.\
   You are sharing teaching materials of other classes\
  into name_noresource,name_resource

  !if $job2=addshare
    !set title=Compartir els recursos d'una classe
    !set name_class_share=This class <span class="wims_emph">$nei_description</span>\
      allows you to share its following teaching materials.
  !distribute lines available\
    You are actually sharing them.\
    You cannot share them because you are already sharing that of another class.\
    clean your own teaching materials\
    if it is possible\
    Sharing supervisor account is VERY dangerous! \
  into name_available,name_actually_sharing,name_nosharing,name_cleanup,name_ifpossible,\

  !set name_warning1=You cannot share them because you are allowing other \
    classes to share such teaching materials from you. Cascaded sharing is not \
    supported. So you must stop allowing these shares before you can share from others.
  !set name_warning2=!nosubst You cannot share them because your own $(name_$r) are not empty.\
   Before sharing can be made, you should first
  !set name_warning_erase=!nosubst This will ERASE your own existing $(name_$r)! They will be definitely\
     lost if you have no backup.


  !distribute items ---,<span class="small">supervisor</span>,\
        <span class="small">participants</span>,\
        <span class="small">everybody</span>\
  into n_n0, n_n1, n_n2, n_n3
  !if $job2=import
    !set code1=None
    !set code2=$wims_name_yes but different
    !set code3=$wims_name_yes, active and different
 !goto commun

!if $job=connect
 !set title=Connectar a altres servidors/plataformes
 !set name_listserver=List of server connections

 !distribute lines Test a server connection\
   Test a connected class\
   Add a connecting class\
   Manage a connected class\
   local class, remote class\
   class definition, user list, score averages, score details,all but class definition\
   (with the other one) for\
   Remote class\
   Remote server\
   Destroy remote class\
   This connection to the remote server is working.\
   The connection has been added to your class, but the remote server returns an error message\
   The remote server does not reply. Please report to the\
  The connection is rejected by the remote server. Error message\
  Checked remote class\
  This connection is working. Data returned from the remote class\
  To connect to a class on the above server, please specify\
  Identifier of the remote class\
  If the remote class is empty, the server will create a new class on the remote server, duplicating the properties of this one.\
  Automatically update the remote class for changes made on this one\
  Allow the remote class to modify this one\
  This class has no connections to other servers.\
  You have declared the following connections to other servers.\
  This WIMS server has the following connectable servers presently.\
  Actions on the connection\
  Actions on the class\
 into wims_name_connecttest,wims_name_classtest,wims_name_addconnection,wims_name_connectmanage,name_prompt1,\

 !goto commun

!if $job=access
 !set title=Configuració de l'accés als recursos
 !goto commun

!if $job=grestrict
 !set title=Restricció de l'accés a les notes
 !goto commun

!if $job=present
 !set title=Configuració de l'apparença de la classe.
 !set name_helpcolor=The first color is for unfinished exercises
 !goto commun

!if $job=oefdefault
 !set title=Configuració per defecte dels mòduls OEF

  !distribute lines Una sèrie tindrà\
   Nivell de severitat\
   Límit de temps\
   Número de items es mostren en opcions múltiples\
   Donar solució (si hi és)?\
   mai,si la nota no és màxima,sempre\
   Sempre aparegui la resposta correcta\
   Penalitzar errades en opcions múltiples.\
   Mostrar la resposta correcta.\
   Permetre pista (si n'hi ha).\
  into name_series,name_severity,name_chrono,name_secondes,name_qcmanswer,\

   !set name_warning=!getdef name_remarkintro3 in oef/$lang/names
 !goto commun

!if $job=security
 !set title=Activitats de gestió de seguretat disponibles
 !set name_see_activity2=You should be the origin of all these activities; if this is not \
   the case, you should verify where there is a leak of your supervisor's password.
 !set name_see_activity1=See the log file of management activities of your class.
 !distribute lines Set up the class-wide restriction\
 of sites allowed to get scores.\
 Other security setups in the\
 class configuration\
 into name_restriction1,name_restriction2,name_otherrestriction1,name_otherrestriction2
 !goto commun

!if $job=authtype
 !set title=Autentificació external
 !!!set name_intro_authtype=Seleccionar <span class="tt wims_code_words">ldap</span> i completar aquesta pàgina si \
   voleu utilitzar l'autenticació ldap.
 !set name_intro_authtype=Choose according to the desired authentication and identification method\
  and fill in the useful corresponding fields.
 !set name_method_list= wims authentication, authentication via CAS,\
 authentication via CAS and identification via ldap,\
 authentication and identification via ldap,\
 authentication via CAS and identification via php,\
 authentication and identification via php
 !goto commun

