#include <stdio.h>
#include "gd.h"
#include "gdfontg.h"
#include "gdfonts.h"
int main(void)
/* Input and output files */
FILE *in;
FILE *out;
/* Input and output images */
gdImagePtr im_in, im_out;
/* Brush image */
gdImagePtr brush;
/* Color indexes */
int white;
int blue;
int red;
int green;
/* Points for polygon */
gdPoint points[3];
/* Create output image, 128 by 128 pixels. */
im_out = gdImageCreate(128, 128);
/* First color allocated is background. */
white = gdImageColorAllocate(im_out, 255, 255, 255);
/* Set transparent color. */
gdImageColorTransparent(im_out, white);
/* Try to load demoin.gif and paste part of it into the
output image. */
= fopen("demoin.gif", "rb");
if (!in) {
, "Can't load source image; this demo\n");
, "is much more impressive if demoin.gif\n");
, "is available.\n");
im_in = 0;
} else {
im_in = gdImageCreateFromGif(in);
/* Now copy, and magnify as we do so */
gdImageCopyResized(im_out, im_in,
16, 16, 0, 0, 96, 96, 127, 127);
red = gdImageColorAllocate(im_out, 255, 0, 0);
green = gdImageColorAllocate(im_out, 0, 255, 0);
blue = gdImageColorAllocate(im_out, 0, 0, 255);
/* Rectangle */
gdImageLine(im_out, 8, 8, 120, 8, green);
gdImageLine(im_out, 120, 8, 120, 120, green);
gdImageLine(im_out, 120, 120, 8, 120, green);
gdImageLine(im_out, 8, 120, 8, 8, green);
/* Circle */
gdImageArc(im_out, 64, 64, 30, 10, 0, 360, blue);
/* Arc */
gdImageArc(im_out, 64, 64, 20, 20, 45, 135, blue);
/* Flood fill */
gdImageFill(im_out, 4, 4, blue);
/* Polygon */
points[0].x = 32;
points[0].y = 0;
points[1].x = 0;
points[1].y = 64;
points[2].x = 64;
points[2].y = 64;
gdImageFilledPolygon(im_out, points, 3, green);
/* Brush. A fairly wild example also involving a line style! */
if (im_in) {
int style[8];
brush = gdImageCreate(8, 8);
gdImageCopyResized(brush, im_in,
0, 0, 0, 0,
gdImageSX(brush), gdImageSY(brush),
gdImageSX(im_in), gdImageSY(im_in));
gdImageSetBrush(im_out, brush);
/* With a style, so they won't overprint each other.
Normally, they would, yielding a fat-brush effect. */
style[0] = 0;
style[1] = 0;
style[2] = 0;
style[3] = 0;
style[4] = 0;
style[5] = 0;
style[6] = 0;
style[7] = 1;
gdImageSetStyle(im_out, style, 8);
/* Draw the styled, brushed line */
gdImageLine(im_out, 0, 127, 127, 0, gdStyledBrushed);
/* Text */
gdImageString(im_out, gdFontGiant, 16, 16, "hi", red);
gdImageStringUp(im_out, gdFontSmall, 32, 32, "hi", red);
/* Make output image interlaced (allows "fade in" in some viewers,
and in the latest web browsers) */
gdImageInterlace(im_out, 1);
= fopen("demoout.gif", "wb");
/* Write GIF */
gdImageGif(im_out, out);
if (im_in) {
return 0;