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  1. /*    Copyright (C) 1998-2003 XIAO, Gang of Universite de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
  2.  *
  3.  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  4.  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  5.  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  6.  *  (at your option) any later version.
  7.  *
  8.  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  9.  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  11.  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
  12.  *
  13.  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  14.  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  15.  *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  16.  */
  17. #include "wims.h"
  19. /* automatic selection of math rendering method */
  21. void exec_instex(char *p);
  22. void calc_instexst(char *p);
  24. struct {
  25.     char src[124], name[128];
  26.     int size;
  27. } oldinstex[100];
  28. int oldtexcnt=0;
  30.     /* check whether the same tex source has already been produced */
  31. int instex_ready(char *p, char *n)
  32. {
  33.     int i;
  34.     char *cl, buf[MAX_LINELEN+1];
  36.     if(strlen(p)>=124) return 0;
  37.     cl=getvar("instex_color"); if(cl!=NULL && *cl!=0) return 0;
  38.     mystrncpy(buf,p,sizeof(buf)); tex_nospace(buf);
  39.     for(i=0;i<oldtexcnt;i++) {
  40.       if(oldinstex[i].size==current_tex_size &&
  41.        strcmp(oldinstex[i].src,buf)==0) {
  42.         ovlstrcpy(n,oldinstex[i].name); return 1;
  43.       }
  44.     }
  45.     if(strlen(n)>=128 || oldtexcnt>=100) return 0;
  46.     ovlstrcpy(oldinstex[oldtexcnt].src,buf);
  47.     ovlstrcpy(oldinstex[oldtexcnt].name,n);
  48.     oldinstex[oldtexcnt].size=current_tex_size;
  49.     oldtexcnt++; return 0;
  50. }
  52.     /* returns NULL if instex can use static */
  53. char *instex_check_static(char *p)
  54. {
  55.     char *f;
  56.     if(instex_usedynamic) return p;
  57.     for(f=strchr(p,'$');
  58.     f!=NULL && *(f+1)!='(' && *(f+1)!='[' && *(f+1)!='_' && !isalnum(*(f+1));
  59.     f=strchr(f+2,'$'));
  60.     if(f==NULL) f=strstr(,"sessions/");
  61.     return f;
  62. }
  64. char tnames[]="sqrt int integrate sum prod product \
  65. Int Sum Prod conj abs";
  67. int __gototex (char *p, char *f, int ts)
  68. {
  69.       char alignbak[2048];
  70.       char *pp, buf[MAX_LINELEN+1];
  71.       ovlstrcpy(buf,p);
  72.       instex_style="$$";
  73.       if(!ts) texmath(buf);
  74.          /* ts=0 but there is some computer matrix to transform
  75.           * done by texmath, but it does much more as replacing strings in tmathfn
  76.           * OK if buf contains " math computer-syntax" ; if not, the result may be bad
  77.         */
  78.       else {// seems tex : need to interpret names of variables as \x or \calB
  79.        //if (mathalign_base < 2) { //to check
  80.         char *p1;
  81.         p1=find_word_start(buf);
  82.         if(*p1=='\\') {
  83.           int i;
  84.           char *pt;
  85.           for(i=1;isalnum(p1[i]);i++); /* find an alphanumeric string beginning by \\ */
  86.           if(p1[i]==0 && (pt=mathfont(p1))!=NULL) {