!if $job=propagate
  !if $wims_supertype=2
   !set name_thisclass=of the portal
   !set name_subclasses=subclasses
   !set name_thisclass=of the current zone
   !set name_subclasses=dependent zones

 !distribute lines Setups successfully sent to $name_subclasses\
  You can choose to send the following setups of the $name_thisclass to all its $name_subclasses\
 into name_propagate_succes,name_propagate_choose

 !set name_warning=Please note that $name_subclasses will not automatically share later \
   changes of the setups of $name_thisclass. You must send the changes each time you \
   want them to be effective in $name_subclasses.


!if $job=log
  !set name_warning_log=Here is the log of certain managing activities of your class. This log\
allows you to verify whether there are suspicious activities.

!if $job=index
  !set title=!nosubst Index update $tit
  !set name_done=Done
  !set name_result=Script output

  !if $job2=structure
   !set tit=Subclass index update
  !if $job2=userlist
   !set tit=Participant index update
  !if $job2=teacherlist
   !set tit=Teacher index update
  !if $job2=oef
   !set tit=Exercise index update
  !if $job2=doc
   !set tit=Document index update

!if $job iswordof list new or $job=
  !distribute line Institution name\
    Class name\
    Class number\
    Option words\
    Modtool Account\
    Connection lock level\
    Best scores, number, anonymity\
    Participant number limit\
    Expiration date\
    Registration of exercises\
    Registration of exams\
    visible by students\
    Other configurations\
    Personal preferences\
    Pass configuration to depending subclasses\
    Define neighboring classes\
    links to other servers\
    Use authentication\
    of participants via ldap directory\
    Refresh index\
including change of \
    Save or restore the class\
    restrict accessible teaching materials\
    restrict sites \
    for which scores are recorded\
    make a selective cleanup\
    Current disk space usage\
    The limit is\
    Allow score interruption by participant\
    Title for OEF exercises viewed by participants\
    The participants know if the teacher is online\
    Additional fields to fill in the inscription\
    An eventual change of IP during an exam is taking in account\
paramètres définis lors de la création de la classe, configuration des feuilles et des examens notamment\
 into name_name_institution,name_name_class,name_name_number,name_optionword,name_devaccount,name_lock_level,\

 !set name_config_exotitleformoption=None,Title of the exercise,Number of the worksheet and exercise,Title of the worksheet and number of the exercise,Title of the worksheet and title of the exercise in the worksheet
 !set name_allowcloning=Autoriser la duplication
 !set name_cloningpwd=Mot de passe de duplication

!distribute line Global configuration\
Restriccions d'accés\
Configuració OEF\
Classes veïnes\
Gestió de seguretat\
Altres servidors\
Enviar les configuracions a les subclasses\
Restricció de notes\
Adreça d'una plataforma\
External authentication\
into wims_name_config_list,wims_name_config_auth,wims_name_config_pref,wims_name_config_restr,wims_name_config_oef,\

!distribute lines Secure hosts\
   Style sheet\
   Logo of the class\
   Position of the logo\
   top left corner, top right corner\
   Style theme of the class\
   Academic level\
   Hosts allowed for scores\
   Password for participant registration\
   Supervisor password\
   Registration limits of exercises and exams\
   Links to another plateform\
   Page background color\
   Menu background color\
   Menu link color\
   Background image file\
   download a css-style file\
   Score colors (from 0 to 10) \
   Button background color\
   Button text color\
   Help button background color\
   Help button text color\
   Connection link\
   Text color\
   Colors in the presentation of activities\
Addresses of the connection links to the class:\
   Configuration OEF par défault\
  into name_secure,name_css,name_logo,name_position_logo,name_logo_side,name_theme,\

!set name_content_style = Contingut del full d'estils de la classe \
<br />(quan <span class="tt wims_code_words">$name_css</span>  és a <span class="tt wims_code_words">class</span>)&nbsp;:

!set name_content_style2=Copiar ací el full d'estils de la classe

!distribute lines Details on the other links\
You can also configure the following activity outside the maintenance zone\
la configuration peut se faire aussi en dehors de cette zone\
paramètres par défaut pour l'insertion d'exercices dans une feuille\
Accès aux ressources et à l'enregistrement des notes\
Relation avec d'autres classes wims ou d'autres serveurs\
Les liens ci-dessous vous permettent de modifier certains paramètres de la classe.\
Sauvegarde et maintenance de la classe\
into name_newrem1,name_newrem2,name_seqrem,name_oefrem,\

 You have uploaded teaching materials backed up from another class. If you
 restore incompatible teaching materials to your class, it will simply be destroyed.
 !href cmd=help&special_parm=dependencies Why?
 !href cmd=reply&job=list Stop
 if you are not completely sure of what you are doing. (In any case, keep a
 backup of the current status before continuing.)

