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Rev 16189 | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

  1. <!-- begin of standard/supervisor.phtml -->
  2. !! supervisor page definition.
  3. !nocache
  4. !if $module!=home
  5.   !exit
  6. !endif
  7. !set home_theme=yes
  9. !set table_spacer=no
  10. !readproc tabletheme
  12. !read classlogo.phtml
  13. !if $class_logo!=
  14.   <div id="classlogo" class="float_$class_logoside">
  15.     <img src="$class_logo" alt="class logo">
  16.   </div>
  17. !endif
  18. !! classtype=0 or 1
  19. !let test=!fileexists wimshome/log/manager_msg.phtml.$lang
  20. !if $test=yes
  21.   <div id="wims_class_manager_msg" class="wims_class_manager_msg">
  22.     !read ./wimshome/log/manager_msg.phtml.$lang
  23.   </div>
  24. !endif
  25. !read themes/_widgets/classtitle.phtml
  27. !if _tool isin $wims_session
  28.   !read ./tools.phtml
  29.    </div><!--wimsbody-->
  30.   </div><!--wimspagebox-->
  31.   !goto end
  32. !endif
  33. !!definition for menumodubox
  34. !distribute items div,div into div0,div1
  35. !if $class_type isin 3
  36.   <p class="wims_greetings">
  37.     $SU_greet.
  38.   </p>
  39.   !read ./subclasses.phtml
  40.   !read ./Subclasses1.phtml
  41.   !if $class_typename=level
  42.       </div><!--wimsbody-->
  43.     </div><!--wimspagebox-->
  44.     !read themes/_procs/menumodubox3.proc
  45.     !read themes/_widgets/menumodubox.phtml
  46.     !goto end
  47.   !else
  48.     !goto nocheck
  49.   !endif
  50. !endif class_type = 3
  52. !if $class_type notin 13
  53.   <span class="wims_greetings">
  54.     $SU_greet
  55.     $SU_exp1
  56.     !set d_=!char 7,8 of $class_expiration
  57.     !set m_=!char 5,6 of $class_expiration
  58.     !set y_=!char 1 to 4 of $class_expiration
  59.     !read adm/date.phtml date,$y_,$m_,$d_
  60.     !href module=adm/class/config $c_date_out
  61.     $SU_exp2.
  62.   </span>
  63. !else
  64.   <span class="wims_greetings">
  65.     $SU_greet.
  66.   </span>
  67. !endif
  69. !set wims_ref_class=wims_button_help
  70. !if $class_type=2
  71.   !set wims_helper=chapter=3&open=3_group#group
  72. !else
  73.   !if $class_type=4
  74.     !set wims_helper=chapter=3&open=3_institution#institution
  75.  !else
  76.     !set wims_helper=chapter=3&open=3_sheet#sheet
  77.  !endif
  78. !endif
  79. !href target=wims_help module=help/main&$wims_helper $wims_name_whelp
  81. !! ------- list of program of the class
  82. !if $class_type=1 and $class_typename=course
  83.  !read adm/class/graphclsprog $wims_class
  84. !endif
  85. !! -------
  86. !if $wims_numpartconnected>0
  87.   <p class="wims_connected">$SU_numpartconnected.</p>
  88. !else
  89.   <div class="wims_msg info">$SU_nopartconnected.</div>
  90. !endif
  92. !if $quota_free<2
  93.   !if $quota_free<=0
  94.     <div class="wims_msg alert">$wims_name_exceeded</div>
  95.     <p class="wims_center">
  96.       !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
  97.       !href cmd=close&module=home&lang=$lang $wims_name_visitor
  98.     </p>
  99.     </div><!--wimsbody-->
  100.     </div><!--wimspagebox-->
  101.     !goto end
  102.   !else
  103.     <div class="wims_msg warning">
  104.       <b>$wims_name_warning</b>! $wims_name_reaching_limit
  105.     </div>
  106.   !endif
  107. !endif
  108. :nocheck
  110. !if & isin $newmsgcnt or $newmsgcnt>0
  111.   <div class="wims_msg info">
  112.     !href module=adm/forum/mboard $U_newmsg
  113.   </div>
  114. !endif
  115. !if $class_type=4
  116.   !if $wims_user=supervisor
  117.     !read ./subclasses.phtml
  118.     !read ./Subclasses1.phtml
  119.   !endif
  120.    </div><!--/wimsbody-->
  121.   </div><!--/wimspagebox-->
  123.   !read themes/_procs/menumodubox3.proc
  124.   !read themes/_widgets/menumodubox.phtml
  125.   !goto end
  126. !endif class_type=4
