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  1. /*    Copyright (C) 1998-2003 XIAO, Gang of Universite de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
  2.  *
  3.  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  4.  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  5.  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  6.  *  (at your option) any later version.
  7.  *
  8.  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  9.  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  11.  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
  12.  *
  13.  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  14.  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  15.  *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  16.  */
  18. /* WWW multipurpose server, dynamic library definitions */
  20. #include "../config.h"
  21. #include "../includes.h"
  22. #include "../wimsdef.h"
  24. /* for mt19937ar.c */
  25. #ifdef RAND_MAX
  26. # undef RAND_MAX
  27. #endif
  28. #define RAND_MAX 2147483647
  29. #define random genrand_int31
  30. #define srandom init_genrand
  31. long int genrand_int31(void);
  32. void init_genrand(unsigned long s);
  34. /* errors.c
  35. void (*error1) (char *msg);
  36. void (*error2) (char *msg);
  37. void (*error3) (char *msg);
  38. */
  40. /* liblines.c */
  41. char *int2str(int i);
  42. void *xmalloc(size_t n);
  43. int msleep(int ms); /* millisecond sleeper */
  44. void _tolinux(char *p);  /* dos/mac to unix/linux translation */
  45. void ovlstrcpy(char *dest, char *src); /* strcpy of possibly overlapping strings (64 bits problem)*/
  46. void mystrncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t lim); /* optimized and secured strncpy */
  47. /* find matching parenthesis.
  48.  * The entrance point should be after the opening parenthesis.
  49.  * Returns NULL if unmatched.
  50.  */
  51. char *find_matching(char *p, char c);
  52. char *find_word_start(char *p);       /* Strips leading spaces */
  53. char *find_word_end(char *p);         /* Points to the end of the word */
  54. char *strparchr(char *p, char c);     /* search for char, skipping parentheses */
  55. char *strparstr(char *p, char *fnd);  /* search for string, skipping parentheses */
  56. char *find_item_end(char *p);         /* Points to the end of an item */
  57. char *find_line_end(char *p);         /* Points to the end of a line */
  58. char *charchr(char *p,char *w);
  59. char *wordchr(char *p, char *w);      /* Find first occurrence of word */
  60. char *itemchr(char *p, char *w);      /* Find first occurrence of item */
  61. char *linechr(char *p, char *w);      /* Find first occurrence of line */
  62. char *varchr(char *p, char *v);       /* Find first occurrence of math variable */
  63. int cutitems(char *p, char *list[], int max);       /* Cut items of a string */
  64. int cutwords(char *p, char *list[], int max);       /* Cut words of a string */
  65. int cutlines(char *p, char *list[], int max);       /* Cut lines of a string */
  66. int cutchars(char *p, char *list[], int max);       /* Cut chars of a string */
  67. char *strip_trailing_spaces(char *p);      /* strip trailing spaces; return string end. */
  68. /* Verify whether a list is well-ordered. For debugging uses.
  69.  * Returns 0 if order is OK, -1 otherwise.
  70.  */
  71. int verify_order(void *list, int items, size_t item_size);
  72. /* searches a list. Returns index if found, (-1-index of insertion) if nomatch.
  73.  * Uses binary search, list must be sorted.
  74.  */
  75. int search_list(void *list, int items, size_t item_size, const char *str);
  76. unsigned int linenum(char *p);             /* Returns number of lines in string p */
  77. unsigned int itemnum(char *p);             /* Returns number of items in the list p, comma separated */
  78. unsigned int wordnum(char *p);             /* Returns number of words in string p */
  79. unsigned int charnum(char *p);             /* This is just to suppress an annoying compiler warning message. */
  80. char *fnd_line(char *p, int n, char bf[]); /* find n-th line in string p */
  81. char *fnd_item(char *p, int n, char bf[]); /* find n-th item in list p, comma separated */
  82. char *fnd_word(char *p, int n, char bf[]); /* find n-th word in string p */
  83. char *fnd_char(char *p, int n, char bf[]); /* find n-th char in string p */
  84. char *fnd_row(char *p, int n, char bf[]);  /* find n-th row in a matrix p */
  85. /* Separate items in the string p, end each item with 0,
  86.  * and store item pointers in parm[]. Does not parse past max.
