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  1. !if $jquery_defined!=yes
  2.   !changeto addseq-old.phtml
  3. !endif
  4. !if $(module_description_$moduclass_lang)!=$empty
  5.   !set module_description=$(module_description_$moduclass_lang)
  6. !endif
  7. !read adm/title.phtml 1\
  8. $classname\
  9. $module_description\
  10. $wims_name_sequence $seq
  12. <div id="seq_management">
  13.   <script>
  14.     /*<![CDATA[*/
  15.     jQuery(function($$) {
  16.       // Get in sessionStorage if a tab was previously selected, and activate it.
  17.       var selectedTabId = sessionStorage.getItem("seq_management_selectedTab");
  18.       selectedTabId = selectedTabId === null ? 0 : selectedTabId; //default tab = 0
  19.       $$("#seq_management").tabs({
  20.         active: selectedTabId,
  21.         activate : function( event, ui ) {
  22.             selectedTabId = $$("#seq_management").tabs("option", "active");
  23.             sessionStorage.setItem("seq_management_selectedTab", selectedTabId);
  24.         }
  25.       });
  26.     });
  27.     /*]]>*/
  28.   </script>
  29.   <ul>
  30.     <li><a href="#seqinfo">$name_info</a></li>
  31.     <li><a href="#seqliste">$name_content</a></li>
  32.   </ul>
  34.   !! Read some translation vars (like $C_A)
  35.   !readproc adm/search_engine/names.$lang
  37.   !set data=!record 1 of wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/seq/.sequence$seq
  38.   !form reply
  39.     !! ---- manage of seqinfo panel
  40.     <div id="seqinfo"><fieldset class="property_fields blockcenter">
  41.       <div class="field box fullwidth">
  42.         <label for="seq_title">$wims_name_title</label>
  43. !!          !set wims_ref_class=wims_button_help float_right
  44. !!          !href target=wims_mhelp cmd=help&special_parm=weight $wims_name_help
  45.         <input id="seq_title" name="seq_title" size="65" value="$(data[1;])" required="required" maxlength="$title_limit">
  46.         <div class="formHelp">$name_desc_title</div>
  47.       </div>
  48.       <div class="field box fullwidth">
  49.         <label for="visible">$wims_name_Status</label>
  50.         !set visible=$(data[4;])
  51.         !formselect visible list 0,1 prompt $wims_name_shstatus[1..2]
  52.       </div>
  53.       <div class="field box fullwidth">
  54.         <label for="seq_desc"> $wims_name_Description</label>
  55.         <div class="formHelp">$name_desc_desc</div>
  56.         <textarea id="seq_desc" class="iEdit" rows="6" cols="85" name="seq_desc" maxlength="$desc_limit">$(data[2;])</textarea>
  57.       </div>
  58. !! ------------------ to be deleted
  59. !!      <div class="field box">
  60. !!        <label for="hidedate">$name_hidedate</label>
  61. !!        !set hidedate=$(data[5;])
  62. !!        !default hidedate=$class_creation
  63. !!        !set wims_ref_class=wims_button_help float_right
  64. !!        !href target=wims_mhelp cmd=help&special_parm=hide $wims_name_help
  65. !!        !read adm/datepickerform.phtml $hidedate\
  66. !!hidedate\
  67. !!"$class_creation","$class_expiration"
  68. !!        <div class="formHelp">$name_desc_hidedate</div>
  69. !!      </div>
  70. !!      <div class="field box">
  71. !!        <label for="showdate">$name_showdate</label>
  72. !!        !set showdate=$(data[6;])
  73. !!        !default showdate=$class_creation
  74. !!        !set wims_ref_class=wims_button_help float_right
  75. !!        !href target=wims_mhelp cmd=help&special_parm=show $wims_name_help
  76. !!        !read adm/datepickerform.phtml $showdate\
  77. !!showdate\
  78. !!"$class_creation","$class_expiration"
  79. !!        <div class="formHelp">$name_desc_showdate</div>
  80. !!      </div>
  81. !! ---------------- end of deleted
  83. !! --------------- add for selecte show
  84.   <div class="field box">
  85.     <label for="allowtype">$(name_showhidetitle)</label>
  86.     !set wims_ref_class=wims_button_help float_right
  87.     !href target=wims_mhelp cmd=help&special_parm=allowtype $wims_name_help
  88.     <select id="allowtype" name="allowtype"
  89.             onchange="toggle_allowtype(this,{'select': '#js_restricted_time','techvar': '#js_restricted_techvar'})"
  90.       >
  91.       !if $tv_listname=$empty
  92.         !set list_allowtype=all,none,select
  93.       !else
  94.         !set list_allowtype=all,none,select,techvar
  95.       !endif
  96.       !let nboption=!itemcnt $list_allowtype
  97.       !for i=1 to $nboption
  98.         !if $(list_allowtype[$i])=$allowtype
  99.           <option value="$(list_allowtype[$i])" selected="selected">$(name_allowtype[$i])</option>
  100.         !else
  101.           <option value="$(list_allowtype[$i])">$(name_allowtype[$i])</option>
