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Rev 12095 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

# @configure_input@

# Buildoption reminders.
# withwimsd=@with_wimsd@

cflags=@CFLAGS@ -Wall


defs=$(defines) @D_CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS@
lopt=-L$(wims_home)/lib $(NETLIBS) $(CRYPTLIB) -lwims -lm $(rpath)

O=auth.o calc.o cleaning.o compare.o config.o evalue.o exam.o exec.o files.o html.o insmath.o lines.o log.o mathfonts.o mathml.o matrix.o pedia.o rawmath.o score.o texmath.o test.o var.o variables.o wims.o

all:: lib$(libtype) progs setupwims mkindex
allwims:: lib$(libtype) progs setupwims
# that line is for the debian package:
all-debianpkg:: lib$(libtype) progs setupwims

progs:: flydraw texgif mathml interfaces oef2wims msg2wims misc module $(wimsd) wimslogd wims


%.o: %.c *.h
        $(cc) -o $@ $(cflags) $(defines) -c $<

        rm -f wims *.o Common/*.o 2>/dev/null
        cd Wimsd; make clean
        cd Wimslogd; make clean
        cd Lib; make clean
        cd Interfaces; make clean
        cd Misc; make clean
        cd OefMsg2wims; make clean
        cd Flydraw; make clean
        cd Texgif; make clean
        cd Module; make clean
        cd Mathml; make clean
        make cleangcov

# preserves some generated files in log/, sessions/ and tmp/. Intended.
        rm -f wims wims.o Common/*.o $(wims_home)/public_html/wims
        rm -f ../public_html/bases/sys/defaults.conf
        rm -f ../public_html/html/Changelog
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-cls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.supervisor-supercls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.supervisor-portal
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-supercls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-portal
        rm -f ../log/classes/.index
        cd Wimsd; make distclean
        cd Wimslogd; make distclean
        cd Lib; make distclean
        cd Interfaces; make distclean
        cd Misc; make distclean
        cd OefMsg2wims; make distclean
        cd Flydraw; make distclean
        cd Texgif; make distclean
        cd Module; make distclean
        rm -rf autom4te.cache
        rm -f config.h config.log config.status Makefile
        # clean files which were installed in unusual fashions
        rm -f ../bin/msg2wims
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-cls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.supervisor-supercls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.supervisor-portal
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-supercls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-portal
        rm -f ../other/bin/lceb_dynopt
        rm -f ../public_html/bin/symtext
        rm -f ../tmp/log/
        rm -f ../public_html/wims.cgi
        rm -f ../log/unsecure
        rm -f ../log/update-version
        rm -f ../log/classes/.index
        rm -f ../public_html/html/Changelog
        rm -f ../public_html/scripts/help/cn/flydraw.phtml
        rm -f ../public_html/scripts/help/en/flydraw.phtml
        rm -f ../public_html/scripts/help/fr/flydraw.phtml
        # clean files which should be removed by some other Makefile
        rm -f Misc/checkmol/checkmol
        rm -f Misc/lceb/lceb_dynopt
        rm -f Misc/lceb/lceb_dyn
        rm -f Misc/lceb/lceb_rec
        rm -f Misc/lceb/lceb_bigsum
        rm -f Misc/lceb/lceb_easiest
        rm -f Misc/symtext/symtext
        rm -f Misc/passcrypt
        rm -f Flydraw/nametab.c
        find . -name Makefile | xargs rm -f
        find .. -name .wimshome | xargs rm -f

