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Rev 3663 | Blame | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

Modified "rooster.jar" into premature Symmetry.jar
Params not yet fully functional
Lines not yet implemented
Only rectangles for now [x-size y-size may differ]


Different Colors and single/multiple coordinates for "teacher image" seem to work.
/* avaliable colors:
0 "white" {255,255,255}
1 "red" {255,0,0}
2 "green" {0,255,0}
3 "blue" {0,0,255}
4 "orange" {238,154,0}
5 "yellow" {255,255,0}
6 "purple" {160,32,240}
7 "lightgreen" {144,238,144}
8 "lightblue" {173,216,230}
9 "cyan" {0,255,255}
10 "brown" {165,24,24}
11 "salmon" {250,128,114}
12 "pink" {255,192,203}
13 "black" {0,0,0}

Output via ReadApplet() gives all objects.
todo 1 : prohibit clicking on teacher image [shows some strange behaviour]
todo 2 : implement line 
todo 3 : param to read only the "student actions" [linked to "todo 1"]

16/2/2008 bis
todo 1 and todo 3 "solved". I Need to test it, before going further.

16/2/2008 bisbis
tests go fairly well.
Next step will draw lines...and clean up.

<param name="point_color" value="black">
<param name="points" value="0,1:1,0">
<param name="point_size" value="5">

point_color may be one of the 13 internal colors.
if "points" is a single set value="x,y" we will draw a point with point_size px size 
if "points" is a pair value="x1,y1:x2,y2" we will draw a line [todo: with point_size px thickness] 
if "points" is a set value="x1,y1:x2,y2,x3:y3...x_n:y_n" we will draw a polygone [todo : with point_size px thickness]

All drawing are displayed as top layer on the canvas.

First cleanup of horrible programming mess...

corrected missing alignment in single point:  fillOval() needs to be corrected for thickness...
corrected missing color:black
translated colornames

17/2/2008 bis
Changed param names to proposition of B.Perrin-Riou.

<applet id="Symmetry" code="Symmetry.class" codebase="." archive="Symmetry.jar" width="500" height="500">
    <param name="point_color" value="white">
    <param name="point" value="-5:-5,-5:5,5:5,5:-5">
    <param name="segment" value="">
    <param name="poly" value="">
    <param name="line" value="">
    <param name="linewidth" value="15">
    <param name="return_all_objects" value="0">
    <param name="language" value="fr">
    <param name="xrange" value="-11,11">
    <param name="yrange" value="-11,11">    
    <param name="background_color" value="black">
    <param name="square1" value="4:1,4:2,4:3,4:4,5:4,6:4,8:4,8:3,8:2,8:1,5:1,6:1,7:1">
    <param name="square1_color" value="blue">
    <param name="square2" value="-4:1,-4:2,-4:3,-4:4,-5:4,-6:4,-8:4,-8:3,-8:2,-8:1,-5:1,-6:1,-7:1">
    <param name="square2_color" value="yellow">

Now :
multiple point(s) may be defined
multiple poly(s) may be defined
multiple segment(s) may be defined
multiple line(s) may be defined

However: only 1 type at a time !! 
Leave other params empty.
The next config will show the "poly":
<param name="point" value="">
<param name="segment" value="">
<param name="poly" value="-10:-10,5:5,10:-10">
<param name="line" value="">

Segment and line are the same ... for now.

Added more defaults to avoid problems with params.
Added some more error checking
While testing: Open Your Java Console !!

Increased amount or elementary rectangles per single "square_n" object to (width x height)


Changed param syntax: square_color1 --> square1_color
<param name="status" value="waiting"> used for interactive exercise
<param name="status" value="done"> used for showing correct drawing

Color cycling now limited to used colors in the defined "square1...square_n"
IMPORTANT: right mouse click changes color
IMPORTANT: left mouse click is used to make drawing

19/2/2008 (BPR)
New param to add some colors (eventually other than the one used for square)
<param name="color" value="purple,cyan">

Left mouse click can be used also to change color (hope it will be OK ! for computer with no right mouse)

22/2/2008 (BPR)
Left mouse click is not the background color at the beginning
change poly to polygon
fix bug (?): Ry*Ry-> MAX

28/2/2008 (BPR)
Change the name : it is now Clicktile !

28/2/2008 (BPR)
add param for image in background
<param name="image" value="http://..."><param name="copy" value="a,b">
(a and b are the coordinates in pixels of the left top corner of the image). 

To fix: if the coordinates of a square are not inside the range, the applet 
is opened, but the squares in this color can be changed (it should not)

27/12/2010 (JE)
uniform build via "ant"
to compile, type:
ant -v -l log.txt
fixed if given square not in xrange/yrange
revised mouselisteners
added painting with mouse drag (faster then just clicking
corrected ignored linewidth setting (now using Graphics2D...)

28/12/2010 (JE)
corrected paint_over_question...

1/2/2011 (JE)
added public function ReadXY()
Very similar to ReadApplet()
But only returning 2 lines : x-coordinate_list +"\n"+ y-coordinate_list
x1,x2,x3...x_n +"\n"+ y1,y2,y3...y_n
No color information.
Can be used to speed up parsing data in WIMS
See 1.html