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# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
== simple assignement ==
 bar=just a test
 foo=another test
bar == just a test
foo == another test
== !append word ==
 # test of the command !append 
 foo=!append word World to $foo
foo == Hello World
== !append item ==
 # test of the command !append 
 foo=Hello Roméo
 foo=!append item Juliette to $foo
foo == Hello Roméo,Juliette
== !append line ==
 !for i=1 to 5
   foo=!append line Here is the line $i to $foo
 !next i
foo == Here is the line 1
Here is the line 2
Here is the line 3
Here is the line 4
Here is the line 5
== !char ==
 phrase=Bonjour François
 foo=!char 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 of $phrase
foo == BnorFaçi
== !charcnt ==
 foo=!charcnt BONJOUR
foo == 7
== !column ==
 foo=!column 1,3 of $matrix
foo == a1, a3;b1, b3;c1, c3
== !deaccent ==
foo=!deaccent àâä-éèêë-îï-öô-ùûü-ç-ÀÂÄ-ÈÉÊË-ÎÏ-ÔÖ-ÙÛÜ-Ç
foo == aaa-eeee-ii-oo-uuu-c-AAA-EEEE-II-OO-UUU-C
== !declosing ==
 foo=!declosing (1+2+3+4)
foo == 1+2+3+4
== !defof ==
 # no test since it implies an external file. Maybe something should be
 # implemented to support extra files.
== !detag ==
 foo=!detag <a_strange_html_tag>Hello</another_strange_html_tag>
foo == Hello
== !embraced ==
 foo=!embraced extract {à{b}}c
 bar=!embraced extract $foo 
foo == à{b}
bar == b
== !eval ==
 foo=!eval 2*pi
foo == 6.2831853
== !evalsubst ==
 # this primitive is very basic, so it features some bugs, see below.
 foo=!evalsubst x=(-1) in $f
 bar=!evalsubst x=-1 in $f
foo == 1
bar == -1
== !getopt ==
 phrase=hello=bonjour in French
 foo=!getopt hello in $phrase
 bar=!getopt bonjour in $phrase
 baz=!getopt hallo in $phrase
 phrase=hello="Guten Tag" in German
 plop=!getopt hello in $phrase
foo == bonjour
bar == bonjour
baz == 
plop == Guten Tag
== !hex ==
 foo=!hex Eh bien, çà donc !
foo == 4568206269656E2C20E7E020646F6E632021
== !htmlmath ==
 foo=!htmlmath 2E5
foo == 2 &times; 10<sup>5</sup>
== !item ==
 liste=un,verre,ça,va,trois,verres,bonjour,les dégâts
 foo=!item -5..-1 of $liste
foo == va, trois, verres, bonjour, les dégâts
== !itemcnt ==
 liste=un,verre,ça,va,trois,verres,bonjour,les dégâts
 foo=!itemcnt $liste
foo == 8
== !items2lines ==
 liste=un,verre,ça,va,trois,verres,bonjour,les dégâts
 foo=!items2lines $liste
foo == un
les dégâts
== !items2words ==
 liste=un,verre,ça,va,trois,verres,bonjour,les dégâts
 foo=!items2words $liste
foo == un verre ça va trois verres bonjour les dégâts
== !line ==
 phrase=Maître corbeau, sur son arbre perché,\
 Tenait en son bec un fromage.\
 Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,\
 Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
 foo=!line 2..-1 of $phrase
foo == Tenait en son bec un fromage.
Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,
Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
== !linecnt ==
 phrase=Maître corbeau, sur son arbre perché,\
 Tenait en son bec un fromage.\
 Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,\
 Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
 foo=!linecnt $phrase
foo == 4
== !line2items ==
 phrase=Maître corbeau, sur son arbre perché,\
 Tenait en son bec un fromage.\
 Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,\
 Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
 foo=!lines2items $phrase
foo == Maître corbeau, sur son arbre perché,,Tenait en son bec un fromage.,Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,,Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
== !lines2words ==
 phrase=Maître corbeau, sur son arbre perché,\
 Tenait en son bec un fromage.\
 Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,\
 Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
 foo=!lines2words $phrase
foo == Maître corbeau, sur son arbre perché, Tenait en son bec un fromage. Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché, Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
