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Rev 13232 | Rev 14134 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

  1. /*    Copyright (C) 1998-2003 XIAO, Gang of Universite de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
  2.  *
  3.  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  4.  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  5.  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  6.  *  (at your option) any later version.
  7.  *
  8.  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  9.  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  11.  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
  12.  *
  13.  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  14.  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  15.  *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  16.  */
  18. /* Routines treating user scores. */
  19. #include "wims.h"
  21. double oldfactor=0.85;     /* quality factor, should remain stable. */
  23. enum {sr_require, sr_weight, sr_score, sr_mean, sr_remain,
  24.   sr_last, sr_try, sr_best, sr_level, sr_new, sr_seedlast, sr_seedscorelast,
  25.   sr_seedscores, sr_seedlastcnt};
  26. char scorebuf[MAX_CLASSEXOS*sizeof(scoreresult)+32];
  27. struct scoreresult *rscore;
  28. int scorecnt;
  29. double scoresum[MAX_SHEETS];
  30. int sheetstart[MAX_SHEETS], shexocnt[MAX_SHEETS];
  31. int examstart, examcnt;
  32. char rscore_class[MAX_CLASSLEN+1];
  33. char rscore_user[MAX_NAMELEN+1];
  35. int totsheets=0;
  36. int score_ispublic=0;
  37. int score_status=-1;          /* save of score status */
  38. int score_statussheet=-1;
  39. int score_statusisexam=-1;
  40. double scorerecfactor=0.9;
  42. /* gather user score, core routine.
  43.   rscore data is created (table of structures).
  44.   according to the value of wims_sheet or wims_exo
  45. */
  46. int getscoreuser(char *classe, char *user)
  47. {
  48.   int i, j, osh, sh;
  49.   double s;
  50.   char *nowuser, *nowsheet, *nowexo, *nowscore;
  51.   char *pp;
  52.   if(user==NULL || *user==0) {
  53.     user=getvar("wims_user");
  54.     if(user==NULL || *user==0) return -1;
  55.   }
  56.   if(strcmp(classe,rscore_class)==0 && strcmp(user,rscore_user)==0) return 0;
  57.   nowsheet=nowexo=nowscore="";
  58.   nowuser=getvar("wims_user");
  59.   if(nowuser!=NULL && strcmp(user,nowuser)==0) {
  60.     nowscore=getvar("module_score");
  61.     if(nowscore!=NULL && *nowscore!=0) {
  62.       nowsheet=getvar("wims_sheet");
  63.       if(nowsheet==NULL) nowsheet="";
  64.       nowexo=getvar("wims_exo");
  65.       if(nowexo==NULL) nowexo="";
  66.     }
  67.     else nowscore="";
  68.   }
  69.   snprintf(scorebuf+sizeof(int),sizeof(scorebuf)-sizeof(int),
  70.        "-c%s -u%s getscore %s %s %s",
  71.        classe,user,nowsheet,nowexo,nowscore);
  72.   i=kerneld(scorebuf,sizeof(scorebuf));
  73.   if(i<0)  internal_error("getscoreuser(): daemon failure.");
  74.   if(memcmp(scorebuf+sizeof(int),"OK",2)!=0) {
  75.     if(memcmp(scorebuf+sizeof(int),"ERROR",5)==0) {
  76.       module_error(find_word_start(scorebuf+sizeof(int)+8));
  77.     }
  78.     else internal_error("getscoreuser(): communication error with wimslogd.");
  79.   }
  80. /* 3 is here the length of "OK " */
  81.   pp=scorebuf+sizeof(int)+3; rscore=(struct scoreresult *) pp;
  82.   scorecnt=(i-sizeof(int)-3)/sizeof(scoreresult);
  83.   if(scorecnt>MAX_CLASSEXOS) module_error("too_many_exercises");
