!if $(module_title_$moduclass_lang)!=$empty
!set module_title=$(module_title_$moduclass_lang)
!if $job=examcheck
!set wims_help_parm=exam
!read adm/css.phtml
!read adm/class/classname.phtml $wims_classname\
!! not useful ???
!!!if $cmd=help
!! !read lang/help.phtml
!if $job!=$empty and $job!=sheets
!read $job.phtml
!goto endtail
!read adm/title.phtml 1\
$module_title ($usercnt)
!if $error!=$empty
<div class="wims_msg alert">
!read lang/msg.phtml.$moduclass_lang
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!if $wims_class!=$empty
!href module=home $wims_name_class_home
!href module=home $wims_name_home
!goto endtail
!set typen
=!defof class_typename in wimshome
!if $usercnt==0
<div class="wimscenter">
!if $typen!=level
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href module=adm/class/reguser&step=1 $wims_name_addstudent
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job=csv $wims_name_csv
!else -- $usercnt>0
!! !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!! !href cmd=reply&job=csv $wims_name_csv
!if $seq_cnt=0
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href module=adm/class/sequence&job=config $wims_name_config
!!test inutile ?
!if $usercnt > 0
!if $activecnt+$eactivecnt>=1
!form reply
<input type="hidden" name="job" value="sheets" />
!set wims_formselect_switch=multiple="multiple" size="$[min($activecnt+$eactivecnt,6)]"
<fieldset class="property_fields blockcenter">
<div class="field box">
<label for="showsheet">$name_pickup</label>
!set seq_open
=!defof sequence_open in wimshome
!for i=1 to $activecnt
!set sh=!line $i of $activesheets
!set se=!item 1 of $sh
!if $seq_open!=yes
!set ti=!item 4 to -1 of $sh
!set ti=!replace internal , by , in $ti
!set tmp=!append item $se: $ti to $tmp
!set ti=!item 5 to -1 of $sh
!set ti=!replace internal , by , in $ti
!set seq=!item 4 of $sh
!set tmp=!append item $seq/$se: $ti to $tmp
!set ash=$activesh
!for i=1 to $eactivecnt
!set tt=!item $i of $activexams
!set l
$tt of wimshome
!set l=!line 4 of $l
!set l=!replace internal , by , in $l
!set tmp=!append item $name_Exam $tt: $l to $tmp
!set ash=!append item E$tt to $ash
!formselect showsheet
list $ash prompt
<div class="field box">
!if $job_affi=notes or $job_affi=$empty
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=quality $(name_affi[1])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=points $(name_affi[2])
<span class="wims_button disabled"> $(name_affi[3])</span>
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=best $(name_affi[4])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=level $(name_affi[5])
!if $job_affi=quality
<span class="wims_button disabled"> $(name_affi[1])</span>
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=points $(name_affi[2])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=notes $(name_affi[3])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=best $(name_affi[4])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=level $(name_affi[5])
!if $job_affi=points
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=quality $(name_affi[1])
<span class="wims_button disabled"> $(name_affi[2])</span>
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=notes $(name_affi[3])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=best $(name_affi[4])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=level $(name_affi[5])
!if $job_affi=best
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=quality $(name_affi[1])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=points $(name_affi[2])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=notes $(name_affi[3])
<span class="wims_button disabled"> $(name_affi[4])</span>
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=level $(name_affi[5])
!if $job_affi=level
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=quality $(name_affi[1])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=points $(name_affi[2])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=notes $(name_affi[3])