== !listcomplement ==
 foo=!listcomplement $l1 in $l2
 bar=!listcomplement $l2 in $l1
foo == b,g,i,j
bar == c,f,h
== !listintersect ==
 foo=!listintersect $l1 and $l2
foo == a,d,e
== !listunion ==
 foo=!listunion $l1 and $l2
 bar=!listunion $l2 and $l1
foo == a,c,d,e,f,h,b,g,i,j
bar == a,b,d,e,g,i,j,c,f,h
== !lituniq ==
 foo=!listuniq a,a,b,b,a,c,d,c
foo == a,b,c,d
== !lookup ==
 # no test since it implies an external file. Maybe something should be
 # implemented to support extra files.
== !lower ==
# cannot lower accented chars ... is it a feature?
foo == bonjour ÀÂÄ-ÈÉÊË-ÎÏ-ÔÖ-ÙÛÜ-Ç
== !makelist ==
# this example comes from the technical documentation of Wims
 foo=!makelist [x;x+1;xx] for x in a,x and y,1,(2,3)
foo == [a;a+1;xx],[x and y;x and y+1;xx],[1;1+1;xx],[(2,3);(2,3)+1;xx]
== !mathsubst ==
 foo=!mathsubst x=y in [a;a+1;xx],[x and y;x and y+1;xx],[1;1+1;xx],[(2,3);(2,3)+1;xx]
foo == [a;a+1;xx],[y and y;y and y+1;xx],[1;1+1;xx],[(2,3);(2,3)+1;xx]
== !nonempty ==
 phrase1=Ligne 1,\
 Ligne 3,\
 Ligne 4
 foo=!nonempty line $phrase1
 bar=!nonempty item $phrase2
foo == Ligne 1,
Ligne 3,
Ligne 4
bar == a,c,d,f,g
== !nospace ==
 phrase=Maître corbeau, sur son arbre perché,\
 Tenait en son bec un fromage.\
 Maître                Renard, par l'odeur alléché,\
 Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
 foo=!nospace $phrase
foo == Maîtrecorbeau,sursonarbreperché,Tenaitensonbecunfromage.MaîtreRenard,parl'odeuralléché,Luitintàpeuprèscelangage:
== !positionof ==
 phrase=Maître corbeau, sur son arbre perché,\
 Tenait en son bec un fromage.\
 Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,\
 Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
 l=Tenait en son bec un fromage.
 foo=!positionof char î in $phrase
 bar=!positionof word Maître in $phrase
 baz=!positionof line $l in $phrase
 plop=!positionof item â in $liste
foo == 3,71
bar == 1,13
baz == 2
plop == 3
== !product ==
 foo=!product $f for x=1 to 5 step 2
 bar=!product $f for x=1 in 1,3,5
foo == 225
bar == 225
== !randchar ==
# cannot implement a test without replacing the generator of pseudo-random
# numbers by a predictable generator
== !randitem ==
# cannot implement a test without replacing the generator of pseudo-random
# numbers by a predictable generator
== !randline ==
# cannot implement a test without replacing the generator of pseudo-random
# numbers by a predictable generator
== !randword ==
# cannot implement a test without replacing the generator of pseudo-random
# numbers by a predictable generator
== !rawmath ==
 foo=!rawmath (x+1)(x-1)
 bar=!rawmath 5x^3
foo == (x+1)*(x-1)
bar == 5*x^3
== !rawmatrix ==
 foo=!rawmatrix cos(2 theta), sin(2theta); -sin(2theta), cos(2theta)
foo == cos(2*theta), sin(2*theta)
-sin(2*theta), cos(2*theta)
== !reaccent ==
foo=!reaccent a`a^a"-e'e`e^e"-i^i"-o"o^-u`u^u"-c~-A`A^A"-E'E`E^E"-I^I"-O"O^-U`U^U"-C~
foo == àâä-éèêë-îï-öô-ùûü-ç-ÀÂÄ-ÉÈÊË-ÎÏ-ÖÔ-ÙÛÜ-Ç
== !recursion ==
 foo=!recursion $f for x=1 to 5
 bar=!recursion $f for x in 1,2,3,4,5
foo == 120
bar == 120
== !reinput ==
 foo=!reinput a&nbsp;b<b>c</b>
foo == a&amp;nbsp;b&lt;b>c&lt;/b>
== !rename ==
# this primitive cannot be tested without runnin wims in a CGI context
# we shouldfind some other way to test it
== !replace ==
 foo=!replace André by Benoît in Andrée Ziegler
 bar=!replace internal \" by « in \"bonjour\"