  84.   s=0; for(i=osh=0;i<scorecnt;i++) {
  85.     sh=(rscore[i].num>>8)+1;
  86.     if(sh<1 || sh>MAX_SHEETS) break;
  87.     if(osh>0 && osh<sh) {scoresum[osh-1]=s; s=0;}
  88.     for(;osh<sh && osh<MAX_SHEETS;osh++) sheetstart[osh]=i;
  89.     s+=rscore[i].require*rscore[i].weight;
  90.   }
  91.   if(osh>0) scoresum[osh-1]=s;
  92.   totsheets=osh;
  93.   for(j=0;j<totsheets-1;j++) shexocnt[j]=sheetstart[j+1]-sheetstart[j];
  94.   shexocnt[totsheets-1]=i-sheetstart[totsheets-1];
  95.   examstart=i; examcnt=scorecnt-examstart;
  96.   mystrncpy(rscore_class,classe,sizeof(rscore_class));
  97.   mystrncpy(rscore_user,user,sizeof(rscore_user));
  98.   return 0;
  99. }
  100. /* work : exo */
  101. char *scorepname[]={
  102.   "class","user","sheet","work","exam"
  103. };
  104. #define scorepname_no (sizeof(scorepname)/sizeof(scorepname[0]))
  105. char score_class[MAX_CLASSLEN+1];
  106. int score_sheet,score_exo,score_isexam;
  107. char score_user[256];
  109. /* Uniformed treatment of score command parameters
  110.  * format: class=? user=? sheet=? work=?
  111.  * all are optional.
  112.  */
  113. void _scoreparm(char *p)
  114. {
  115.     int i;
  116.     char *pn, *pe, *pd, *pf;
  117.     char sav;
  119.     score_sheet=score_exo=score_isexam=score_ispublic=0; *score_class=0;
  120.     score_user[0]=0;
  121.     for(i=0;i<scorepname_no;i++) {
  122.      pf=p;
  123.      ahead:
  124.      pn=strstr(pf,scorepname[i]); pf=pn+1;
  125.      if(pn==NULL) continue;
  126.      if(pn>p && !isspace(*(pn-1))) goto ahead;
  127.      pe=find_word_start(pn+strlen(scorepname[i]));
  128.      if(*pe!='=') goto ahead;
  129.      pd=find_word_start(pe+1);
  130.      pf=find_word_end(pd);
  131.      if(pf<=pd) continue;
  132.      sav=*pf; *pf=0;
  133.      switch(i) {
  134.          case 0: /* class */
  135.            mystrncpy(score_class,pd,sizeof(score_class)); break;
  136.          case 1: /* user */
  137.            mystrncpy(score_user,pd,sizeof(score_user)); break;
  138.          case 2: { /* sheet */
  139.           if(*pd=='P') {pd++; score_ispublic=1;}
  140.           score_sheet=atoi(pd);
  141.           break;
  142.          }
  143.          case 3: /* work=exo */
  144.            score_exo=atoi(pd); break;
  145.          case 4: /* exam */
  146.            score_isexam=1; break;
  147.      }
  148.      *pf=sav; ovlstrcpy(pn, pf);
  149.     }
  150.     *p=0;
  151.   /* the commands are OK from a non trusted module if the user and the
  152.   class are not precised, so it can be only the user in his class */
  153.     if((*score_class!=0 || score_user[0]!=0) && !trusted_module()) {
  154.      module_error("not_trusted"); return;
  155.     }
  156.     if(*score_class==0) {
  157.      char *classe;
  158.      classe=getvar("wims_class");
  159.      if(classe==NULL || *classe==0) return;
  160.      else mystrncpy(score_class,classe,sizeof(score_class));
  161.     }
  162.     if(score_user[0]==0) {
  163.      char *user;
  164.      user=getvar("wims_user");
  165.      if(user!=NULL) mystrncpy(score_user,user,sizeof(score_user));
  166.     }
  167. }
  169. /* gather score: relatif to some of the
  170.  *  user class work sheet exam
  171.  *  dtype can be require weight score mean remain best last level try
  172.  */
  174. void _getscore(char *p,int dtype)
  175. {
  176.   int i,sh,ex,osh;
  177.   float d;
  178.   char dc[SEEDSIZE];
  179.   char ds[SEEDSCORES];
  180.   char *p1;