  87.             _output_(pt); *p=0; return 1;
  88.           }
  89.         }
  90.       // }
  91.       }
  92.       /* send to mathml */
  93.       if (mathalign_base == 2 && mathml(buf,0)) { *p=0 ;return 1; }
  94. /* end if mathml option in case ts=1 or "computer matrix" */
  96. /* creating images*/
  97.       pp=getvar("ins_align");
  98.       if(pp!=NULL) mystrncpy(alignbak,pp,sizeof(alignbak));
  99.       setvar("ins_align","middle");
  100.       mystrncpy(ins_alt,buf,sizeof(ins_alt));
  101.       if(f==NULL) {
  102.         calc_instexst(buf); output("%s",buf);
  103.       }
  104.       else {
  105.         instex_usedynamic=1; exec_instex(buf); instex_usedynamic=0;
  106.       }
  107.       instex_style="";
  108.       if(alignbak[0]) setvar("ins_align",alignbak);
  109.       *p=0; return 0;
  110. }
  112.     /* Intelligent insertion of math formulas, kernel */
  113. void __insmath(char *p)
  114. {
  115.     char *f, *pp, *pe, *p1, buf[MAX_LINELEN+1], nbuf[256];
  116.     int ts, n, rawmathready;
  118.     ovlstrcpy(buf,p); strip_trailing_spaces(buf); singlespace(buf);
  119.     p1=getvar("insmath_slashsubst");
  120.     if(p1!=NULL && strstr(p1,"yes")!=NULL) slashsubst(buf); // substitute backslash parameters
  121.     f=instex_check_static(buf); //decide if image already exists
  122.     substit(buf);//substitute the variables
  123.     /* here replace .. by , : i=1 .. 5 -> i=1, 5 !*/
  124.     for(pp=strstr(buf,".."); pp!=NULL; pp=strstr(pp,"..")) {
  125.       if(*(pp+2)=='.' || *(pp+2)==',') {
  126.         do pp++; while(*pp=='.'); continue;
  127.       }
  128.       *pp=','; *(pp+1)=' ';
  129.     }
  130.     /* decide if it should be tex */
  131.     ts=0; if(strchr(buf,'\\') || strchr(buf,'}')) ts=1;
  132.     /* if not and if variable insmath_rawmath is there, do rawmath */
  133.     rawmathready=0;
  134.     if(!ts) { /* not tex, looking if rawmath is asked */
  135.       pp=getvar("insmath_rawmath");
  136.       if(pp!=NULL && strstr(pp,"yes")!=NULL) {
  137.         rawmath(buf); rawmathready=1;
  138.       }
  139.     }
  140.     if(ts) {
  141.          _replace_matrix (buf,"\\matrix{","matrix"); //could be done in any case if ts=1
  142.          _replace_matrix (buf,"\\pmatrix{","pmatrix");
  143.     }
  144. /* if ts=1 (it should be a tex formula)  or if there is a [ ,  ; ] matrix */
  145.     if(ts ||
  146.       (strchr(buf,'[')!=NULL && (strchr(buf,',')!=NULL || strchr(buf,';')!=NULL))) {
  147.        if(__gototex(buf, f, ts)) return;
  148.     }
  150. /* end creating images
  151.  * we are now in the case where ts=0 and no need of tex for matrix */
  153. /* find math variables */
  154.     for(pp=find_mathvar_start(buf); *pp; pp=find_mathvar_start(pe)) {
  155.       pe=find_mathvar_end(pp); n=pe-pp;
  156.       /* non alpha variable or too short or too long to be interpreted as tnames */
  157.       if(!isalpha(*pp) || n<3 || n>16) continue;
  158.       memmove(nbuf,pp,n); nbuf[n]=0;
  159.       if(wordchr(tnames,nbuf)!=NULL) { if(__gototex(buf, f, 0)) return;}
  160.       /* find sqrt int integrate sum prod product Int Sum Prod conj abs,
  161.        * so must be texmath interpretated ; after going to tex, return in any case
  162.        */
  163.     }