 baz=!replace item number 2 by Monsieur in Bonjour, Madame, Éon
foo == Benoîte Ziegler
bar == «bonjour«
baz == Bonjour,Monsieur, Éon
== !select ==
 matrix=pair,2; impair,3; pair,4; impair, 5; pair, 6; impair, 7
 foo=!select $matrix where column 1 = pair
foo == pair,2; pair,4; pair, 6
== !shuffle ==
# cannot implement a test without replacing the generator of pseudo-random
# numbers by a predictable generator
== !singlespace ==
 phrase=Maître corbeau,                sur son arbre perché,\
 Tenait         en son bec un fromage.\
 Maître Renard, par    l'odeur alléché,\
 Lui tint à peu                près ce langage :
 foo=!singlespace $phrase
foo == Maître corbeau, sur son arbre perché, Tenait en son bec un fromage. Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché, Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
== !solve ==
 foo=!solve sin(x)=0.5 for x=0 to 10
foo == 0.52359878,2.6179939,6.8067841,8.9011792
== !sort ==
 foo=!sort list $liste
foo == 1,2,3,4,5,6
== !sum ==
 foo=!sum $f for x=1 to 5
foo == 55
== !texmath ==
 foo=!texmath [ 4,5;6,7]
 # for some reason thiscommand prepends a space to the result; is it a feature?
foo ==  \begin{pmatrix}4 &5\cr 6 &7 \end{pmatrix}
== !text common ==
 foo1=!text common élève and éleva
foo1 == élv
== !text common mask ==
 foo2=!text common élève and éleva mask 01111
foo2 == lv
== !text compare ==
 foo3=!text compare élève and éleva
foo3 == 00101
== !text copy ==
 foo4=!text copy élève mask 00101
foo4 == èe
== !text count ==
 foo5=!text count e,v in élève mask 01101
foo5 == 1
== !text diff ==
 foo6=!text diff élève from éleva mask 11110
foo6 == è
== !text expand ==
 foo7=!text expand èe using 00101
foo7 ==   è e
== !text insert ==
 foo8=!text insert èe into éleva mask 00101
foo8 == élève
== !text interact ==
 foo9=!text interact 3 and 3 table $itab
foo9 == 1
== !text mark ==
 foo10=!text mark èe in élève
foo10 == 00101
== !text max ==
 foo11=!text max 1246 and 6421
foo11 == 6446
== !text min ==
 foo12=!text min 1246 and 6421
foo12 == 1221
== !text occur ==
 foo13=!text occur abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz in élevage
foo13 == aeglv
== !text remove ==
 foo14=!text remove aeglv in élevage
foo14 == é
== !text reorder ==
 foo15=!text reorder élevage by 3,1,2
foo15 == eélgvae
== !text repeat ==
 foo16=!text repeat -oOo- to 25
foo16 == -oOo--oOo--oOo--oOo--oOo-
== !text reverse ==
 foo17=!text reverse tnavrené
foo17 == énervant
== !text select ==
 foo18=!text select elv in élevage
foo18 == leve
== !translate ==
 foo=!translate x to y in x^2-2*x+1
 bar=!translate internal " to ' in "bonjour", comment "ça va ?"
foo == y^2-2*y+1
bar == 'bonjour', comment 'ça va ?'
== !trim ==
# this primitive cannot be tested with the current version od the test program,
# since theprogram trims each line of data before its evaluation by Wims.
== !upper ==
# cannot upper accented chars ... is it a feature?
 foo=!upper bonjour àâä-éèêë-îï-öô-ùûü
foo == BONJOUR àâä-éèêë-îï-öô-ùûü
== !values ==
 foo=!values $f for x=1 to 5
foo == 1,4,9,16,25
== !values with recursion ==
 foo=!values $f for x=1 to 5
foo == 1,2,6,24,120
== !varlist ==
 foo=!varlist nofn $f
foo == x,y
== !word ==
 foo=!word 2..4 of un deux trois quatre cinq six
foo == deux trois quatre
== !wordcnt ==
 foo=!wordcnt un deux trois quatre cinq six
foo == 6