  182.   _scoreparm(p);
  183.   if(*score_class==0 || *score_user==0) return;
  184.   if(getscoreuser(score_class,score_user)<0) return;
  185. /*  2^8 no_sheet + no_exo_in_the_sheet so limit no_exo to 2^8 */
  186.   for(i=osh=0,p1=p;i<scorecnt && p1-p<MAX_LINELEN-32;i++) {
  187.     sh=(rscore[i].num>>8)+1; if(sh<1 || sh>MAX_SHEETS) break;
  188.     if(score_sheet!=0) {
  189.       if(sh<score_sheet) continue;
  190.       if(sh>score_sheet || sh>MAX_SHEETS) break;
  191.     }
  192.     ex=((rscore[i].num)&255)+1;
  193.     if(score_exo!=0 && ex!=score_exo) continue;
  194.     if(osh!=0 && sh!=osh) *p1++='\n';
  195.     switch(dtype) {
  196.       case sr_require: {d=rscore[i].require; break;}
  197.       case sr_weight: {d=rscore[i].weight; break;}
  198.       case sr_score: {d=rscore[i].score; break;}
  199.       case sr_mean: {d=rscore[i].mean; break;}
  200.       case sr_remain: {d=rscore[i].require-rscore[i].score; break;}
  201.       case sr_last: {d=rscore[i].last; break;}
  202.       case sr_try: {d=rscore[i].try; break;}
  203.       case sr_new: {d=rscore[i].new; break;}
  204.       case sr_best: {d=rscore[i].best; break;}
  205.       case sr_level: {d=rscore[i].level; break;}
  206.       case sr_seedscorelast: {d=rscore[i].seedscorelast; break;}
  207.       case sr_seedlastcnt: {d=rscore[i].seedlastcnt; break;}
  208.       case sr_seedlast: { mystrncpy(dc,rscore[i].seedlast,SEEDSIZE);
  209.         break;
  210.       }
  211.       case sr_seedscores: {
  212.         mystrncpy(ds,rscore[i].seedscores,SEEDSCORES); break;
  213.       }
  214.       default: {d=0; break;}
  215.     }
  216.     switch(dtype) {
  217.       case sr_seedlast:
  218.         { snprintf(p1,SEEDSIZE, "%s", dc); p1+=strlen(p1); break; }
  219.        case sr_seedscores:
  220.         { snprintf(p1,SEEDSCORES, "%s", ds); p1+=strlen(p1); break; }
  221.       default:
  222.         { p1=moneyprint(p1,d); }
  223.     }
  224.     *p1++=' ';
  225.     osh=sh;
  226.   }
  227.   *p1++='\n'; *p1=0;
  228. }
  230. /* gather user score. */
  231. void calc_getscore(char *p)
  232. {
  233.   _getscore(p,sr_score);
  234. }
  236. /* gather user score average. */
  237. void calc_getscoremean(char *p)
  238. {
  239.   _getscore(p,sr_mean);
  240. }
  242. /* gather remaining of score to get for user. */
  243. void calc_getscoreremain(char *p)
  244. {
  245.   _getscore(p,sr_remain);
  246. }
  248. /* Require score table. */
  249. void calc_getscorerequire(char *p)
  250. {
  251.   _getscore(p,sr_require);
  252. }
  254. /* Score weight table. */
  255. void calc_getscoreweight(char *p)
  256. {
  257.   _getscore(p,sr_weight);
  258. }
  259. /* user last score*/
  260. void calc_getscorelast(char *p)
  261. {
  262.   _getscore(p,sr_last);
  263. }
  264. /* gather user score try numbers with score activated. */
  265. void calc_getscoretry(char *p)
  266. {
  267.   _getscore(p,sr_try);
  268. }
  269. /* gather all user try numbers (terminated or not, but with notation activated)*/
  270. void calc_getscorealltries(char *p)
  271. {
  272.   _getscore(p,sr_new);
  273. }
  275. /* if the required points are 10* N, gather N user best scores */
  276. void calc_getscorebest(char *p)
  277. {
  278.   _getscore(p,sr_best);
  279. }
  281. /* gather user score average. */
  282. void calc_getscorelevel(char *p)
  283. {
  284.   _getscore(p,sr_level);
  285. }
  287. /* percentage of work done for each sheet:
  288.  * score mean best level
  289.  * as follows
  290.  * score=100*cumulative_points/required_points) (< 100)
  291.  * mean=quality (<10)
  292.  * best=10*(required/10 best_scores)/required_points (< 100)
  293.  * level=minimum of the required/10 best_scores (< 10)
  294.  */
  296.  void calc_getscorepercent(char *p)
  297. {
  298.   int i,j,jend;
  299.   double tot, mean, totb, totl, totw, d;
  300.   char *p1;
  302.   _scoreparm(p);
  303.   if(*score_class==0 || *score_user==0) return;
  304.   if(getscoreuser(score_class,score_user)<0) return;
  305.   for(p1=p,i=0;i<totsheets && p1-p<MAX_LINELEN-32;i++) {
  306.     if(scoresum[i]==0) {
  307.       ovlstrcpy(p1,"0 0 0 0\n"); p1+=strlen(p1); continue;
  308.     }
  309.     if(score_sheet!=0 && i!=score_sheet-1) continue;
  310.     if(scoresum[i]<=0) *p1++='\n';
  311.     tot=mean=totb=totl=totw=0; jend=sheetstart[i]+shexocnt[i];
  312.     for(j=sheetstart[i];j<jend;j++) {
  313.       /* if mean<1 then ignore score.
  314.       * if mean<2 then half score.
  315.       */
  316.       if(rscore[j].mean>=1) {
  317.         double dt=rscore[j].score;
  318.         float db=rscore[j].best;
  319.         float dl=rscore[j].level;
  320.         if(rscore[j].mean<2) {dt=dt/2; db=db/2; dl=dl/2;}
  321.         d=dt*rscore[j].weight;
  322.         /* quality */
  323.         mean+=rscore[j].mean*d;
  324.         /* cumulative score */
  325.         tot+=d;
  326.         /* best */
  327.         totb+=db*rscore[j].weight;
  328.         /* level */
  329.         totl+=dl*rscore[j].weight;
  330.         totw+=rscore[j].weight;
  331.       }
  332.     }
  333.     if(tot>0) {d=mean/tot;} else d=0;
  334.     /* cumulative score */
  335.     p1=moneyprint(p1,rint(100*tot/scoresum[i])); *p1++=' ';
  336.     /* quality */
  337.     p1=moneyprint(p1,d); *p1++=' ';
  338.     /* best */
  339.     p1=moneyprint(p1,rint(100*totb/scoresum[i])); *p1++=' ';
  340.     /* level */
  341.     p1=moneyprint(p1,rint(10*totl/totw));
  343.    *p1++='\n';
  344.   }
  345.   *p1=0;
  346. }
  347. /* [seed1,score1;seed2,score2;...] at most MAX_SCORESEED */
  348. void calc_getseedscores(char *p)
  349. {
  350.   _getscore(p,sr_seedscores);
  351. }
  352. /* last seed (0 if there is no seed)*/
  353. void calc_getseedlast(char *p)
  354. {
  355.   _getscore(p,sr_seedlast);
  356. }
  357. /* last score (-1 if does not exist) */
  358. void calc_getseedscorelast(char *p)
  359. {
  360.   _getscore(p,sr_seedscorelast);
  361. }
  363. /* number of occurences of the last seed */
  364. void calc_getseedlastcnt(char *p)
  365. {
  366.   _getscore(p,sr_seedlastcnt);
  367. }
  369. /* Returns the status of a sheet, or -1 if error */
  370. int getsheetstatus(char *classe, int sheet)
  371. {
  372.   char *p, *st, buf[MAX_LINELEN+1], namebuf[MAX_FNAME+1];
  373.   int i;
  375.   if(isexam || score_isexam) st="exam"; else st="sheet";
  376.   mkfname(namebuf,"%s/%s/%ss/.%ss",class_base,classe,st,st);
  377.   direct_datafile=1;datafile_fnd_record(namebuf,sheet,buf);direct_datafile=0;
  378.   p=find_word_start(buf); if(*p==0) return -1;
  379.   i=*p-'0'; if(i>5 || i<0) i=-1;
  380.   if((isexam || score_isexam) && i==0) {
  381.     p=getvar("wims_user"); if(p!=NULL && strcmp(p,"supervisor")==0) i=1;
  382.   }
  383.   return i;
  384. }
  386. /* return 1 if a word of bf2 is a substring of host
  387.   and if time restrictions are verified for wims_user
  388.  * Content of bf2 is destroyed.