  128. !set test=!replace / by , in $wims_class
  129. !if $(test[-1])=0
  130.   !set test_up=!replace internal /0- by in $wims_class-
  131.   !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
  132.   !href module=adm/class/classes&type=authsupervisor&class=$test_up $SU_Bprogram
  133. !endif
  135. !if $class_type notin 24
  136.   <div id="wims_supervisor_search">
  137.     !read ./form.phtml
  138.     <br class="clearall">
  139.     !read ./result.phtml
  140.   </div>
  141. !endif
  142. !set docpubliccnt=!recordcnt wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/doc/.docindex
  143. !set toolcnt=!recordcnt wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/tool/.toolindex
  144. !set glossarycnt=!recordcnt wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/tool/.glossaryindex
  146. !if $sheetcnt+$examcnt+$doccnt+$docpubliccnt+$votecnt+$subclasscnt+$toolcnt+$glossarycnt+$freeworkcnt<=0
  147.   <div class="wims_msg info">$SU_nosheet</div>
  148. !else
  149.   !if $class_type notin 24
  150.     !set seq_open=!defof sequence_open in wimshome/log/classes/$wims_class/seq/.def
  151.     !if $seq_open=yes
  152.       $CR_sequence
  153.     !endif
  154.     <div class="wimscenter">
  155.       !set wims_ref_class=wims_button
  156.       !href module=adm/class/sequence $wims_name_reorder
  157.     </div>
  158.   !endif
  159.   <div id="widget_supervisor_list">
  160.     !if $jquery_defined=yes
  161.       !read adm/tabscript supervisor_list
  162.     !endif
  163.     <ul id="wims_supervisor_summary">
  164.       !if $subclasscnt>0
  165.         <li><a href="#wims_supervisor_subclass">$wims_name_classlist</a></li>
  166.       !endif
  167.       !if $[$docpubliccnt+$doccnt]>0
  168.         <li><a class="wims_doc_item" href="#wims_supervisor_doc">$wims_name_Docs</a></li>
  169.       !endif
  170.       !if $sheetcnt>0
  171.         <li><a class="wims_sheet_item" href="#wims_supervisor_sheet">$wims_name_Sheets</a></li>
  172.       !endif
  173.       !if $examcnt>0
  174.         <li><a class="wims_exam_item" href="#wims_supervisor_exam">$wims_name_Examens</a></li>
  175.       !endif
  176.       !if $votecnt>0
  177.         <li><a class="wims_vote_item" href="#wims_supervisor_vote">$wims_name_Votes</a></li>
  178.       !endif
  179.       !if $toolcnt+$glossarycnt>0
  180.         <li><a class="wims_tool_item" href="#wims_supervisor_tool">$wims_name_tools</a></li>
  181.       !endif
  182.       !if $freeworkcnt>0
  183.         <li><a class="wims_freework_item" href="#wims_supervisor_freework">$wims_name_Freeworks</a></li>
  184.       !endif
  187.     </ul>
  188.     !if $subclasscnt>0
  189.       <div id="wims_supervisor_subclass">
  190.         !distribute item 1,no into wims_incremental,table_spacer
  191.         $table_header
  192.         $table_hdtr<th scope="col">$wims_name_number</th><th scope="col">$wims_name_title</th><th scope="col">$wims_name_nameteacher</th></tr>
  193.         !read themes/_widgets/supervisorsubclass.phtml
  194.         $table_end
  195.       </div>
  196.     !endif
  197.     !set table_htdr_1=$table_hdtr<th scope="col">$wims_name_number</th><th scope="col">$wims_name_title</th>
  198.     !set table_htdr_2=<th scope="col">$wims_name_Status</th><th scope="col">$wims_name_action</th></tr>
  199.     !if $seq_open=yes
  200.       !set table_htdr_seq=<th scope="col">$wims_name_sequence</th>
  201.     !else
  202.       !reset table_htdr_seq
  203.     !endif
  205.     !set table_class=sortable
  206.     !if $[$doccnt+$docpubliccnt]>0
  207.       !set table_id=TABLE_supervisor_doc
  208.       !set table_htdr_=<thead>$table_htdr_1$table_htdr_seq$table_htdr_2</thead>
  209.       <div id="wims_supervisor_doc">
  210.         !distribute item 1,no into wims_incremental,table_spacer
  211.         $table_header
  212.           !!<caption>$wims_name_Docs</caption>