  87.  * Returns the number of fields.
  88.  */
  89. int separate_item(char *p, char *parm[], int max);
  90. int separate_line(char *p, char *parm[], int max);
  91. int separate_word(char *p, char *parm[], int max);
  92. int _separator(char *p,char *parm[], int max, char fs);
  93. int rows2lines(char *p);        /* Returns 1 if semicolons changed to new lines */
  94. void lines2rows(char *p);
  95. unsigned int rownum(char *p);
  96. void words2items(char *p);      /* change words to items */
  97. void words2lines(char *p);      /* change words to lines */
  98. void lines2items(char *p);      /* change lines to items */
  99. void lines2words(char *p);      /* change lines to words */
  100. void items2words(char *p);      /* change items to words */
  101. void items2lines(char *p);      /* change items to lines */
  102. void strip_enclosing_par(char *p); /* Strip enclosing pairs of parentheses */
  103. /* strstr but may have embedded zeros.
  104.  * Returns memory end if not found.
  105.  * Supposes memory ends with 0.
  106.  */
  107. char *memstr(char *s1, char *s2, int len);
  108. /* Check whether parentheses are balanced in a given string.
  109.  * Returns 0 if OK.
  110.  */
  111. /* style=0: simple check. style<>0: strong check. */
  112. int check_parentheses(char *p, int style);
  113. void nospace(char *p);             /* collapses all space characters in string. */
  114. void singlespace(char *p);         /* change all spaces into ' ', and collapse multiple occurences */
  115. void deaccent(char *p);            /* fold accented letters to unaccented */
  116. void reaccent(char *p);            /* compose accented letters using symbols */
  117. int mystrcmp (char*p1, char*p2);   /* strip accents and case before comparaison */
  119. /* modify a string. Bufferlen must be at least MAX_LINELEN */
  120. extern void (*string_modify)(char *start, char *bad_beg, char *bad_end, char *good,...);
  121. void string_modify1(char *start, char *bad_beg, char *bad_end, char *good,...);
  122. void string_modify2(char *start, char *bad_beg, char *bad_end, char *good,...);
  124. char *parend(char *p);
  125. long int filelength(char *fn,...);
  126. int catfile(FILE *outf, char *fn,...);
  127. extern char *fnd_position;
  128. extern char *fnd_nextpos;
  130. extern char *acctab, *deatab;
  132. extern char *htmlsymbs[][2];
  133. extern int htmltrans[][256];
  134. void inithtmltrans();
  136. /* evalue.c */
  137. #define EV_S "EVLS"
  138. #define EV_T "EVLT"
  139. #define EV_X "EVLX"
  140. #define EV_Y "EVLY"
  141. typedef struct ev_variable{
  142.     char *name; double value;
  143. } ev_variable;
  145. extern int *ev_varcnt;
  146. extern ev_variable *ev_var;
  149. char *moneyprint(char *p, double s);
  150. double factorial(double d);
  151. void init_random(void);
  152. double drand(double m);
  153. double irand(double n);
  154. double sign(double d);
  155. double factorial(double d);
  156. double binomial(double d1,double d2);
  157. double max(double d1, double d2);
  158. double min(double d1, double d2);
  159. double gcd(double n1, double n2);
  160. double lcm(double n1, double n2);
  161. int eval_getpos(char *name);            /* get position of name in nametable */
  162. void eval_setval(int pos, double v);    /* set value to name */
  163. /*void set_evalue_pointer(char *p); */      /* prepare pointer for evaluation */
  164. /* char *get_evalue_pointer(void); */        /* get string pointer (after evaluation) */
  165. /* double _evalue(int ord);*/
  166. double strevalue(char *p);              /* evalue a string to double after checking it*/
  167. double checked_eval (char* p);  /* evalue a string to double */
  169. extern char *(*substitute) (char *p);
  171. /* int get_evalue_error(void);
  172. void set_evalue_error(int e);*/
  173. int get_evalcnt(void);
  174. char *get_evalname(int i);
  175. int get_evaltype(int i);
  176. int evaltab_verify(void);
  177. int search_evaltab(char *p);
  178. /* compile an expression for faster evaluation
  179.  * returns -1 if cannot be compiled.