  389.  */
  390. int _subword(char bf2[],char *ftbuf)
  391. {
  392.   char *p1, *p2;
  393.   for(p1=strchr(bf2,'\\'); p1!=NULL; p1=strchr(p1+1,'\\')) {
  394.     char buf[MAX_LINELEN+1], buf2[MAX_LINELEN+1], fbuf[MAX_FNAME+1];
  395.     char *classp, *classp2, *userp, *scp;
  396.     classp=getvar("wims_class"); userp=getvar("wims_user");
  397.     if(classp==NULL || userp==NULL || *classp==0 || *userp==0) break;
  398.     scp=getvar("wims_superclass");
  399.     if(scp!=NULL && *scp!=0) classp2=scp; else classp2=classp;
  400.     if(p1>bf2 && !isspace(*(p1-1))) continue;
  401.     if(!isalnum(*(p1+1))) continue;
  402.     p2=find_word_end(p1); if(p2>=p1+MAX_NAMELEN) continue;
  403.     memmove(buf2, p1+1, p2-p1-1); buf2[p2-p1-1]=0;
  404.     /* get value of technical variable */
  405.     snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"user_techvar_%s",buf2);
  406.     if(strcmp(userp,"supervisor")==0)
  407.       mkfname(fbuf,"%s/%s/supervisor",class_base,classp);
  408.     else
  409.       mkfname(fbuf,"%s/%s/.users/%s",class_base,classp2,userp);
  410.     getdef(fbuf,buf,buf2);
  411.     if(buf2[0]==0) ovlstrcpy(buf2,"EMPTY"); /* in case of no value defined for the user*/
  412.     /* get time restriction for this value */
  413.     snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"techvar_%s",buf2);
  414.     /* mkfname(fbuf,"%s/%s/.E%s",class_base,classp,sheet);
  415.      * read time restriction corresponding to the value of
  416.      * technical variable in the file of the sheet or exam
  417.     */
  418.     getdef(ftbuf,buf,buf2);
  419.     if(buf2[0]==0) ovlstrcpy(buf2,"none");
  420.     /*string_modify(bf2,p1,p2,buf2);*/
  421.     bf2=buf2;
  422.     p1+=strlen(buf2);
  423.   }
  424.   if((isexam || score_isexam) && bf2[0]=='#') return 1;
  425.   if(wordchr(bf2,"none")!=NULL) return 0;
  426.   if(wordchr(bf2,"all")!=NULL) return 1;
  427.   p1=find_word_start(bf2); if(*p1==0) return 1;
  428.   /* check host and time */
  429.   return checkhostt(p1);
  430. }
  432. /* Returns 1 if score registration is open for the user
  433.  * in variable wims_user, 0 otherwise.
