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!set wims_module_log=error: $error

!if not_supervisor=$error
 Spreminjanje delovnih listov je dovoljeno le skrbniku!

!if bad_class=$error
 Èudno, va¹a uèilnica se zdi neveljavna.

!if bad_source=$error
 Element ¹tevilka $bad_source v va¹em delovnem listu je neveljaven.
 !href cmd=reply&job=prep_putsource&source=$source $name_correctsource

!if bad_sheet=$error
 ©tevilka va¹ega delovnega lista je neveljavna. Hro¹è v programski opremi?

!if no_title=$error
 Posku¹ate registrirati delovni list brez naslova, kar ni priporoèljivo.
 Gre za pomoto?

!if $error=not_secure
 This operation can only be done from a secure host.
 !if $sec=$empty
  You haven't defined secure host. Access denied. You may ask the site manager
  to do it for you.
  Access denied.

!if $error=sharing_sheet
 You are sharing sheets with other classes!
 !if $wims_ismanager<2
  You must ask the site manager to deactivate the sheet for you.
 You might put your neighboring classes in total disorder by deactivating
 this sheet. This operation is therefore <b>stronly discouraged</b>.
 Do you still want to deactivate the sheet?
 !href cmd=reply&job=deactivate&confirm=yes $wims_name_yes; $(statutaction[3])
 !href cmd=resume $wims_name_no; $wims_name_giveup
 . </center>
 <b>Before continuing, ask at least the supervisors of your class neighbors to
 save their classes!</b>

!if $error=sheet_in_exam
 Impossible to deactivate this sheet, because you have exams based on its

!if $error=non_empty_activities
 You want to deactivate the sheet $sheet, while participants have already
 started to work on it!
 !if share iswordof $confirmed
  Moreover, the sheet is shared with other classes where there may be works
  and scores too. It is therefore not allowed to deactivate it.
 All scores obtained on this sheet will be erased, if you deactivate. Really
 want to do it?
 !href cmd=reply&job=deactivate&confirm=yes $wims_name_yes; $(statutaction[3])
 !href cmd=resume $wims_name_no; $wims_name_giveup
 . </center> <p>
 List of accounts having worked on this sheet:
 <b>Note</b>. This action should be taken only if this is a testing class.
 Don't go further if the participants are your real students!

!if prep_activate=$error
 ®eleli ste vkljuèiti delovni list $sheet, s èimer bo postal dostopen uporabnikom uèilnice. <p>
 Pomnite, da vsebine vkljuèenega lista ni mogoèe spreminjati, ne da bi ga prej izkljuèili in s tem zbrisali vse rezultate, dose¾ene na tem listu.
 Ali ¾elite nadaljevati?
 !href cmd=reply&job=activate $wims_name_yes; $(statutaction[1])
 !href cmd=resume $wims_name_no; $wims_name_giveup
 . </center>

!if prep_erase=$error
 Ali res ¾elite izbrisati ta list #$sheet ($title)?
 !href cmd=reply&job=erase $wims_name_yes; $wims_name_erase
 !href cmd=resume $wims_name_no ; $wims_name_giveup

!if prep_expire=$error
 Ta list #$sheet ($title) naj bi bil zakljuèen na dan $expday
 !item $expmon $months
 $expyear. Ali ga ¾elite zakljuèiti takoj?
 !href cmd=reply&job=expire $wims_name_yes ; $(statutaction[2])
 !href cmd=resume $wims_name_no ; $wims_name_giveup
 . </center>
 <p><b>Opomba.</b> Uporabniki na zakljuèenem delovnem listu ne morejo veè pridobivati toèk. ®e dose¾eni rezultati pa bodo ostali shranjeni in upo¹tevani v statistiki.

!if prep_putsource=$error
 If you have a source of a sheet saved earlier, you can insert this source
 into the current sheet, by copying this source into the window below,
 then clicking on the button `Send'. This form also allows you to insert the
 source of a public work sheet using cut-and-paste.
 !set wims_menu_items=!append line sheetadmin,1,cmd=resume \
to $wims_menu_items

 !form reply
 <input type=hidden name="job" value=putsource><center>
 <textarea cols=55 rows=10 name="source">$source</textarea>
 <p><input type=submit value="$wims_name_send">
 <b>Warning</b>. Don't insert modified source file! You risk to make your
 worksheet useless.

!if prep_modify=$error
 !set cnt=!recordcnt wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/sheets/.sheet$sheet
 !if $modif>$cnt or $modif<1
  You have sent an invalid request. Ignored.
  !set exo=!record $modif of wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/sheets/.sheet$sheet
  !changeto exomodify.phtml $exo

!if $error=toolate
 $name_expiration1 ($l_date). $name_expiration2

!href cmd=resume $wims_name_back2

!msg $error