  102.         !endif
  103.       !next i
  104.     </select>
  106.     <div id="js_restricted_time"
  107.       !if $allowtype=select
  108.         style="display:block"
  109.       !else
  110.         style="display:none"
  111.       !endif
  112.       >
  113.       !readproc adm/scorerestriction get
  114.       !read adm/scorerestriction html
  115.     </div>
  117.     <div id="js_restricted_techvar"
  118.       !if $allowtype=techvar
  119.         style="display:block"
  120.       !else
  121.         style="display:none"
  122.       !endif
  123.       >
  124.       !read adm/vfilter/scoreregform.phtml
  125.     </div>
  126.     !read js/interface/ui_utils.js.phtml
  128.     !default allowshare=0
  129.     !if $sharers!=$empty
  130.       <div>
  131.         <label for="allowshare">$name_allowshare</label>
  132.         !formselect allowshare list 0,1 prompt $wims_name_no,$wims_name_yes
  133.       </div>
  134.     !else
  135.       <input type="hidden" name="allowshare" value="0">
  136.     !endif
  137.   </div>
  139. !! ---------------- end of add
  143.     </div></div>
  145.     !! ---- manage of seqliste panel
  146.     <div id="seqliste">
  147.      $name_addseq
  148.      $table_header
  149.       <caption>$wims_name_Docs, $wims_name_Votes & $C_A</caption>
  150.       $table_hdtr
  151.         <th scope="col">$wims_name_title</th>
  152.         <th scope="col">$wims_name_Status</th>
  153.         <th scope="col">$wims_name_Position</th>
  154.       </tr>
  155.       !set listc=!filelist $wims_home/log/classes/$wims_class/doc
  156.       !set listc=!replace internal c by in $listc
  157.       !set listc=!lines2items $listc
  158.       !set listc=!sort numeric items $listc
  160.       !! -- doc of the class data
  161.       !for i=1 to $doccnt
  162.         !set ci_=!item $(wims_sort_order[$i]) of $listc
  163.         !set sh=!record $ci_ of wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/doc/.index
  164.         !distribute lines $sh into s_,t_,bidon,bidon,bidon,o_
  165.         !set ss_=!replace internal c by c$ $ in $s_
  166.         !set c_$i=!positionof item $ss_ in $(data[3;])
  167.         !set ss_=!replace internal c by c_ in $s_
  168.         !if $s_!=
  169.           $table_tr
  170.             <td>
  171.               <label for="$ss_">
  172.                 !set wims_ref_class=wims_doc_item
  173.                 !href module=adm/doc&job=read&doc=$s_&block=main $t_
  174.               </label>
  175.             </td>
  176.             <td class="wims_status_$o_">
  177.               !item $[$o_+1] of $wims_name_status
  178.               !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
  179.               !href module=adm/doc&job=prop&doc=$s_ $wims_name_change
  180.             </td>
  181.             <td>
  182.              <input type="number" name="$ss_" size="5" value="$(c_$i)" id="$ss_">
  183.             </td>
  184.           </tr>
  185.         !endif
  186.       !next i
  188.       !! -- public doc data
  189.       !for i=1 to $docpubliccnt
  190.         !set sh=!record $i of wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/doc/.docindex
  191.         !distribute lines $sh into s_,t_,ti,d_,o_
  192.         $table_tr
  193.           <td>
  194.             !set wims_ref_class=wims_doc_item
  195.             <label for="doc_$i">
  196.               !href module=$s_&$t_ $ti
  197.             </label>
  198.           </td>
  199.           <td class="wims_status_$o_">
  200.             !item $[$o_+1] of $wims_name_status
  201.             !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
  202.             !href module=adm/class/adddoc&job=prop&doc=$i $wims_name_change
  203.           </td>
  204.           <td>
  205.             !set doc_$i=!positionof item doc $i in $(data[3;])
  206.             <input type="number" name="doc_$i" size="5" value="$(doc_$i)" id="doc_$i">
  207.           </td>
  208.         </tr>
  209.       !next i
  211.       !! -- sheet data
  212.       !for i=1 to $sheetcnt
  213.         !set sh=!record $i of wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/sheets/.sheets
  214.         !distribute lines $sh into ac,t_,ti
  215.         $table_tr
  216.         <td>
  217.           !set wims_ref_class=wims_sheet_item
  218.           <label for="sheet_$i">
  219.             !href module=adm/class/sheet&sheet=$i $ti
  220.           </label>
  221.         </td>
  222.         <td class="wims_status_$ac">
  223.           $(wims_name_shstatus[$ac+1])
  224.         </td>
  225.         <td>
  226.           !set sheet_$i=!positionof item sheet $i in $(data[3;])
  227.           <input type="number" name="sheet_$i" size="5" value="$(sheet_$i)" id="sheet_$i">
