!if $(module_description_$moduclass_lang)!=$empty
!set module_description=$(module_description_$moduclass_lang)
!read adm/title.phtml 1\
$wims_name_sequence $seq
!! Read some translation vars (like $C_A)
!readproc adm/search_engine/names.$lang
!set data
1 of wimshome
!form reply
<label for="seq_title">$wims_name_title</label>: <input id="seq_title" name="seq_title" size="12" value="$(data[1;])">
<label for="seq_desc"> $wims_name_Description</label>: <input id="seq_desc" name="seq_desc" size="20" value="$(data[2;])">
<label for="visible">$wims_name_Status</label>:
!set visible=$(data[4;])
!formselect visible
list 0,1 prompt
<caption>$wims_name_Docs, $wims_name_Votes & $C_A</caption>
$table_hdtr<th scope="col">$wims_name_title</th>
<th scope="col">$wims_name_Status</th>
<th scope="col">$wims_name_Position</th></tr>
!set listc
!set listc=!replace internal c by in $listc
!set listc=!lines2items $listc
!set listc
=!sort numeric items
!for i=1 to $doccnt
!set ci_=!item $(wims_sort_order[$i]) of $listc
!set sh
$ci_ of wimshome
!distribute lines $sh into s_,t_,bidon,bidon,bidon,o_
!set ss_=!replace internal c by c$ $ in $s_
!set c_$i=!positionof item $ss_ in $(data[3;])
!set ss_=!replace internal c by c_ in $s_
!if $s_!=
<label for="$ss_">
!set wims_ref_class=wims_doc_item
!href module=adm/doc&job=read&doc=$s_&block=main $t_
</td><td class="wims_status_$o_">
!item $[$o_+1] of $wims_name_status
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href module=adm/doc&job=prop&doc=$s_ $wims_name_change
<input type="number" name="$ss_" size="5" value="$(c_$i)" id="$ss_">
!for i=1 to $docpubliccnt
!set sh
$i of wimshome
!distribute lines $sh into s_,t_,ti,d_,o_
!set wims_ref_class=wims_doc_item
<label for="doc_$i">
!href module=$s_&$t_ $ti
</td><td class="wims_status_$o_">
!item $[$o_+1] of $wims_name_status
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href module=adm/class/adddoc&job=prop&doc=$i $wims_name_change
!set doc_$i=!positionof item doc $i in $(data[3;])
<input type="number" name="doc_$i" size="5" value="$(doc_$i)" id="doc_$i">
!for i=1 to $sheetcnt
!set sh
$i of wimshome
!distribute lines $sh into ac,t_,ti
!set wims_ref_class=wims_sheet_item
<label for="sheet_$i">
!href module=adm/class/sheet&sheet=$i $ti
</td><td class="wims_status_$ac">
!set sheet_$i=!positionof item sheet $i in $(data[3;])
<input type="number" name="sheet_$i" size="5" value="$(sheet_$i)" id="sheet_$i">
!!set examcnt
=!recordcnt wimshome
!for i=1 to $examcnt
!set sh
$i of wimshome
!distribute lines $sh into ac,t_,d_,ti
<label for="exam_$i">
!set wims_ref_class=wims_exam_item
!href module=adm/class/exam&exam=$i $ti
</td><td class="wims_status_$ac">
!set exam_$i=!positionof item exam $i in $(data[3;])
<input type="number" name="exam_$i" size="5" value="$(exam_$i)" id="exam_$i">
!!set votecnt
=!recordcnt wimshome
!for i=1 to $votecnt
!set sh
$i of wimshome
!distribute lines $sh into st_,ti_,op_,re_
<label for="vote_$i">
!set wims_ref_class=wims_vote_item
!href module=adm/vote&job=read&vote=$i $ti_
</td><td class="wims_status_$st_">
!set vote_$i=!positionof item vote $i in $(data[3;])
<input type="number" name="vote_$i" size="5" value="$(vote_$i)" id="vote_$i">
!for i=1 to $toolcnt
!set sh
$i of wimshome
!distribute lines $sh into s_,t_,ti,d_,o_
<label for="tool_$i">
!set wims_ref_class=wims_tool_item
!href module=$s_&$t_ $ti
</td><td class="wims_status_$o_">
!item $[$o_+1] of $wims_name_status
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href module=adm/class/adddoc&job=prop&tool=$i $wims_name_change
!set doc_$i=!positionof item tool $i in $(data[3;])
<input type="number" name="tool_$i" size="5" value="$(tool_$i)" id="tool_$i">
!for i=1 to $glossarycnt
!set sh
$i of wimshome
!distribute lines $sh into o_,ti
<label for="glossary_$i">
!set wims_ref_class=wims_glossary_item
!href module=adm/tool/glossary&gl=$i $ti
</td><td class="wims_status_$o_">
!item $[$o_+1] of $wims_name_status
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href module=adm/class/glossary&job=chstatus&gl=$i $wims_name_change
!set glossary_$i=!positionof item glossary $i in $(data[3;])
<input type="number" name="glossary_$i" size="5" value="$(glossary_$i)" id="glossary_$i">
!for i=1 to $freeworkcnt
!set sh
$i of wimshome
!distribute lines $sh into o_,bl,ti
<label for="freework_$i">
!set wims_ref_class=wims_freework_item
!href module=adm/class/freework/&freework=$i $ti
</td><td class="wims_status_$o_">
!set freework_$i=!positionof item freework $i in $(data[3;])
<input type="number" name="freework_$i" size="5" value="$(freework_$i)" id="freework_$i">
<div class="wimscenter wimsform"><input type="submit" value="$wims_name_tosave"></div>