  434.  */
  435. int _getscorestatus(char *classe, int sheet)
  436. {
  437.   char nbuf[MAX_LINELEN+1], gbuf[MAX_LINELEN+1];
  438.   char ftbuf[MAX_FNAME+1]="";
  439.   char *es;
  441.   if(classe==NULL || *classe==0 || sheet<=0) return 1;
  442.   if(getsheetstatus(classe,sheet)!=1) return 0;
  443.   if(*remote_addr==0) return 0;
  444.   if(isexam || score_isexam) {     /* exam simulation */
  445.     accessfile(nbuf,"r","%s/%s/.E%d",class_base,classe,sheet);
  446.     if(nbuf[0]=='#') return 1;
  447.   }
  448.   /* Global restriction data */
  449.   accessfile(nbuf,"r","%s/%s/.security",class_base,classe);
  450.   if(nbuf[0]) {
  451.     _getdef(nbuf,"allow",gbuf);
  452.     if(*find_word_start(gbuf)!=0 && _subword(gbuf,ftbuf)==0)
  453.       return 0;
  454.     _getdef(nbuf,"except",gbuf);
  455.     if(*find_word_start(gbuf)!=0 && _subword(gbuf,ftbuf)==1)
  456.       return 0;
  457.   }
  458.   /* Sheet restriction data; take in account the technical variables */
  459.   if(isexam || score_isexam) es="E"; else es="";
  460.   accessfile(nbuf,"r","%s/%s/.%s%d",class_base,classe,es,sheet);
  461.   if(*find_word_start(nbuf)==0) return 1;
  462.   /* preparing score restriction file name :*/
  463.   mkfname(ftbuf,"%s/%s/.%s%d",class_base,classe,es,sheet);
  464.   return _subword(nbuf,ftbuf);
  465. }
  467. /* Returns 1 if score registration is open for wims_user, 0 otherwise.*/
  468. int getscorestatus(char *classe, int sheet)
  469. {
  470.   if(score_status<0 || score_statussheet!=sheet
  471.      || score_statusisexam!=isexam) {
  472.     score_statussheet=sheet; score_statusisexam=isexam;
  473.     score_status=_getscorestatus(classe,sheet); score_isexam=0;
  474.     if(score_status==1 && (cmd_type==cmd_new || cmd_type==cmd_renew
  475.                || isexam)) {
  476.       char *p;
  477.       p=getvar("wims_scorereg");
  478.       if(p==NULL || strcmp(p,"suspend")!=0)
  479.          setvar("wims_scoring","pending");
  480.       else setvar("wims_scoring","");
  481.     }
  482.   }
  483.   if(isexam && score_status==0) {
  484.     char *p;
  485.     p=getvar("wims_user");
  486.     if(p==NULL || strcmp(p,"supervisor")!=0)
  487.       user_error("exam_closed");
  488.   }
  489.   return score_status;
  490. }
  492. /* Whether score registering is open */
  493. void calc_getscorestatus(char *p)
  494. {
  495.   _scoreparm(p);
  496.   if(*score_class==0 || score_sheet==0 || *score_user==0) {
  497.     *p=0; return;
  498.   }
  499.   if(getscorestatus(score_class, score_sheet))
  500.     ovlstrcpy(p,"yes");
  501.   else ovlstrcpy(p,"no");
  502. }
  504. /* whether there are too much tries for the exo return yes or no */
  505. void calc_getscoremaxexotry(char *p)
  506. {
  507.   _scoreparm(p);
  508.   if(*score_class==0 || *score_user==0 || score_sheet==0 || score_exo==0) return;
  509.   if(gettrycheck(score_class, score_user, score_sheet, score_exo)==1)
  510.     ovlstrcpy(p,"yes");
  511.   else ovlstrcpy(p,"no");
  512. }
  514. double exam_scoredata[MAX_EXOS];
  516. /* get current exam score */
  517. void exam_currscore(int esh)
  518. {
  519.   char *p, *bf, pb[MAX_FNAME+1];
  520.   char *s, *p1, *p2, *e1, *e2;
  521.   int i;
  522.   for(i=0;i<MAX_EXOS;i++) exam_scoredata[i]=-1000;