  228.         </td>
  229.       </tr>
  230.     !next i
  232.     !! -- exam data
  233.     !for i=1 to $examcnt
  234.       !set sh=!record $i of wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/exams/.exams
  235.       !distribute lines $sh into ac,t_,d_,ti
  236.       $table_tr
  237.         <td>
  238.           <label for="exam_$i">
  239.             !set wims_ref_class=wims_exam_item
  240.             !href module=adm/class/exam&exam=$i $ti
  241.           </label>
  242.         </td>
  243.         <td class="wims_status_$ac">
  244.           $(wims_name_shstatus[$ac+1])
  245.         </td>
  246.         <td>
  247.           !set exam_$i=!positionof item exam $i in $(data[3;])
  248.           <input type="number" name="exam_$i" size="5" value="$(exam_$i)" id="exam_$i">
  249.         </td>
  250.       </tr>
  251.     !next i
  254.     !! -- vote data
  255.       !for i=1 to $votecnt
  256.         !set sh=!record $i of wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/vote/.votes
  257.         !distribute lines $sh into st_,ti_,op_,re_
  258.         $table_tr
  259.         <td>
  260.           <label for="vote_$i">
  261.             !set wims_ref_class=wims_vote_item
  262.             !href module=adm/vote&job=read&vote=$i $ti_
  263.           </label>
  264.         </td>
  265.         <td class="wims_status_$st_">
  266.           $(wims_name_status[$st_+1])
  267.         </td>
  268.         <td>
  269.           !set vote_$i=!positionof item vote $i in $(data[3;])
  270.           <input type="number" name="vote_$i" size="5" value="$(vote_$i)" id="vote_$i">
  271.         </td>
  272.       </tr>
  273.     !next i
  275.     !! -- tool data
  276.     !for i=1 to $toolcnt
  277.       !set sh=!record $i of wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/tool/.toolindex
  278.         !distribute lines $sh into s_,t_,ti,d_,o_
  279.         $table_tr
  280.           <td>
  281.             <label for="tool_$i">
  282.               !set wims_ref_class=wims_tool_item
  283.               !href module=$s_&$t_ $ti
  284.             </label>
  285.           </td>
  286.           <td class="wims_status_$o_">
  287.             !item $[$o_+1] of $wims_name_status
  288.             !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
  289.             !href module=adm/class/adddoc&job=prop&tool=$i $wims_name_change
  290.           </td>
  291.           <td>
  292.             !set doc_$i=!positionof item tool $i in $(data[3;])
  293.             <input type="number" name="tool_$i" size="5" value="$(tool_$i)" id="tool_$i">
  294.           </td>
  295.         </tr>
  296.       !next i
  298.       !! -- glossary data
  299.       !for i=1 to $glossarycnt
  300.         !set sh=!record $i of wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/tool/.glossaryindex
  301.         !distribute lines $sh into o_,ti
  302.         $table_tr
  303.         <td>
  304.           <label for="glossary_$i">
  305.             !set wims_ref_class=wims_glossary_item
  306.             !href module=adm/tool/glossary&gl=$i $ti
  307.           </label>
  308.         </td>
  309.         <td class="wims_status_$o_">
  310.           !item $[$o_+1] of $wims_name_status
  311.           !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
  312.           !href module=adm/class/glossary&job=chstatus&gl=$i $wims_name_change
  313.         </td>
  314.         <td>
  315.           !set glossary_$i=!positionof item glossary $i in $(data[3;])
  316.           <input type="number" name="glossary_$i" size="5" value="$(glossary_$i)" id="glossary_$i">
  317.         </td>
  318.       </tr>
  319.     !next i
  321.     !! -- freework data
  322.     !for i=1 to $freeworkcnt
  323.         !set sh=!record $i of wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/freeworks/.freeworks
  324.         !distribute lines $sh into o_,bl,ti
  325.         $table_tr
  326.           <td>
  327.             <label for="freework_$i">
  328.               !set wims_ref_class=wims_freework_item
  329.               !href module=adm/class/freework/&freework=$i $ti
  330.             </label>
  331.           </td>
  332.           <td class="wims_status_$o_">
  333.             $(wims_name_shstatus[$o_+1])
  334.           </td>
  335.           <td>
  336.             !set freework_$i=!positionof item freework $i in $(data[3;])
  337.             <input type="number" name="freework_$i" size="5" value="$(freework_$i)" id="freework_$i">
  338.           </td>
  339.         </tr>
  340.     !next i
  341.   </div>
  342.   $table_end
  343. </div>
  346. <div class="wimscenter wimsform"><input type="submit" value="$wims_name_tosave" name="save"></div>
  347. !formend
  348. </div>