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Status: 450 WIMS User Error
Server: WIMS $wims_version (WWW Interactive Multipurpose Server)
Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache

  <meta http-equiv=expires content="1 Jan 1990">
  <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
  <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache">
<!-- Style general du theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="html/themes/$wims_theme/css.css" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
 input[type="submit"],input[type="button"],.wims_button{ background-color:$wims_ref_button_bgcolor;color:$wims_ref_button_color;}
 .wims_button_help{ background-color:$wims_ref_button_help_bgcolor;color:$wims_ref_button_help_color;}

!if exam_ isin $wims_user_error
<style type="text/css"><!--
body {text-align: justify;
padding-left: 3%; padding-right: 3%;}
<body onload="window.resizeTo(500,200);window.moveTo(250,300);" class="user_error">
 <h1 class="wims_center">ERROR</h1>
!goto examerr

<body class="user_error">

!if threshold iswordof $wims_user_error
 <hr width="1"/>
 <h1 class="wims_center">We are too busy</h1>
 <hr style="width:50%" />
 WIMS strežnik <span class="color:blue">$httpd_HTTP_HOST</span> 
 je trenutno preobremenjen. Prosim, vrnite se kasneje ali
 obišèite katerega od zrcalnih strežnikov.
 Opravièujemo se za to neprijetnost.
 !read mirror.phtml.en

!if overload iswordof $wims_user_error

 <h1 class="wims_center">SORRY</h1>
 Strežnik WIMS je prepreèil izvajanje tega zahtevka: presežena dovoljena kvota povezav.

!if ++++missing_ isin ++++$wims_user_error
  <hr width="1"/>
 <h1 class="wims_center">Sorry</h1>
 <hr style="width:50%" />
 Za izvedbo tega zahtevka je potrebna programska oprema
 !set miss=!upper $missing_software
 <span class="wims_warning">$miss</span>, 
 ki ni namešèena na tem WIMS strežniku.
 <a href="mailto:$wims_site_manager?subject=$missing_software unavailable on WIMS">skrbnika strežnika</a> ali izberite drug strežnik.
<p><a href="wims.cgi">WIMS domaèa stran</a>.
 !read mirror.phtml.en

!if trapped iswordof $wims_user_error
 <h1 class="wims_center">Stop!</h1><hr/>

<h1 class="wims_center">WIMS napaka</h1>
V vašem zahtevku je napaka.

!if module_change iswordof $wims_user_error
 !if $wims_human_access=yes
  Ne uporabljajte gumba `nazaj', saj uporabljate interaktivni strežnik..
  <p class="wims_center">
  !set tit=!module title $module
  !default tit=$module
  !href module=$module $tit
  !href $ WIMS home
  !if $httpd_HTTP_REFERER!=$empty
   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="$httpd_HTTP_REFERER">Exit WIMS</a>
   If you want to get out of the site, ignore this message and continue
   to click on `Back'.
 You have asked an illegal module change.
 Are you using an automatic program to access this site?
 !form new
 <input type="hidden" name="module" value="home"/>
 <input type="hidden" name="deblockparm" value="$[randint(10000000)+1000000]"/>
 If you have simply clicked on the `back' button of your browser,
 please type the word `wims' here:
 <input size="8" name="special_parm" /> then
 <input type="submit" value="send to the server" />.
 Please bear in mind that pages on this site are dynamically generated.
 They can therefore only be used online, 
 via a normal browser. It is useless for you to gather these pages
 using a robot program.
 !if robot_doubt iswordof $wims_user_error
  <p class="small">
  And beware that people trying to hacker on
  this site will see their accesses definitely denied.

!if robot_doubt iswordof $wims_user_error
 We block further access to this site for you, because you are suspected
 of using an automatic program to gather pages.
 !goto unblock

!if allow_violation iswordof $wims_user_error
  You don't have the right to define the variable ``$wims_error_data''
  with the command ``$cmd''.
  !goto end

!if bad_command iswordof $wims_user_error
  The command ``$cmd'' is not valid.
  <p> Valid commands are: <pre>
  new, renew, reply, hint, config </pre>

!if bad_host iswordof $wims_user_error
  You have tried to access a session from another post. This is not allowed
  for your virtual class.
  Unfortunately, some internet providers give you dynamic host addresses
  which MAY change within one connection. If this is the case, please write
  to the supervisor of your class asking him/her to change the access lock
  !goto end

!if need_https iswordof $wims_user_error
 You should connect to your class via a https request.
 !set refname=!replace http:// by https:// in $wims_ref_name
 <a href="$refname?session=$wims_session&module=home&cmd=new">Try it</a>.

!if bad_insnum iswordof $wims_user_error
 !if $cmd=getfile
  The file you asked for does not exist.
  The file name for dynamic insertion is not valid.
 !goto end

!if cmd_output_too_long iswordof $wims_user_error
  The intermediate result of the computation has exceeded the length limit.
  You have probably submitted a request which is unrealistically complicated.
  Simplify your request, please.
  !goto end

!if double_click iswordof $wims_user_error
 This request arrived while the process of another request from you is 
 still under way.<p>
 If you have been double clicking, now please wait 
 <span class="wims_warning">$wims_cpu_limit seconds</span>
 for the process of your old request to terminate, then
 !href cmd=resume click here
 to get back to your work. (And please be more patient the next time
 you ask wims to do lengthy computations.)
 If you are using ``back'' button of your browser to get out of wims, you
 may ignore this message and go ahead.