  523.   /* session_prefix is not yet defined here */
  524.   s=getvar("wims_session"); if(s==NULL || *s==0) return;
  525.   mystrncpy(pb,s,sizeof(pb));
  526.   p=strchr(pb,'_'); if(p!=NULL) *p=0;
  527.   bf=readfile(mkfname(NULL,"%s/%s/examscore.%d",session_dir,pb,esh),NULL,WORKFILE_LIMIT);
  528.   if(bf==NULL) return;
  529.   for(p1=bf;*p1;p1=p2) {
  530.     p2=strchr(p1,'\n'); if(*p2) *p2++=0;
  531.     else p2=p1+strlen(p1);
  532.     p1=find_word_start(find_word_end(find_word_start(p1)));
  533.     e1=find_word_end(p1); if(*e1) *e1++=0;
  534.     e1=find_word_start(e1); e2=find_word_start(find_word_end(e1));
  535.     *find_word_end(e1)=0;
  536.     i=atoi(p1);
  537.     if(i>=1 && i<=MAX_EXOS &&
  538.        exam_scoredata[i-1]==-1000 && strcmp(e1,"score")==0) {
  539.       *find_word_end(e2)=0;
  540.       exam_scoredata[i-1]=atof(e2);
  541.     }
  542.   }
  543.   free(bf);
  544. }
  546. /* Gather exam score. */
  547. void calc_examscore(char *p)
  548. {
  549.   char *p1;
  550.   int i;
  551.   char *withoutip;
  553.   _scoreparm(p); *p=0;
  554.   withoutip=getvar("wims_examscore_withoutip");
  556.   if(*score_class==0 || *score_user==0) return;
  557.   if(getscoreuser(score_class,score_user)<0) return;
  558.   p1=p;
  559.   if(withoutip!=NULL && strcmp(withoutip,"yes")==0) {
  560.     for(i=0; i<examcnt && p1-p<MAX_LINELEN-32; i++) {
  561.     p1=moneyprint(p1,rscore[examstart+i].best); *p1++=' ';
  562.     }
  563.   } else {
  564.     for(i=0; i<examcnt && p1-p<MAX_LINELEN-32; i++) {
  565.       p1=moneyprint(p1,rscore[examstart+i].score); *p1++=' ';
  566.     }
  567.   }
  568.   *p1++='\n';
  569.   for(i=0; i<examcnt && p1-p<MAX_LINELEN-32; i++) {
  570.     p1=moneyprint(p1,rscore[examstart+i].require); *p1++=' ';
  571.     p1=moneyprint(p1,floor(rscore[examstart+i].mean/2)); *p1++=' ';
  572.     p1=moneyprint(p1,(int) rscore[examstart+i].mean%2); *p1++='\n';
  573.   }
  574.   *p1=0;
  575. }
  577. /* check score dependency.
  578.  * returns 1 if requirements are met.
  579.  */
  580. int _depcheck(char *ds, struct scoreresult *rs, int ecnt)
  581. {
  582.   char *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4, *pp;
  583.   int perc, t, sum;
  584.   double tgot, ttot, tmean;
  586.   for(p1=ds; *p1; p1=p3) {
  587.     p2=strchr(p1,':'); if(p2==NULL) break;
  588.     *p2++=0; p2=find_word_start(p2);
  589.     for(p3=p2; myisdigit(*p3); p3++);
  590.     if(p3<=p2) break;
  591.     *p3++=0; perc=atoi(p2);
  592.     if(perc<=0 || perc>100) break;
  593.     for(pp=p1; *pp; pp++) if(!myisdigit(*pp)) *pp=' ';
  594.     tgot=ttot=tmean=0; sum=0;
  595.     for(pp=find_word_start(p1); *pp; pp=find_word_start(p4)) {
  596.       p4=find_word_end(pp); if(*p4) *p4++=0;
  597.       t=atoi(pp); if(t<=0 || t>ecnt) goto lend;
  598.       t--;
  599.       ttot+=rs[t].require; tgot+=rs[t].score; tmean+=rs[t].mean;
  600.       sum++;
  601.     }
  602.     if(ttot<10) continue;
  603.     if(tgot/ttot*sqrt(tmean/(sum*10))*100<perc) {
  604.       for(pp=p1;pp<p2-1;pp++) if(!*pp) *pp=',';
  605.       *pp=0; setvar("dep_list",p1);
  606.       return 0;
  607.     }
  608.   lend: ;
  609.   }
  610.   return 1;
  611. }
  613. int depcheck(char *sh, int exo, char *deps)
  614. {