# This target is specific for builds launched during debian packaging.
# As an official debian package must always be built from bare sources,
# calling distclean is mandatory. However rebuilding the complete set
# of images used to render formulas (in non-mathml mode) is expensive,
# and GIF files can be considered as harmless binaries, since they are
# data rather than code. Also, each of those files is human-readable
# (it is a character, rendered at some scale), so the call to
# mathfonts/clean can be disabled.
        rm -f wims wims.o Common/*.o $(wims_home)/public_html/wims
        rm -f ../public_html/bases/sys/defaults.conf
        rm -f ../public_html/html/Changelog
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-cls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.supervisor-supercls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.supervisor-portal
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-supercls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-portal
        rm -f ../log/classes/.index
        cd Wimsd; make distclean
        cd Wimslogd; make distclean
        cd Lib; make distclean
        cd Interfaces; make distclean
        cd Misc; make distclean
        cd OefMsg2wims; make distclean
        cd Flydraw; make distclean
        cd Texgif; make distclean
        cd Module; make distclean
        ## DISABLED ## $(wims_home)/public_html/mathfonts/clean
        rm -rf autom4te.cache
        rm -f config.h config.log config.status Makefile
        # clean files which were installed in unusual fashions
        rm -f ../bin/msg2wims
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-cls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.supervisor-supercls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.supervisor-portal
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-supercls
        rm -f ../log/classes/.teacher-portal
        rm -f ../other/bin/lceb_dynopt
        rm -f ../public_html/bin/symtext
        rm -f ../tmp/log/
        rm -f ../public_html/wims.cgi
        rm -f ../log/unsecure
        rm -f ../log/update-version
        rm -f ../log/classes/.index
        rm -f ../public_html/html/Changelog
        rm -f ../public_html/scripts/help/cn/flydraw.phtml
        rm -f ../public_html/scripts/help/en/flydraw.phtml
        rm -f ../public_html/scripts/help/fr/flydraw.phtml
        # clean files which should be removed by some other Makefile
        rm -f Misc/checkmol/checkmol
        rm -f Misc/lceb/lceb_dynopt
        rm -f Misc/lceb/lceb_dyn
        rm -f Misc/lceb/lceb_rec
        rm -f Misc/lceb/lceb_bigsum
        rm -f Misc/lceb/lceb_easiest
        rm -f Misc/symtext/symtext
        rm -f Misc/passcrypt
        rm -f Flydraw/nametab.c
        find . -name Makefile | xargs rm -f
        find .. -name .wimshome | xargs rm -f

wims: $(O) Lib/libwims.o libwims
        $(cc) $(LDFLAGS) $(cflags) Lib/libwims.o $(O) $(lopt) -o wims
        $(STRIP) wims
        ./wims table

setupwims:: wims wimslogd
        ./wims defaults > ../public_html/bases/sys/defaults.conf
        ./ > ../public_html/bases/sys/define.conf
        cp wims ../public_html/
        cp Changelog ../public_html/html
        chmod a+s ../public_html/wims
        rm -f ../public_html/wims.cgi ../tmp/log/ ../sessions/.wimslogd
        ln -s wims ../public_html/wims.cgi
        chmod a+rx ../public_html .

        cd Lib; make all

wimslogd::  lib$(libtype)
        cd Wimslogd; make all

wimsd:: lib$(libtype)
        -cd Wimsd; make all

oef2wims:: lib$(libtype)
        cd OefMsg2wims; make oef2wims

msg2wims:: lib$(libtype)
        cd OefMsg2wims; make msg2wims

interfaces:: lib$(libtype)
        cd Interfaces; make all

misc:: lib$(libtype)
        cd Misc; make all
        mkdir -p $(wims_home)/public_html/gifs/WIMSchem
        cp $(wims_home)/src/Misc/applets/WIMSchem/src/images/*.png $(wims_home)/public_html/gifs/WIMSchem/
        ##cat $(wims_home)/src/Misc/canvasdraw/canvasdraw.html | sed 's/<\/html>//' | sed 's/<\/body>//' | sed 's/<\/center>//'|sed 's/<center>//'| sed 's/<h3>/<h2 class="wimscenter">/' | sed 's/\/h3>/\/h2>/g' | tail +10 > $(wims_home)/public_html/scripts/help/en/canvasdraw.phtml

module:: lib$(libtype)
        cd Module; make all

flydraw:: lib$(libtype)
        cd Flydraw; make all

texgif:: lib$(libtype)
        cd Texgif; make all

mathml:: lib$(libtype)
        cd Mathml; make all ; make install

        rm -f $(wims_home)/lib/ 2>/dev/null
        cd Lib; make static

#  make fonts (need convert, Tex)
#  need convert
#  make icons and create icon css file (need convert, identify)
#  make circuits images in gifs/symbols
        cd $(wims_home)/public_html/themes ; ./


        cd $(wims_home) ; bin/mkindex

        find . -name '*.gcno' -exec rm '{}' \;
        find . -name '*.gcda' -exec rm '{}' \;
        find . -name '*.gcov' -exec rm '{}' \;