!if invalid_char_in_query_string iswordof $wims_user_error
  The substitution ``$wims_error_data'' in the parameter string is illegal.
  !goto end

!if name_conflict iswordof $wims_user_error
  ``$wims_error_data'' is a reserved name for wims.
  !goto end

!if no_command iswordof $wims_user_error
  There is no command.
  !goto end

!if no_insnum iswordof $wims_user_error
 !if $cmd=getfile
  You have asked for a file without giving its name.
  You have asked for a dynamic insertion without giving its number.
 !goto end

!if no_module_name iswordof $wims_user_error
  You have asked a new session without module name.
  !goto end

!if no_session iswordof $wims_user_error
  The session number is missing.
  !goto end

!if parm_too_long iswordof $wims_user_error
  Your parameter string has exceeded length limit. This is not allowed by
  security reasons, sorry.
  !goto end

!if string_too_long iswordof $wims_user_error
  The definition of variable has a length which exceeds the limit.
  !goto end

!if too_many_variables iswordof $wims_user_error
  The number of parameters which you transmitted has exceeded the limit
  authorized in this wims site.
  !goto end

!if unmatched_parentheses iswordof $wims_user_error
  We have detected unmatched parentheses in your request. You may correct the
  error here:
  !form $cmd
  $(name$bad_parentheses) =
  !for i in module,special_parm,worksheet
   !if $($i)!=$empty
    !set value=!translate " to $ $ in $($i)
    <input type="hidden" name="$i" value="$value" />
  !next i
  !for i=0 to $user_var_no-1
   !if $i!=$bad_parentheses
    !set value=!translate " to $ $ in $(value$i)
    <input type="hidden" name="$(name$i)" value="$value" />
  !next i
  !set value=!translate " to $ $ in $(value$bad_parentheses)
  !set len=!charcnt $value
  !if $len<55
   !set len=$[$len+3]
   !set len=59
  <input size="$len" name="$(name$bad_parentheses)" value="$value" />
  <input type="submit" value="send the corrected request."/>
  <hr />
  <p class="wimscenter">
  !href cmd=resume Cancel the last request
, or
  !href $ wims home
!if wrong_module iswordof $wims_user_error
  !set tmp=!translate "!/<>;': to $         $ in $module
  <p>The module <code>$tmp</code> which you asked for does not exist in this site.</p>
  !goto end

!if wrong_session iswordof $wims_user_error
  The session number ``$session'' is not (or no longer) valid.
  <a href="wims.cgi">Create a new session</a>.
  !goto end

!if rafale iswordof $wims_user_error
 Please don't play with the exercises!
 You should take time to think carefully and try to solve the exercises
 correctly, instead of ask new ones over and over again.
 !href cmd=resume Cancel the last request
 !if $wims_user!=$empty and $wims_user!=supervisor
  <p><span class="wims_warning">ATTENTION</span>! Don't repeat this error!
  Irregular activities may give you bad scores even when score registration is
 !goto end2


!if exam_dep iswordof $wims_user_error
  This exercise is available only when you have successfully made
  !if , isin $dep_list
   exercises $dep_list.
   exercise $dep_list.
  Please first try to do the latter.
  !goto examend

!if bad_exam iswordof $wims_user_error
  You have issued an illegal request within an examination session.
  !goto examend

!if exam_exo_finished iswordof $wims_user_error
  You have already done this exercise with a score of $wims_exo_lastscore.
  You cannot do it again because this is an examination.
  !goto examend

!if expired_exam iswordof $wims_user_error
  You have no more time left to work on this exam.
  !set pses=!translate _ to , in $wims_session
  !set pses=!item 1 of $pses
  !set pser=!randint 1,999
  !set wims_opener=window.opener.location='$wims_ref_name?session=$pses.$pser&cmd=reply&job=student';
  <p class="wimscenter">
  <a href=# onclick="window.close();$wims_opener">Close this window</a>.

!if exam_closed iswordof $wims_user_error
 This exam is not accessible for your connection at the time being. Please verify
 with the supervisor of your class.
 !goto examend

!if bad_ident iswordof $wims_user_error
 Your request contains a user identification error. Are you trying to connect
 to somebody else's session?
 <a href="wims.cgi?special_parm=ignorecookie&special_parm2=$[randint(10^8)]">make a new connection</a>.

!if no_access iswordof $wims_user_error
  Your request is refused by the access policy of this site. Sorry.
  !goto end

!if class_closed iswordof $wims_user_error
  Access to this virtual class is temporarily closed by its supervisor.
  Come back later!
  <div class="wimscenter">
  !href cmd=close&module=home WIMS

<p>If you see this message after following a link given by another page, it 
probably is because the link is not well-prepared. In this case, please
contact the author of that page, to inform him of the error. You may also
write to the
<a href="mailto:$wims_site_manager?subject=wims.cgi">manager of this
site</a>, with as many details as possible about the circomstances
under which the error has occurred.

<hr/><div class="wimscenter">
!href module=home&cmd=new Home page
