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!set lang_exists=yes

!default wims_name_passsup=$wims_name_Password ($name_sup)
!default wims_name_password=$wims_name_Password ($name_classesss)
!default wims_name_institution=$name_Name_portal
!default wims_name_description=$wims_name_name $name_classesss

!set cname=!item $cltype+1 of virtual classes,,groups of classes,,\
  institution portals

!if noagreecgu iswordof $error

!if no_subclass iswordof $error
  You have no right to create subclasses under the current circumstances.
  !set restart=no

!if no_right iswordof $error
  Sorry, you have no right to create virtual classes on this site. Please
  !mailurl $wims_site_manager contact the webmaster\
Virtual class creation
  for more details.
  !set restart=no

!if not_manager iswordof $error
  Sorry but only the webmaster has the right to create $cname.

!if getpass iswordof $error
  <div class="wims_msg warning">
    Le mot de passe de création qui vous a été transmis par l'administrateur
    ne doit pas être communiqué.
    !if $cltype=2
      De même, vous vous engagez à ne diffuser le mot de passe d'inscription des enseignants
      à votre groupement qu'aux enseignants dont vous souhaitez l'inscription
      dans votre groupement. En aucun cas ce mot de passe n'aura une diffusion publique.
      L'administrateur du serveur se réserve le droit de fermer votre groupement
      en cas de manquement à cette règle.
  !if $sendmail!=$empty
    The password has beed send by email to the adress $sendmail.
    <br class="spacer">
  !if $regpass!=$empty
    <div class="wims_msg warning">
      Sorry, your password is not correct. Please try again.
    !if $sendmail=$empty
      The creation of $cname on this site is protected by a password.
      You must enter this password before continuing.
  !form reply
  <input type="hidden" name="step" value="$step">
  <input type="hidden" name="job" value="$job">
  <label for="regpass">
    Enter the password:
  <input size="16" name="regpass" type="password" id="regpass" required>
  <input type="submit" value="$wims_name_send">
  <div class="wims_msg info">
   The password for creation of virtual classes should be obtained from
    !mailurl $wims_site_manager the manager\
Virtual class creation password
 of this WIMS site.
    !if $regpassmail!=$empty and $sendmail=$empty
      !form reply
        Si vous disposez d'une adresse électronique dont le domaine est reconnu par le serveur,
        vous pouvez également recevoir le mot de passe par message électronique
        en saisissant <label for="adresse1">votre adresse électronique </label> ci-contre :
        <div class="wimscenter">
          <input type="text" id="adresse1" name="adresse1" value="$adresse1" size="20">
          <input type="hidden" name="step" value="0">
          !let nbaddr=!itemcnt $regpassmail
          !if $nbaddr=1
            <input type="hidden" name="adresse2" value="$regpassmail">
            !formselect adresse2 list $regpassmail
          <input type="submit" value="$wims_name_send">
      !reset sendmail
  !set restart=no

!if getid iswordof $error
  !if $regpass$regid!=$empty
    Sorry, your password is not correct. Please try again.
    The creation of virtual classes on this site is protected by a system of
    authentication. Please identify yourself.
  !form reply
    <fieldset class="property_fields halfwidth blockcenter">
      <div class="field box">
        <label for="regid">
          Name of your account:
        <input size="20" name="regid" id="regid" required>
      <div class="field box">
        <label for="regpass">
          And the password:
        <input size="16" name="regpass" id="regpass" type="password"  required>
      <div class="wimscenter">
        <input type="submit" value="$wims_name_send">
    Remark. Please write to
    !mailurl $wims_site_manager the webmaster\
Virtual class creation password
    if you want an account for creating virtual classes.
  !set restart=no

!if class_quota=$error
  You have the right to install up to $r_quota1 classes.
  You've had all; no room for more.
  !set restart=no

!if bad_secure=$error
  Your current host does not fit your definition of secure access
  (<span class="tt">$secure</span>)! This is probably an error which would make you unable
  to control your class.
  Please read attentively the documentation below. If you still do not
  understand, leave this field empty (you will be sent temporary secret codes
  for sensitive operations), or put the word <span class="tt">all</span> to disable this
    security measure.
  !read help/hosts.phtml
  !reset secure

!if has_empty=$error
  You have not given all the necessary information for the creation of a
  class. Please complete your data before submitting them.<br>
  <span class="tt wims_code_words">$(wims_name_$error_subject) required.</span>

!if too_short=$error
  The data field <span class="tt wims_code_words">$(wims_name_$(error_subject))</span> seems to be too short.

!if bad_date=$error
  Your expiration data is not correct.

!if anti_date=$error
  Your class has an expiration date before today. It would be expired before
  being created!

!if bad_level=$error
  Bad level value.

!if bad_email=$error
  Your email address is apparently not valid.
  Please be aware that your creation of class will not succeed, unless
  you submit a REAL email address of YOUR OWN.

!if existing=$error
  The class $classname seems already exist. You should not recreate the
  same class.

!if pass_discord isin $error
  The password you retyped (
  !if sup isin $error
    !if class isin $error
      and class
    !if class isin $error
  ) does not correspond to the one originally given. Your
  class can therefore not be created. Please try again.

!if bad_pass=$error
  Your $(wims_name_$(error_subject)) contains illegal characters.
  Please use a word containing only digits or letters without accent, and
  without space between them.

!if bad_code=$error
  You did not enter the right code for the class. Have you given your
  email address correctly?
  This failure has been logged.

!if define_fail=$error or abuse=$error
  The server has failed to insert your class into the database. This is
  an internal error of the software.
    Please report the problem to the
    !mailurl $wims_site_manager webmaster\
user registration failure
. Thanks!

!if duplicate=$error
  You have tried to recreate an existing class. Perhaps because you clicked
  on the button `reload'? In any case, your class $classname is already
  there, and the second tentative of creation is ignored.
  !read adm/lang/links.phtml.$modu_lang

!if classdontexists=$error
  This class does not exist.

!if notexempleclass=$error
  This class is not an example class: you can't copy it.

!if badcpmethod=$error
  Unidentifiable copy method. Repeat the operation.
  If the error persists, contact the server administrator.

!if cloningnotallow=$error
  Duplication of this class is not allowed by its administrator.

!if badcloningpwd=$error
  Wrong duplication password.

!if disallowcloning=$error
  No duplication of this class can be performed.

!if subclasslimit=$error
  Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum de sous-classes ($max_subclasses).
  Il n'est pas possible d'en créer d'autres.

!if bad_file iswordof $error
  Sorry, but I cannot recognize <em>$wims_deposit</em> as a class backup file.
  Either you have sent a wrong file, or it is corrupt.

!msg $error