!set wims_ref_class=wims_button
!href cmd=reply&job_affi=best $(name_affi[4])
<span class="wims_button disabled">$(name_affi[5])</span>
!if $tv_listtechvar!=$empty
!read adm/vfilter/varfilter htmldiv
<div class="wimsform wimscenter">
<input type="submit" value="$wims_name_Show" />
!form reply
!if $tv_listtechvar!=$empty
!read adm/vfilter/varfilter html
!if $wims_typename notwordof group portal program
!if $wims_typename notwordof group portal program
!set table_id=TABLE_userlist
!set table_class=sortable
!if $wims_typename notwordof group portal
!if $job_affi=notes
!let tmp
=!recordcnt wimshome
!let tmp=!values v for v=1 to $tmp
!let showsheet=!listintersect $showsheet and $tmp
!if $job_affi=quality
!if $job_affi=points
!if $job_affi=best
!if $manual>0 and $job_affi=notes
<th scope="col">$wims_name_lastname, $wims_name_firstname ($usercnt)</th>
<th scope="col" class="manual_notes small" data-sort-method="number">
<div class="wims_tooltip">$(name_manual_notes[1])
<div class="wims_tooltiptext">$[$manual/100]* $(name_manual_notes[2])
+ $[1-$manual/100]* $(name_manual_notes[3])
<th scope="col" class="manual_notes small" data-sort-method="number">
<div class="wims_tooltip">$(name_manual_notes[2])
<div class="wims_tooltiptext">
<th scope="col" class="manual_notes small" data-sort-method="number">
<div class="wims_tooltip">$(name_manual_notes[3])<div class="wims_tooltiptext">$name_auto</div></div>
!if $showsheet=$empty and $job=$empty
<th scope="col" class="dtexolog">$name_dtexolog</th>
!for j in $showsheet
!if E isin $j
!set k=!char 2 to -1 of $j
<th scope="col" class="name_exam small" data-sort-method="number">$name_Exam $k</th>
<th scope="col" class="show_sheet small" data-sort-method="number">
!set s
$j of wimshome
!set s=!line 3 of $s
!set wims_ref_title=$s
!href cmd=reply&job=showsheet&numshowsheet=$j $name_Sheet $j
$table_hdtr<th scope="col">$wims_name_lastname, $wims_name_firstname</th>
!if $wims_typename iswordof group portal
!goto endgroup
!if $job_affi=notes
<th scope="col" class="average" data-sort-method="number">
<div class="wims_tooltip">$name_Average <div class="wims_tooltiptext">$name_auto</div></div>
!if $showsheet=$empty and $job=$empty
<th scope="col" class="dtexolog" data-sort-method="number">$name_dtexolog</th>
!for j in $showsheet
!if E isin $j
!set k=!char 2 to -1 of $j
<th scope="col" class="name_exam small" data-sort-method="number">$name_Exam $k</th>
<th scope="col" class="small" data-sort-method="number">
!set s
$j of wimshome
!set s=!line 3 of $s
!set wims_ref_title=$s
!href cmd=reply&job=showsheet&numshowsheet=$j $name_Sheet $j
!distribute item 0,0,0 into mean_tea,mean_auto,mean_glob
!distribute item 0,0,0 into cnt_tea,cnt_auto,cnt_glob
!set trueusercnt=0
!for i=1 to $usercnt
!set uu
$i of wimshome
!distribute items $uu into user_lastname,user_firstname,uu
!if $varfilter_!=$empty
!read adm/vfilter/testfilter $uu\
!if $var_filter_test!=1
!goto enduser
!increase trueusercnt
!set UU=!hex $uu
!if $uu isitemof $wims_connectedlogin
!set css_connected=class="wims_connected"
!set wims_ref_title=connected
<td><span $css_connected>
!href cmd=reply&job=getuser&getuser=$uu#sheet$(showsheet[1]) $user_lastname $user_firstname
!if $wims_typename iswordof group portal
!goto enduser
!readproc adm/class/userscore $uu
!if $manual>0 and $job_affi=notes
!if $glob>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$glob
!if $(manual_$UU)>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$(manual_$UU)
!if $per>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$per
!distribute item $[$mean_glob+$glob],$[$mean_tea+$(manual_$UU)] into mean_glob,mean_tea
!if $glob>0
!advance cnt_glob
!if $(manual_$UU)>0
!advance cnt_tea
!if $per>0
!advance cnt_auto
!if $wims_typename iswordof group portal
!goto enduser
!if $job_affi=notes