  615.   char buf[MAX_LINELEN+1];
  616.   char *s, sbuf[64];
  617.   int i, is;
  619.   s=getvar("wims_session");
  620.   if(s==NULL || *s==0 || strstr(s,"robot")!=NULL) return 0;
  621.   mystrncpy(sbuf,s,sizeof(sbuf));
  622.   s=strchr(sbuf,'_'); if(s) *s=0;
  623.   accessfile(buf,"r","../sessions/%s/exodep.%s",sbuf,sh);
  624.   if(buf[0]==0) {     /* no dep file found */
  625.     is=atoi(sh); if(is<=0 || is>totsheets) return 0;
  626.     s=getvar("wims_class"); if(s==NULL || *s==0) return 0;
  627.     getscoreuser(s,"");
  628.     return _depcheck(deps,rscore+sheetstart[is-1],shexocnt[is-1]);
  629.   }
  630.   for(i=1,s=strchr(buf,':'); s && i<exo; i++, s=strchr(s+1,':'));
  631.   if(s==NULL) return 0;     /* bad file or exo number */
  632.   if(myisdigit(*++s)) return 0; else return 1;
  633. }
  635. int exam_depcheck(char *deps, int exam)
  636. {
  637.   static struct scoreresult esc[MAX_EXOS];
  638.   int i;
  639.   exam_currscore(exam);
  640.   for(i=0;i<MAX_EXOS;i++) {
  641.     esc[i].require=esc[i].mean=10;
  642.     if(exam_scoredata[i]==-1000) esc[i].score=0;
  643.     else esc[i].score=exam_scoredata[i];
  644.   }
  645.   return _depcheck(deps,esc,MAX_EXOS);
  646. }
  648. /* public sheet gives she=0 */
  649. /* return 1 if score is no more taken in account because of exotrymax */
  650. int gettrycheck(char *classe, char *user, int she, int exo) {
  651.   char *s;
  652.   int sh, ex, i;
  653.   if(classe==NULL || *classe==0 || user==NULL || *user==0) return 0;
  654.   if (she<=0) return 0;
  655.     if(strcmp(user,"supervisor")==0) return 0;
  656.   s=getvar("exotrymax");
  657.   if(s==NULL || *s==0) return 0;
  658.   getscoreuser(classe,user);
  659.   char *p=getvar("wims_scorereg");
  660.   for(i=0;i<scorecnt;i++) {
  661.     sh=(rscore[i].num>>8)+1;
  662.     if (she!=sh) continue;
  663.     ex=((rscore[i].num)&255)+1;
  664.     if(exo!=ex) continue;
  665.     if(cmd_type==cmd_new || cmd_type==cmd_renew)
  666.       if(rscore[i].new >= atoi(s)) {
  667.         if(strcmp(p,"suspend")!=0) setvar("wims_scorereg","exotrymax");
  668.         return 1;
  669.     }
  670.     if(rscore[i].new > atoi(s)){
  671.       if(strcmp(p,"suspend")!=0) setvar("wims_scorereg","exotrymax");
  672.       return 1;
  673.     }
  674.   }
  675.   return 0;
  676. }
  678. /* return seed if the seed should be kept and NULL if not */
  679. char *getseedscore(char *classe, char *user, int she, int exo) {
  680.   char *s;
  681.   int sh, ex, i;
  682.   if (she<=0) return NULL;
  683.   if(strcmp(user,"supervisor")==0) return NULL;
  684.   s=getvar("seedrepeat");
  685.   if(s==NULL || *s==0 || atoi(s)<=0) return NULL;
  686.   getscoreuser(classe,user);
  687.   for(i=0;i<scorecnt;i++) {
  688.     sh=(rscore[i].num>>8)+1;
  689.     if (she!=sh) continue;
  690.     ex=((rscore[i].num)&255)+1;
  691.     if(exo!=ex) continue;
  692.     if(atoi(rscore[i].seedlast)==0) {
  693.       char *seed=getvar("wims_seed");
  694.       return seed;
  695.     }
  696.     if(rscore[i].seedlastcnt > MAX_SEEDSCORE) return NULL;
  697.     if(atoi(s)>0 && rscore[i].seedlastcnt >= atoi(s) && cmd_type!=cmd_next) return NULL;
  698.     if(rscore[i].seedscorelast < 10) return rscore[i].seedlast;
  699.   };
  700.   return NULL;
  701. }