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             wims error message file, English version.

Environment variable substitutions are valid (variable names start by `$').

A line starting with ':' at the FIRST column is a tag line. Text following
this line will be printed if the tag equals error type; tag line with empty
tag is valid for all error types.

Nothing before the first tag line will be printed; so put comments simply
at the beginning of the file (or after a fictive tag).

 This modules requires at least WIMS-$module_wims_version, but the
 server is only of version $wims_version.

 It is a wrongly installed module.

  Syntax error for `append'.

  The field ``allow'' in the definition of variable is not valid.

  The command ``$wims_error_data'' is not valid.  

  The index number is not valid.

  Bad file var.def.

  Unable to create the session directory.

  Unable to create the session number.

  Syntax error in compare(): $wims_error_data.

  Debug output:

  Definition string too long.

 The file name is too long:

  The length of the file ``$wims_error_data'' exceeded length limit.
  Syntax error in `for'.

  syntax error in `getscore'.

  The command ``$wims_error_data'' is illegal:
  You should not try to go to parent directories in the command name.
  The name of the file ``$wims_error_data'' is illegal:
  It is forbidden to access files via parent directories.

  The variable name ``$wims_bad_name'' is bad.

  The parameter string for gnuplot may contain illegal strings.
  The use of pipeline in this string (an apostrophe followed by `<')
  is not allowed.
  Unable to find label ``$wims_error_data''

  Syntax error in ``mathsubst''.

  The variable ``$wims_bad_name'' is declared several times.

  The name ``$wims_reserved_name'' is reserved for the internal use
  by the server. You should not use it for your module. Please
  choose another name for your variable.

  Variable name too long.

  `next' without `for'.
  (Is there a goto which jumps into a `for' loop?)

  The double quotation " is not allowed in the command parameter, due to
  security reasons. Sorry.
  Syntax error. The syntax is: $wims_error_data ??? of ???

  The module $module has no privilege to execute private scripts or
  administrative commands.

  The length of the output html page has exceeded limit.
  If you didn't plan an extremely long page (in this case divide the page),
  this is probably due to an infinite loop.
  The parameter string has exceeded length limit.
  Syntax error in `replace'.

  Too many substitutions in one string. (Is there an infinite loop of

  Syntax error in the command.

  The table for text interaction is corrupt.

  The definition of the variable contains too few fields.

  Too many goto's (or executed `for' loops). These are all limited.
  The number of dynamic insertions (instex, insplot) has exceeded limit.
  The number of `for' loops has exceeded limit.

  The level of nested file executions has exceeded limit. Verify whether the
  file is reading itself.

  The number of variables defined in var.def has exceeded limit.

  Syntax error for `translate'.

  Syntax error. Unmatched parentheses.

  The module contains a file which exceeds the length limit.

  A `for' loop with zero `step' cannot be executed.

 The processing of your request is interrupted because it requires
 too much time.

 The file $executable cannot be processed by WIMS,
 because it is executable.


If you see this message, it is usually due to a bug in the module 

Please contact the module's developer about the bug.