  180.  * else returns the number of compilations.
  181.  */
  182. int evalue_compile(char *p);
  183. typedef struct eval_struct {char *texte; int x; int y; int s; int t;} eval_struct;
  184. eval_struct * eval_create (char *in_p); /* speed up the evaluation by
  185.   "precompiling" the string to be evaluated.*/
  186. /* evaluate standard functions with at most four variables named
  187.  * "x", "y", "s" and "t"
  188.  */
  190. double eval_x (eval_struct *p, double x); /* evaluate standard function in x*/
  191. double eval_t (eval_struct *p, double t); /* evaluate standard function in t*/
  192. double eval_x_y (eval_struct *p, double x, double y); /* evaluate standard function in x and y*/
  193. double eval_multiple (eval_struct *p, double x, double y, double s, double t);
  194. void eval_destroy (eval_struct *q); /* reclaim the memory */
  196. /* math.c */
  197. char *find_mathvar_start(char *p);  /* Points to the start of a mathematics variable (or number) */
  198. char *find_mathvar_end(char *p);    /* Points to the end of a mathematics variable (or number) */
  199. void mathvarlist(char *p);          /* list variable (function) names in an expression. buffer is modified to contain the list. */
  201. /* dir.c */
  202. int remove_tree(char *dirname);     /* remove a directory tree */
  203. void mkdirs(char *s);               /* recursively generate a directory structure */
  205. /* text.c */
  206. void text(char *p);                 /* main entry point for text routines */
  207. int textab_verify(void);
  209. /* levelcurve.c */
  210. #define LEVEL_LIM      256
  211. #define LEVELPOINT_LIM 16384
  212. #define LEVELSIZE_LIM  2048
  213. #define LEVELGRAIN_LIM 16
  214. typedef struct {
  215.     char *fn, *xname, *yname;
  216.     double levels[LEVEL_LIM];
  217.     int xsize,ysize,grain,levelcnt,datacnt,xevpos,yevpos;
  218.     double xrange[2],yrange[2],xspan,yspan;
  219.     short unsigned int xdata[LEVELPOINT_LIM],ydata[LEVELPOINT_LIM];
  220. } leveldata;
  221. int levelcurve(leveldata *ld);      /* produces level curve data. Returns non-zero if error. */
  223. /* My accelerated definitions. */
  224. #define myisdigit(x) ((x)>='0' && (x)<='9')
  225. #define myisalpha(x) (((x)&~32)>='A' && ((x)&~32)<='Z')
  226. #define myisalnum(x) (myisalpha(x) || myisdigit(x))
  227. #define myisupper(x) ((x)>='A' && (x)<='Z')
  228. #define myislower(x) ((x)>='a' && (x)<='z')
  229. #define myislspace(x) ((x)==' ' || (x)=='\t' || (x)=='\xa0')
  230. #define myisspace(x) ((x)==' ' || (x)=='\t' || (x)=='\n' || (x)=='\r' )
  231. #define myismspace(x) ((x)==' ' || (x)=='\t' || (x)=='\n' || (x)=='\r' || (x)=='\xa0')
  234. /*ou
  235. inline int myisdigit(char x) { return x>='0' && x<='9'; }
  236. */
  238. /* from libwims.c */
  239. void error(char *msg);
  242. #ifndef isfinite
  243. # define isfinite(x) (finite(x))
  244. #endif