!if $per>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$per
!advance cnt_auto
!advance cnt_glob
!set mean_auto=$[$mean_auto+$per]
!for j in $showsheet
!if E isin $j
!set k=!char 2 to -1 of $j
!set p_=$[rint(10*$scoremax*$(es_$k))/100]
!if NaN isin $p_
!set p_=0
!if $p_>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$p_
!set p_=!line $j of $percents
!distribute words $p_ into p1,p2,p3,p4
!if $job_affi=notes
!if $p2!=$empty
!set sev=!line $j of $defaultformula
!distribute word $(sev) into w_$j,s,ss
!set tmp
=!defof DF_SEVERITY in wimshome
!distribute words $tmp into bidon,tmp_s,tmp_ss
!bound s between integer 0 and 6 default $tmp_s
!bound ss between integer 0 and 2 default $tmp_ss
!set f_$j=!item $s+1 of $formula_list
!set f_$j=!replace internal I by I$ss in $(f_$j)
!distribute item $[$p1/100],$[$p2/10],$[$p3/100], $[$p4/100] into x0_,y_,x1_,x2_
!set ff_$j=!mathsubst Q=$y_ in $(f_$j)
!for sev=0 to 2
!set ff_$j=!mathsubst I$sev=$(x$(sev)_) in $(ff_$j)
!set p_=$[rint(100*$scoremax*$(ff_$j))/100]
!set p_=0
!if $p_>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$p_
!if quality iswordof $job_affi
!set p_=$p2
!if $p_>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$p_
!if points iswordof $job_affi
!set p_=$p1
!if $p_>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$p_ %
!if best iswordof $job_affi
!set p_=$p3
!if $p_>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$p_ %
!if level iswordof $job_affi
!set p_=$[$p4/10]
!if $p_>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$p_
!if $p2=$empty
!set $p_=0
!set per_$j=$[$(per_$j)+$p_]
!if $p_>0
!advance cnt_$j
!if $showsheet=$empty and $job=$empty
!set exologs
!set dtexologs=!word -1 of $exologs
!set dtexologs=!char 1 to 8 of $dtexologs
!if $wims_typename iswordof group portal
!read tablesort.phtml
!goto endtail
!distribute item $[rint(100*$mean_auto/$trueusercnt)/100],\
$[rint(100*$mean_glob/$trueusercnt)/100] into m_auto,m_tea,m_glob
$table_hdtr<th>$name_groupAverage ($trueusercnt)</th>
!if $job_affi=notes
!if $manual>0
!if $m_glob >0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$m_glob
!if $m_tea >0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$m_tea
!if $m_auto>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$m_auto
!if $m_auto>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$m_auto
!if $showsheet=$empty and $job=$empty
!for j in $showsheet
!if $
!if $job_affi=points
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style
$j)/max(1,$trueusercnt))/100] %
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style
!if $cnt_glob>0
!distribute item $
(100*$mean_glob/max(1,$cnt_glob))/100] into m_auto
$table_hdtr<th>$name_posAverage ($cnt_glob)</th>
!if $manual>0
!if $m_glob>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$m_glob
!if $m_tea>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$m_tea
!if $m_auto>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$m_auto
!if $m_auto>0
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style=$style_note>$m_auto
!for j in $showsheet
!if $
!read adm
/class/colors $
<td style
!if $showsheet=$empty and $job=$empty
!read tablesort.phtml
!endif (usercnt=0?)
!set wims_menu_items=!append line itemsep,0,\
to $wims_menu_items
!if (($wims_supertype<4 and $wims_typename=class) or ($wims_supertype=4 and $wims_typename iswordof course program)) and $wims_showlivret!=no
!set wims_menu_items=!append line itemsep,0,$wims_name_Evaluation\
to $wims_menu_items
!if $usercnt!=0
!set wims_menu_items=!append line activity,1,module=adm/class/activity\
to $wims_menu_items
!!!!!if $manual>0
!!!! <div class="wims_msg info">$wims_name_Explanations
!!!! <div class="wimscenter">
!!!! moyenne des notes sur les feuilles et examens pondérée par les poids attribués à chacune de ces activités.
!!!! $(name_manual_notes[1]) = $[$manual/100]* $(name_manual_notes[2])
!!!! + $[1-$manual/100]* $(name_manual_notes[3])
!!!! </div>
!!!! </div>
!reset job