  213.           $table_htdr_
  214.           !read themes/_widgets/supervisordoc.phtml
  215.           !read themes/_widgets/supervisordocp.phtml
  216.         $table_end
  217.         !read tablesort.phtml
  218.       </div>
  219.     !endif
  221.     !set table_exocnt=<th>$wims_name_cnt_exo</th>
  222.     !if $sheetcnt>0
  223.       !set table_id=TABLE_supervisor_sheet
  224.       !set table_htdr_=<thead>$table_htdr_1$table_exocnt$table_htdr_seq$table_htdr_2</thead>
  225.       <div id="wims_supervisor_sheet">
  226.         !distribute item 1,no into wims_incremental,table_spacer
  227.         $table_header
  228.           !!<caption>$wims_name_Sheets</caption>
  229.           $table_htdr_
  230.           !read themes/_widgets/supervisorsheet.phtml
  231.         $table_end
  232.         !read tablesort.phtml
  233.       </div>
  234.     !endif
  235.     !if $examcnt>0
  236.       !set table_id=TABLE_supervisor_exam
  237.       !set table_htdr_=<thead>$table_htdr_1$table_exocnt$table_htdr_seq$table_htdr_2</thead>
  238.       <div id="wims_supervisor_exam">
  239.         !distribute item 1,no into wims_incremental,table_spacer
  240.         $table_header
  241.           $table_htdr_
  242.           !!<caption>$wims_name_Examens</caption>
  243.           !read themes/_widgets/supervisorexam.phtml
  244.         $table_end
  245.         !read tablesort.phtml
  246.       </div>
  247.     !endif
  248.     !if $votecnt>0
  249.       !set table_id=TABLE_supervisor_vote
  250.       !set table_htdr_=<thead>$table_htdr_1$table_htdr_seq$table_htdr_2</thead>
  251.       <div id="wims_supervisor_vote">
  252.         !distribute item 1,no into wims_incremental,table_spacer
  253.         $table_header
  254.           !!<caption>$wims_name_Votes</caption>
  255.           $table_htdr_
  256.           !read themes/_widgets/supervisorvote.phtml
  257.         $table_end
  258.         !read tablesort.phtml
  259.       </div>
  260.     !endif
  261.     !if $toolcnt+$glossarycnt>0
  262.       !set table_id=TABLE_supervisor_tool
  263.       !set table_htdr_=<thead>$table_htdr_1$table_htdr_seq$table_htdr_2</thead>
  264.       <div id="wims_supervisor_tool">
  265.         !distribute item 1,no into wims_incremental,table_spacer
  266.         $table_header
  267.           !!<caption>$wims_name_Tools</caption>
  268.           $table_htdr_
  269.           !read themes/_widgets/supervisortool.phtml
  270.         $table_end
  271.         !read tablesort.phtml
  272.       </div>
  273.     !endif
  274.     !if $freeworkcnt>0
  275.       !set table_id=TABLE_supervisor_freework
  276.       !set table_htdr_=<thead>$table_htdr_1$table_htdr_2</thead>
  277.       <div id="wims_supervisor_freework">
  278.         !distribute item 1,no into wims_incremental,table_spacer
  279.         $table_header
  280.           $table_htdr_
  281.           !!<caption>$wims_name_Freeworks</caption>
  282.           !read themes/_widgets/supervisorfreework.phtml
  283.         $table_end
  284.         !read tablesort.phtml
  285.       </div>
  286.     !endif
  287.   </div>
  288. !endif
  290. </div><!--/wimsbody-->
  291. </div><!--/wimspagebox-->
  292. !if $class_type isin 24
  293.   !read themes/_procs/menumodubox2.proc
  294. !else
  295.   !read themes/_procs/menumodubox0.proc
  296. !endif
  297. !read themes/_widgets/menumodubox_accordion.phtml
  299. :end
  301. !reset div0 div1
  303. !!distribute items div, span into div0,div1
  304. !!read themes/_procs/supervisormenubox.proc
  305. !!read themes/_widgets/menubox.phtml
  306. !!reset div0,div1
  308. </div><!--wimsbodybox-->
  310. !!read themes/_widgets/visitorcredits.phtml
  311. !read themes/_widgets/session_warn.phtml
  312. !read themes/_widgets/footer_foundation.phtml
  313. </body>
  314. </html>
  315. <!-- end of $wims_theme/supervisor.phtml -->