 <span class="wims_warning">IMPORTANT</span>. <ul><li> There is no check of integrity in your uploaded data,
and manual modification of the backup archives is not supported by the
system. Errors introduced by manual modification of archives will result
in unpredictable behavior of your class.

<li> Whenever possible, avoid restoring
<span class="wims_warning">class configuration</span> and
<span class="wims_warning">supervisor account</span>.
Errors in the uploaded data for these two fields may make you
completely lose control of your class.

<li> You can use the backup of a class to install a new one. In this case,
avoid restoring scores and grades (server-computed and manual). These two
teaching materials cannot be erased once they are installed (security measure).
And many class maintenance operations will be unavailable if there are
non-empty score data.

You cannot erase teaching materials of the class
 when participant activities have already started.
 This is an important security measure. If you feel that it is an
 inconvenience, think of the following two aspects.
 On the one hand, suppose that your password is stolen and someone wants to erase
 something on this page. Your teaching activities would be greatly disturbed and
 your students would be penalizeds.
 On the other hand, different teaching materials of the class are inter-dependent.
 If you erase some teaching materials without erasing those depending on them, your class
 will no longer work.
 !href cmd=help&special_parm=dependencies Examples.
If you really want to clean this class, it is best to expire it
 (by setting its expiration date to today, the class will disappear the next
 morning), or
 <a href="mailto:$wims_site_manager?subject=Please erase my class">ask
 the webmaster</a> to erase it for you.

<span class="wims_warning">Remark</span>. <ul><li>This page is only available when the class is being set
up. Once student activity has started, cleaning will no longer be possible.
Shared teaching materials can only be cleaned from the class
originating the sharing. The other class should first
!href cmd=reply&job=neighbor&job2=sharelist stop the sharing
 of the teaching materials before erasing them.

Server / platform connection allows your class to directly communicate with
another one on another WIMS server or on another web e-learning platform. Participants
can easily move from one class to another.
In particular, you can mirror this class to a remote WIMS server,
so that if this server becomes momentarily unavailable, work
may continue in the mirror class. Scores on the mirror can be merged later.


This WIMS server has not declared any connectable remote server. In order
 to use this connection feature, the
 <a href="mailto:$wims_site_manager?subject=server connection">site
 manager</a> must declare such remote server, and the remote server must also
 declare this WIMS server as connectable.
 (The webmaster can refer to the file
 <span class="tt wims_fname">$basedir/log/classes/.connections/myself</span> for details of how to
 declare site connections.)


 The worksheet you want to import may use exercises defined in the
   neighboring class.
   If the same exercises do not exist in your class, the imported worksheet
   would not work correctly. Please verify carefully whether all the class
   exercises in the neighbor are duplicated in your class.
   Exam sheets are based on worksheets to make up their
   contents. <p>
   Importing an exam sheet makes sense only if you have exactly the same
   active worksheets as your neighbor, and only if these worksheets are in the
   same order within the two classes.
   If this is not the case, the imported exam sheet will almost certainly
   behave erratically.

You are about to replace an existing $(name_$itype)
  in your class by
  the imported teaching resource. No recovery will be possible after this
  operation, and your existing $(name_$itype), which is different from the
  imported one, will be definitely lost.

 No participant account has been added to your class. Check if your class is full
 (and if the site still accepts more participants).

This configuration tool is only accessible to secure hosts.
As you have not defined any secure hosts, we are checking your authentication
by sending a secret code to your email address. Please check your mail, pick
the code, and type it below.

<b>Note</b>. This authentication is to ensure that even if your password
is stolen or leaked, damages to your class will be limited.
Defining correct secure hosts will simplify the class
configuration procedure, while keeping a high security level.

<b>Remark</b>. Depending on the class activities, usually it is participant
activities, forum messages and class documents that are of large size. You
may also consider the possibility of making several selective backups for
different teaching materials.

Vous êtes sur le point de remplacer la structure du livret de compétences 
  existante de votre classe par la ressource importée. Il n'y aura aucune
  possibilité de retour en arrière après cette opération. Les liens vers les
feuilles de travail de la classe ne sont pas importés (les existants seront perdus).