  164. /* look for  /  to interpretate as quotients -
  165.  * extend the version by accepting something else than (
  166. */
  167.     //for(pp=strchr(buf,'/'); pp!=NULL && *find_word_start(pp+1)!='('; pp=strchr(pp+1,'/'));
  168.     pp=strchr(buf,'/');
  169.     if(pp!=NULL){ if( __gototex(buf,f,0)) return;} /* so a/4 can be reinterpreted as {a over 4 } ; transform also 5/(x+1) */
  170.     if(rawmathready) rawmath_easy=1;
  171.     for(pp=strchr(buf,'<'); pp!=NULL; pp=strchr(pp+1,'<'))
  172.       string_modify(buf,pp,pp+1,"&lt;");
  173.     for(pp=strchr(buf,'>'); pp!=NULL; pp=strchr(pp+1,'>'))
  174.       string_modify(buf,pp,pp+1,"&gt;");
  175. /* no tex has been introduced - so go to mathmlmath */
  176.     mathmlmath(buf); output("%s",buf);
  177.     rawmath_easy=0;
  178. }
  180. /* the following is not used in modules : no insmath_logic=yes somewhere */
  182. char *andor[]={"and","or","not","is","isnot"};
  183. #define andorcnt (sizeof(andor)/sizeof(andor[0]))
  184. char *andorlang[andorcnt], andorlangbuf[1024];
  185. int andorlangcnt=-1;
  187. /* Processing logic statements in math formulas */
  188. void _mathlogic(char *p, void _put(char *pp))
  189. {
  190.     char *p1, *p2, *ps;
  191.     int i;
  192.     if(strstr(p,"qzis")==NULL) {
  193.       for(i=0;i<andorcnt && varchr(p,andor[i])==NULL; i++);
  194.       if(i>=andorcnt) {
  195.         _put(p); return;
  196.       }
  197.     }
  198.     if(andorlangcnt<0) {
  199.       char buf[MAX_LINELEN+1];
  200.       accessfile(buf,"r","bases/sys/andor.%s",lang);
  201.       mystrncpy(andorlangbuf,find_word_start(buf),sizeof(andorlangbuf));
  202.       for(i=0,p1=andorlangbuf;i<andorcnt;i++,p1=find_word_start(p2)) {
  203.         p2=strchr(p1,',');
  204.         if(p2==NULL) p2=p1+strlen(p1); else *p2++=0;
  205.         strip_trailing_spaces(p1);
  206.         if(*p1) andorlang[i]=p1; else break;
  207.     }
  208.     andorlangcnt=i;
  209.     }
  210.     for(ps=p, p1=find_mathvar_start(p); *p1; p1=find_mathvar_start(p2)) {
  211.       p2=find_mathvar_end(p1);
  212.       if(!isalpha(*p1)) continue;
  213.       if(strncmp(p1,"qzis",4)==0) {
  214.         char *p3, *p4, *p5;
  215.         /*int tt;*/
  216.         p4=find_word_start(p2);
  217.         if(*p4!='(') continue;
  218.         if(strncmp(p1+4,"not",3)==0) {/*tt=4;*/ p3=p1+7;}
  219.         else {/*tt=3; */p3=p1+4;}
  220.         if(!isalpha(*p3)) continue;
  221.         p4++; p5=find_matching(p4,')');
  222.         if(*p5!=')') continue;
  223.         *p5=0; *p2=0; p2=p5+1;
  226.         continue;
  227.       }
  228.       for(i=0;i<andorlangcnt;i++) if(strncmp(p1,andor[i],p2-p1)==0) break;
  229.       if(i<andorlangcnt) {
  230.         *p1=0; ps=find_word_start(ps); if(*ps) _put(ps);
  231.         output(" %s ",andorlang[i]); ps=p2;
  232.       }
  233.     }
  234.     ps=find_word_start(ps); if(*ps) _put(ps);
  235. }
  237. /* Intelligent insertion of math formulas */
  238. void insmath(char *p)
  239. {
  240.     char *pt;
  241.     if(!outputing) goto end;
  242.     pt=getvar("insmath_logic");
  243.     if(pt==NULL || strstr(pt,"yes")==NULL) {
  244.       __insmath(p);
  245.       end: *p=0; return;
  246.     }
  247.     _mathlogic(p,__insmath);
  248. }