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This Applet is written by:
David Little [© 2004 David P. Little]

Mathematics Department
Penn State University
Eberly College of Science
University Park, PA 16802
Office: 403 McAllister
Phone: (814) 865-3329
Fax: (814) 865-3735


----- INFO ---------

Plinko and the Negative Binomial Distribution
A Bernoulli trial is an experiment that results in a success with probability p
and a failure with probability 1-p.
A random variable is said to have a Negative Binomial Distribution with 
parameter r if it is the result of recording the number of successes before 
the rth failure in repeated Bernoulli trials. The Geometric Distribution is 
the special case of a Negative Binomial Distribution with r=1.

In the Applet below, we have represented repeated independent Bernoulli trials 
by a single ball falling through an array of pins. 
Each time a ball falls onto a pin, it will bounce to the right (i.e. a success)
with probability p or to the left (i.e. a failure) with probability 1-p. 
After the ball falls through the array, it lands in a bin labeled by 
the corresponding number of successes.

Click on a bin to see its corresponding total and probability. 
Alternatively, use the left and right arrow buttons to scroll through the bins. 
Also displayed is a confidence interval centered on the theoretical expected bin. 
Bins that are included in this confidence interval are highlighted in green

----- USAGE ---------

© 2004 David P. Little
Download this applet for off-line viewing (includes source code)

© 2004-2006 David P. Little
Unless otherwise stated, 
the above applets were written by David Little. 
They may be used without permission from the author for home and/or educational (non-profit) purposes only.
Any other use must be approved by the author.

----- asking approval by email

Dear Mr. D. Little,
In search of a suitable GALTON board applet for usage in Highschool mathteaching, I "stumbled" across Your very nice PLINKO applet.
My question is: am I allowed use Your applet for teaching ?
[e.g. incorporating it in "interactive math-teaching modules" of a WIMS server ]
Kind regards,
J.M. Evers
Highschool Mathteacher
The Netherlands 

----- reply by Dr. D. Little

Absolutely!  I would be very happy for you to use the applet for teaching.
If you plan to include it on a webpage, I only ask that you include a
reference to me being the author (e.g., include a link back to my
webpage).  Enjoy!


------ WIMS USAGE -------

2/2009 J.M. Evers:

To use the applet as part of an interactive WIMS exercise, 
the source code had to be slightly modified.



1) Introducing a few applet params to tailor the behaviour of the applet 
by dynamic wims_variables and reading the generated data 
from the applet with a javascript function.

These statistical data will be send to the wims-server for evaluation and

If the "wims_exercise" applet parameter is not set [ or "no" or "0" ] , 
the applet is identical to the original applet ! And all other params are "silently ignored".

2) Furthermore some text is translated to Dutch [nl] ,German [de] and French [fr] to be able 
use the applet in multi-language exercises.
If no language param is set or not nl,de,fr : the language is English

3) And a "Close" button is added to the frame [to close the popup-window]

4) Bin numbering starts with "1" instead of "0" , if the applet <param name="wims_exercise" value="1">

5) All balls that fall to the right of the last bin will be collected/summed in the last item if the "applet reply"
a typical applet reply: 23,45,23,12,47
bin 1: 23
bin 2: 45
bin 3: 23
bin 4: 12
rest : 47
----------- +
total balls = 150 

------ Credits to the author

Credits to the author are available in Schaersvoorde WIMS exercises:
1) in the applet info 
2) in the specific wims-exercises using the applet
3) a link to the website of the author is available in the exercise [js:onmouseover()]

        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
            function getdata(){
                var input=document.getElementById("plinko-II").ReadApplet();
                alert("data to send:"+input);
        <applet  id="plinko-II" code="PlinkoNegativeBinomial.class" code="Plinko.class" width="260" height="100"> 
            <param name="wims_exercise" value="yes">
            <!-- if wims_exercise = 0 , the applet will show it's original configuation and behaviour -->
            <param name="R" value="1">
            <!-- R is the number of Pin rows --> 
            <param name="xsize" value="800">
            <param name="ysize" value="600">
            <param name="fontsize" value="16">
            <param name="bins" value="6">
            <!-- bins is the number of baskets -->
            <param name="chance" value="0.5">
            <param name="speed" value="1">
            <param name="title" value="Applet by Dr. P. Little">
            <param name="language" value="fr">
            <!-- en , nl , de ,fr -->
            <param name="balls" value="100">
            <!-- after this amount of balls the applet will stop : however if the window is changed/moved this will not work :) -->
        <input type="button" name="READ" value="READ" onclick="javascript:getdata();"> 